Small Wars Journal

Afghan Government Postpones Prisoner Release, Endangering Deal

Sat, 03/14/2020 - 4:50pm

Afghan Government Postpones Prisoner Release, Endangering Deal – Associated Press

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - The Afghan government Saturday postponed the release of 1,500 Taliban prisoners, an Afghan official said, a decision that could sabotage a peace deal signed last month between the Taliban and the United States.

Jawed Faisal, spokesman for the Afghan National Security Adviser's office, said the releases were being delayed because more time was needed to review the list of prisoners. The move came despite President Ashraf Ghani's decree earlier this week promising the start of the releases Saturday as a goodwill gesture to get intra-Afghan negotiations started.

The U.S.-Taliban deal was touted at the time as the best chance at ending Afghanistan's wars and bringing U.S. troops home after nearly 19 years.

There was no immediate response from the Taliban to the delayed prisoner release.

Faisal said Ghani's government wanted more time to review the list of prisoners. The U.S.-Taliban deal called for the release of up to 5,000 Taliban as well as 1,000 Afghan government captives ahead of intra-Afghan negotiations, considered a critical next step to reaching a lasting peace in Afghanistan…

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U.N. Reports Extreme Deprivation as Syrian War Enters 10th Year

Sat, 03/14/2020 - 3:52pm

U.N. Reports Extreme Deprivation as Syrian War Enters 10th Year

Lisa Schlein - Voice of America

GENEVA - As Syria’s war enters its 10th year, the United Nations reports that alarming conditions of extreme deprivation and danger continue to engulf millions of people in the country.

Most at imminent risk of their lives are the 960,000 people displaced in Syria’s northwest Idlib province, where Russian-backed Syrian forces are fighting to regain control of this last rebel-controlled region in Syria.  

This huge displaced population, most of whom are women and children, is squeezed into an overcrowded area near the Turkish border. The United Nations reports about one-third are staying in camps and tents.  Many are living with host families. Hundreds of thousands of others are in unfinished buildings, collective centers or sheltering under trees, with little cover to protect them from the elements.

Spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Jens Laerke briefed reporters Friday. He said there has been a de-escalation of fighting in Idlib since Turkey and Russia agreed to a cease-fire a week ago.  However, he notes the dangers have not gone away.

"Instances of shelling continue to be reported from areas along the front lines and the risk of death and injury from explosive hazards, such as unexploded ordnance, has increased over the past months due to artillery and aerial bombardments.  Humanitarian needs are acute and people’s survival and wellbeing, including children’s mental health, is at risk,” he said.

Laerke said there is very little protection inside Idlib, and displaced women and girls are particularly vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.  He said many feel exposed and unsafe.

"Aid workers are reporting incidents of exploitation and abuse of displaced women and girls by men in positions of power such as property owners, in exchange for cash or material assistance. We also have reports of women not being able to shower for several weeks due to lack of privacy, and refusing to eat or drink so they do not need to use a bathroom,”  Laerke said.

The U.N. is scaling up its humanitarian assistance in response to this situation.  So far this month, Laerke said the U.N. has sent 512 trucks across the border from Turkey into Idlib laden with food, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene assistance.