Small Wars Journal

11/18/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 11/18/2021 - 9:53am

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National Security News Content:

1. Modern War in an Ancient Land: The U.S. Army in Afghanistan) Volumes I and II (Afghanistan War History from the U.S. Army Center for Military History)
2. Philippines tells China to ‘back off’ after South China Sea clash
3.  Taiwan’s Defense Plans Are Going Off the Rails
4. Japan, U.S. conduct their 1st anti-sub drill in South China Sea
5. Do Less, Better: The Audacity Of Stewardship In Great Power Competition
6. Women's tour chief casts doubt on statement attributed to China's Peng
7. China's move on Taiwan is all but inevitable unless Biden stops it
8. Peng Shuai: Doubt cast on email from Chinese tennis star
9. The challenge of extremism in the military is not going away without a new perspective
10. ‘We must work harder,’ SECDEF says as Pentagon grapples with civilian casualties of airstrikes
11. PacNet #53 – What should Washington expect from US-China strategic stability talks? - Pacific Forum
12. Tougher U.S. stance on Taiwan urged by Congressional advisory body
13. Is Belarus migrant crisis a new type of war?
14. Pentagon Scrambles to Defend ‘Juicy Targets’ After Rivals’ Space Tests
15. Virginia elections show that Biden needs a bipartisan approach to Iran
16. FBI launches probe after 'smallpox' vials are found in Merck facility
17. FDD | A Sign That Iran Is Still Pursuing Nukes
18. FDD | Washington and Jerusalem Enhance Cooperation to Counter Ransomware
19.  The IAEA’s Iran NPT Safeguards Report - November 2021
20. FDD | Don’t Believe Predictions of a Rift Between Iran and Syria
21. The US Must Turn the Tables on Russia’s Psyops
22. The Navy's plan to build flying submarines for Navy SEALs
23. With special-ops drills in hotspots on opposite sides of the world, the US military says 'they're back'

Korean News Content:

1. UN Member States urge DPRK to fulfil international human rights obligations in an EU-facilitated resolution
2. U.N. adopts resolution on N. Korean human rights for 17th consecutive year
3. U.S. designates N. Korea as state violator of religious freedom
4. UN condemns North Korea's rights violations once again
5. Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Trilateral Meeting with Republic of Korea First Vice Foreign Minister Choi and Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Mori
6. Japan, South Korea balk at sharing stage after US talks
7. Wheels fall off a show of trilateral cooperation over Dokdo
8. S. Korea reaffirms continued efforts on N. Korean human rights issue over U.N. resolution
9. N. Korea underlines past feat from 'three-revolution' movement ahead of related event
10. Korea peace talk brings UN alliance into play
11. Deputy Secretary Wendy R. Sherman at a Press Availability (without Korea and Japan)
12. N. Korea orders regional party committees to "guarantee" military rice stores
13. The Essence of North Korea’s ‘Our State First’
14. How South Korea Is Attempting to Tackle Fake News
15. Squid Game is even being watched in North Korea
16. More dire trade figures for North Korea