Small Wars Journal

Moving Forward in Iraq

Mon, 03/10/2008 - 2:45pm
Moving Forward in Iraq: Lessons in Insurgency and Counterinsurgency

A Seminar with the Formulators of Counterinsurgency Doctrine

Sponsored by the Institute for the Study of War

March 13, 2008, 1:00pm to 6:00pm.

Georgetown University Convention Center

3800 Reservoir Road, NW Washington DC

Registration Required

The dramatic success of Coalition counter-insurgency operations in Iraq in 2007 was born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where teams of experienced officers and civilians developed a new conceptual framework for counter-insurgency. This framework, published as Army Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency, formed the basis for all Coalition efforts in Iraq in 2007, partly because the Commanding General in Iraq, David Petraeus, was also responsible for drafting and publishing the Field Manual. Once in Iraq, Petraeus and his staff and subordinate commanders like Lieutenant General Ray Odierno, put the doctrine into practice—at the same time further refining and improving the intellectual framework with the feedback of real life. Almost all of the most successful revolutions in warfare have resulted from such a process. The American experience in counter-insurgency warfare in Iraq in 2007 provides new opportunities to develop, and perhaps even revolutionize, the practice of counterinsurgency. Join us as we seek to explore how this doctrine came about, how it has functioned, and how it can be advanced in the future.

The educators and specialists who will conduct the lectures and lead the discussions at the March 13 seminar include Dr. Conrad Crane, head of the U. S. Army Military History Institute, who directed the development of the U.S. counterinsurgency doctrine that General Petraeus is now implementing in Iraq; Dr. Paul Melshen, who is the lead for Counterinsurgency Studies at Joint Forces Staff College; and Colonel Craig Bollenberg, who recently returned as a planner for General Petraeus at Multi-National Force-Iraq.

The Institute for the Study of War will host "Moving Forward in Iraq" at the Georgetown University Convention Center at 3800 Reservoir Road, NW Washington DC, on Thursday March 13, 2008, from 1:00pm to 6:00pm. Space is limited to permit the opportunity for questions and discussion, and advanced registration is required for attendance. Email Adriel Domenech at or call at 202-293-5550 to reserve your place.