Small Wars Journal

Army Looking for Experienced Soldiers Who Want to Help Train Foreign Forces

Sat, 04/22/2017 - 10:59pm

Army Looking for Experienced Soldiers Who Want to Help Train Foreign Forces by Meghann Myers, Army Times

Though the Army withdrew combat troops from Iraq and Afghanistan years ago, deployments to those countries have continued, with brigades heading over to support local forces.

But a brigade combat team is about 3,600 people, and the Army has been sending 1,500 at a time to do these missions, sidetracking the BCTs from their combat fundamentals. The fix?

The security force assistance brigade, a 529-man team of officers and senior noncommissioned officers, tasked specifically to train allied forces to help them maintain their own peace.

"By creating the structure and manning the structure of an SFAB, you will keep the brigade combat team in its entirety for a mission and have the SFAB available to do what we have brigades doing now," Human Resources Command boss Maj. Gen. Thomas Seamands told Army Times in a Tuesday phone interview.

Since unveiling the plan in February, the Army has been hand-selecting experienced soldiers to attend the newly stood-up, six-week Military Training Adviser Academy, which will get them ready to deploy around the world…

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