Small Wars Journal

Iran's Proxies Accelerate Soleimani's Campaign to Compel U.S. Withdrawal

Thu, 04/02/2020 - 10:47am

Iran's Proxies Accelerate Soleimani's Campaign to Compel U.S. Withdrawal by Katherine Lawlor and Brandon Wallace - Institute for the Study of War

Key Takeaway: Iran continues to escalate proxy attacks against the U.S. in Iraq, demonstrating that it remains undeterred despite the January 3 strike that killed IRGC - Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and key Iraqi proxy leader Abu Mehdi al-Muhandis and subsequent U.S. strikes. Iran’s proxy network in Iraq is advancing its campaign to compel an American withdrawal by increasing the operational tempo of its attacks on U.S. and allied personnel. Iran’s proxies are responsible for at least 15 attacks on American and U.S.-led Coalition personnel since January 3. A new militia group, Usbat al-Thairen, claimed several recent attacks, indicating that the proxy network may be reorganizing in observance of the shared vision of Soleimani and Muhandis and that Iran may have reached a new phase in its campaign to expel U.S. forces form Iraq…

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Daniel Pearl: Pakistan Overturns Convicted Man's Death Sentence

Thu, 04/02/2020 - 10:22am

Daniel Pearl: Pakistan Overturns Convicted Man's Death Sentence – BBC News

Pakistan has overturned the death sentence of the man convicted of killing US journalist Daniel Pearl, defence lawyers have told reporters.

British-born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, imprisoned since 2002, has had his sentence reduced to seven years for kidnapping, said lawyer Khawaja Naveed.

Three other men given life sentences over the killing have been acquitted by the Sindh High Court and released.

The Sindh chief prosecutor says he will lodge an appeal in the Sheikh case.

The province's prosecutor general Fiaz Shah told the BBC he expected Sheikh to remain in jail pending the appeal, which would be heard by the Supreme Court…

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