Small Wars Journal

U.S. Weighs Troop Cuts in Africa, Leaving Allies to Confront Growing Militant Threat

Sun, 03/15/2020 - 6:52pm

U.S. Weighs Troop Cuts in Africa, Leaving Allies to Confront Growing Militant Threat by Michael M. Phillips - Wall Street Journal

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania—At the closing ceremony of U.S.-led military exercises in this expansive Saharan nation, American diplomat R. Clarke Cooper stepped to the podium and assured African military commanders that Washington stands ready to help them in their time of need.

“The U.S. has an unwavering and longstanding commitment to Africa,” Mr. Cooper, the State Department’s assistant secretary for political-military affairs, said late last month.

In fact, U.S. allies are increasingly worried that America’s commitment may be wavering when wide swaths of Africa face a surging threat from militants affiliated with al Qaeda and Islamic State.

U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper is conducting a world-wide review of troop commitments, in keeping with the Trump administration’s strategic tilt away from dispersed actions against terror groups and toward great-power competition with China and Russia.

Africa is the first region on Mr. Esper’s list, and military officers and lawmakers expect him to order fresh troop reductions on the continent, on top of the 17% cut in personnel over the past two years. The Pentagon hasn’t said when he will announce his decision.

The Pentagon has already sliced some 1,200 personnel from its rolls in Africa since deployments there hit a peak in 2018. It now has 6,000 troops and civilians concentrated in Niger in the west and in Somalia and Djibouti in the east. Instead of combat power, the U.S. offers specialized support for those doing the fighting…

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Afghan Government Postpones Plan To Release Taliban Prisoners

Sun, 03/15/2020 - 6:44pm

Afghan Government Postpones Plan To Release Taliban Prisoners

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Afghan authorities say they have delayed the release of 1,500 Taliban prisoners, throwing a precarious peace process into deeper crisis.

Jawed Faisal, a spokesman for the Afghan National-Security Adviser's office, said on March 14 that the government needed more time to review the list of the prisoners.

"We have received the lists of the prisoners to be released. We are checking and verifying the lists, this will take time," Faisal said. He also said the authorities “want guarantees that they will not return to fighting.”

There was no immediate response from the militant group to the delayed prisoner release.

The announcement came despite President Ashraf Ghani’s decree on March 11 promising the start of the releases on March 14 as a “goodwill gesture” to get intra-Afghan talks started.

The Taliban promised to begin talks with the Afghan government as part of a deal reached with the United States last month.

The U.S.-Taliban deal called for the release of up to 5,000 Taliban as well as 1,000 Afghan government captives ahead of intra-Afghan talks.

Ghani's decree promised the release of 100 prisoners a day beginning on March 14 until 1,500 prisoners were released. The government would then free the remaining 3,500 after intra-Afghan talks began and the militants reduced violence.

The Taliban said the group was committed to the U.S.-Taliban deal, but would not start negotiations with the Afghan government until 5,000 Taliban prisoners were freed.

3 U.S. Service Members Wounded in Iraq Attack

Sun, 03/15/2020 - 6:20pm

3 U.S. Service Members Wounded in Iraq Attack

Jim Garamone – DoD News

Three U.S. service members were injured in a Katuyusha rocket attack on U.S., coalition and Iraqi forces at Camp Taji, Iraq, March 13, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Rath Hoffman said in a briefing.

Two service members were seriously injured and are being treated at the U.S. military hospital at Baghdad International Airport, he said. Iraqi forces were also wounded in the attack, Hoffman noted.

Iraqi forces have made an initial arrest, he said, and U.S. officials are investigating the attack with them.

The attack follows a March 11 rocket attack that killed three — two Americans and a British medic — and wounded 14 more. U.S. Central Command officials said that attack was launched by Iranian-backed militia Kataeb Hezbollah.

''In response to this attack on an Iraqi base that hosts coalition forces supporting the Iraqi fight against ISIS, we carried out precision defensive strikes to degrade and destroy advanced conventional weapons that have been provided to Kataeb Hezbollah by their Iranian backers,'' Centcom Commander Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie said during a Pentagon briefing Friday.

Camp Taji is about 20 miles north of Baghdad proper and is the main training base for Iraqi security forces. ''You cannot attack and wound American service members and get away with it, we will hold them to account,'' Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper said during a briefing last week.

The Katyusha rocket was developed by Soviet forces during World War II. It is generally a truck-mounted, highly mobile rocket artillery system.

Presidential Rift, Coronavirus Eclipse Afghan Peace Deal

Sun, 03/15/2020 - 5:27pm

Presidential Rift, Coronavirus Eclipse Afghan Peace Deal

Ayaz Gul – Voice of America

A lingering dispute over Afghanistan’s presidential election and an outbreak of coronavirus in the country appear to have complicated further an already troubled effort the United States is making to help find a negotiated end to nearly 19 years of war.

