Small Wars Journal

Army Mulls Train & Advise Brigades

Mon, 12/14/2015 - 6:07pm

Army Mulls Train & Advise Brigades by Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Breaking Defense

After 15 years of ad hoc solutions, the Army may build specialized battalions and brigades to train and advise foreign forces, the service’s chief of staff says. Gen. Mark Milley made clear that advisor units are just a proposal under study, a study that only started “a couple of months ago.” But even studying the idea is a remarkable reversal for the Army, which thoroughly rejected the idea in years past.

“Better late than never,” said Andrew Krepinevich, president of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, who wrote a 2008 study lambasting the Army’s performance training and advising Iraqi and Afghan forces…

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