Afghan officials found five new cases of coronavirus Sunday, increasing the national tally of confirmed cases to at least 16.  There are fears the number is likely to grow in the wake of increased number of Afghan pilgrims and refugees returning from neighboring Iran, one of the worst-hit by the global pandemic. 

After having negotiated and signed a landmark peace-building deal with the Taliban in Qatar two weeks ago, U.S. chief negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad flew to Kabul to help in arranging an inclusive Afghan team to engage in negotiations with the insurgent group to move the process forward. 

Instead, Khalilzad has since been mostly busy mediating the political dispute between incumbent Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah, as both claim to have won the September 28th presidential election and held competing inaugurations last Monday. 

The U.S. envoy has repeatedly met with both the presidential claimants but there appears to be no progress toward ending the political impasse.  

NATO senior civilian representative to the country Nick Kay in a video message released via Twitter on Saturday called on Afghan leaders to urgently find a compromise and solve their political differences.

“As the coronavirus sweeps the world causing public health crisis and potential economic crisis…it is strange that the political leadership cannot find a way to resolve their differences and unite the country both in the interests of public health but also peace,” Kay said.

Violence Continues 

Meanwhile, Afghan and Taliban officials have accused each other of launching fresh battlefield attacks in parts of the country, which adds to problems facing the implementation of the U.S.-Taliban agreement. 

Officials in southern Kandahar province told VOA that a suspected Taliban infiltrator killed at least seven Afghan security forces early Sunday, the latest in a series of insider attacks that have killed thousands of government security personnel over the years. 

The Taliban claims its loyalists, who have infiltrated Afghan forces, carry out these attacks before returning to insurgent ranks. 

Rift Over Prisoner Swap Delays Talks

The landmark deal was supposed to lead to further reduction in violence to pave the way for the opening of intra-Afghan peace negotiations on March 10. But disagreements over a prisoner swap between the Afghan government and the Taliban have delayed the much-sought peace dialogue.  

Kabul was supposed to release up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for 1,000 detainees, mostly Afghan security forces, in insurgent custody, ahead of the negotiations under the U.S.-Taliban pact. 

But Ghani last week allowed for a conditional release of 1,500 prisoners starting this past Saturday, saying the remaining inmates would be freed in batches, subject to a reduction in Taliban violence and opening of intra-Afghan talks. 

The Taliban swiftly rejected the plan and demanded immediate unconditional release of all the prisoners. 

“It is clearly stated in the text of the [ U.S.-Taliban] agreement that all of our 5,000 prisoners would be freed unconditionally and before the commencement of intra-Afghan peace negotiations Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told VOA.   

On Sunday, an Afghan presidential aide Waheed Omar reiterated while talking to reporters in Kabul the government would not release all 5,000 insurgent prisoners at once and without guarantees freed inmates would not return to the battlefield.

“We are still in the process of examining the lists of Taliban inmates, identifying them and looking into the nature of their crimes. We have a legal system in place and we cannot simply close our eyes and free Taliban prisoners,” Omar noted. 

The presidential aide stressed insurgent prisoners would be freed gradually and subject to progress in talks with the Taliban. Omar declined to speculate on how long the process would take, strengthening widespread concerns intra-Afghan talks are unlikely to begin any time soon.

US Troop Drawdown Underway 

For its part of the deal signed with the Taliban, Washington begun on Monday a “conditions-based” drawdown of U.S. forces from the country. The Trump administration has agreed to withdraw all American and allied forces within 14 months. In return, Taliban leaders have pledged not to harbor on Afghan soil terrorist groups that seek to target the United States. 

The insurgent group is also bound to seek a political reconciliation with Afghan stakeholders, including all political groups and civil society, on ending decades of hostilities and how to share power in post-war Afghanistan. 

Coronavirus Challenges Peace Deal

Professor Barnett Rubin, a former State Department official, noted in a series of tweets that the prevalence of the coronavirus in Afghanistan is unknown, given the weakness of healthcare and lack of testing. 

He noted that the emerging threat to public health greatly complicates efforts to overcome the already significant obstacles to the implementation of the Afghan peace. 

“There are compelling public health arguments to end hostilities. To prevent spread of the pandemic, all forces should observe a ceasefire in place and confine themselves to quarters or even disband and return home, since concentrations of forces pose risks of contagion,” Rubin stressed. 

Kabul has blamed nationals returning from Iran for importing the virus from the neighboring country, where the pandemic disease has killed more than 600 people and infected thousands of others. The Afghan government has closed all educational institutions across the country, banned gathering at public places and sporting events to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. 

The Afghan refugee minister informed the parliament Sunday that the virus has killed at least 10 Afghan refugees in Iran and reportedly infected many more. 

Critics fear an ill-equipped and deteriorating public healthcare system in war-ravaged Afghanistan is not capable of dealing the emerging threat to public health.