Small Wars Journal

08/26/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

Wed, 08/26/2020 - 11:52am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin


1. Kim Yo Jong has taken over a key North Korean political post, another potential sign of her increasing authority

2. What is Kim Yo Jong's exact role in North Korean politics? Top South Korean officials appear divided

3.  North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA

4. N.K. leader chairs politburo meeting to discuss typhoon preparation, antivirus efforts

5.  Wracked by economic meltdown, North Korea pauses weapons testing

6. N. Korea orders suspension of all trade across Sino-North Korean border

7. N. Korea using hackers to steal, fund weapons program: U.S. commander

8. North Korea LinkedIn hackers are targeting Brits in wave of fake job scams

9. N.Korean hackers suspected in Phishing Attack (South Korea and escapees targeted)

10. Women's evolving role in North Korea's Jangmadang generation

11. Civilian Army worker at unit participating in joint exercise with U.S. tests positive for COVID-19

12. S. Korea detects more of mutated strain of COVID-19 that hit N. America, Europe

13. Unexpected mystery submarine in North Korea

14. White House official 'burst into laughter' when hearing Kim Jong-un coma claims

15. North Korea doesn't trust China to protect it

16. FDD | Beijing seeks to divide Seoul and Washington

17. Oct. 10 military parade still appears set to go ahead as planned (north Korea)

18. Moon's new security team off to awkward start

19. Defense Ministry refutes Kim Won-wung's criticism of late Gen. Paik

20. Family of Japanese woman abducted by North Korea seeks US help to bring her home


1. Kim Yo Jong has taken over a key North Korean political post, another potential sign of her increasing authority

CNN · by Joshua Berlinger and Yoonjung Seo, CNN

We should all understand how important the Organization and Guidance Department is. This is a key assessment from Robert Collins who probably knows more about the OGD than anyone outside of it. There is a lot to digest in this short but important comment.

Becoming the OGD Director is the only avenue to potential leadership of NK for Kim Yo-jong should something happen to Kim Jong-un. Any other route leaves her insufficient influence over the NK elite of the elite. The OGD controls the General Political Bureau which controls all military officers. Lack of such control opens the door to a coup, something she would not likely survive. So if she is not the OGD Dir, she still is only KJU's sister with KJU-approved billboard support from the Propaganda and Agitation Department. If she becomes the OGD Dir, I am impressed.  That would also imply that KJU is worried about all the challenges NK is facing with the sanctions impairing the economy, especially the military, the coronavirus pandemic, and the natural disasters.

2. What is Kim Yo Jong's exact role in North Korean politics? Top South Korean officials appear divided

CNN · by Joshua Berlinger and Yoonjung Seo, CNN

Different assessments from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Unification.

3.  North Korean leader Kim calls for prevention efforts against coronavirus, looming typhoon: KCNA

I think the regime will be internally focused for weeks to come. The next major event is the October 10th celebration. If they are not able to complete the preparations in time, I expect we could see a provocation that will create the perception of high tensions and thus they will have to scrap the celebration. Additionally, if the coronavirus gets out of hand, we could see some of provocation to divert attention and ten demands on the South for assistance while the South is blamed for introducing the virus at Ksesong but the double defector. But other than that, I expect Kim is going to have his hands full dealing with the crisis.

4. N.K. leader chairs politburo meeting to discuss typhoon preparation, antivirus efforts · by 고병준 · August 26, 2020

Looking good in their “summer whites.”

5.  Wracked by economic meltdown, North Korea pauses weapons testing · by Jack Beyrer · August 25, 2020

Yes the regime is distracted but we should not be complacent. 

6. N. Korea orders suspension of all trade across Sino-North Korean border · by Ha Yoon Ah · August 26, 2020

This will have a severe impact on the market economy inside North Korea which is the key to economic resilience and economic survival of the Korean people in the North. As has been noted this is far more damaging than international sanctions.

7. N. Korea using hackers to steal, fund weapons program: U.S. commander · by 변덕근 · August 26, 2020

No surprise but we need to conduct aggressive cyber defense and offensive operations against the north Korea and governments, businesses, and individuals need to be aware of the north Korean cyber threat that is posed on multiple levels against multiple targets.

8. North Korea LinkedIn hackers are targeting Brits in wave of fake job scams

Mirror · by Michael Havis · August 25, 2020

Everyone is vulnerable to North Korean attacks unless we practice good cyber civil defense and good cyber hygiene. 

9. N.Korean hackers suspected in Phishing Attack (South Korea and escapees targeted) · August 26, 2020

10. Women's evolving role in North Korea's Jangmadang generation

HRNK · by Emily Gibson, Edited by Rosa Park · August 25, 2020

11. Civilian Army worker at unit participating in joint exercise with U.S. tests positive for COVID-19 · by 오석민 · August 26, 2020

12. S. Korea detects more of mutated strain of COVID-19 that hit N. America, Europe · by 김덕현 · August 26, 2020

The virus mutates to survive of course. And that obviously makes it harder to contain and eradicate. And international travel helps the pandemic to continue to spread.

13. Unexpected mystery submarine in North Korea

Forbes · by H I Sutton · August 26, 2020

The regime continues to try to modernize in key areas. Is this an indigenously developed submarine?

14. White House official 'burst into laughter' when hearing Kim Jong-un coma claims

The Sun · by Christy Cooney · August 25, 2020

More "sun-sational" reporting. I wonder who it was who burst into laughter?

15. North Korea doesn't trust China to protect it

Foreign Policy · by Monet Stokes · August 25, 2020

Say it ain't so. One thing we can know for sure - the regime is so paranoid it trusts no one. However, I do not recall any Chinese offer to provide a nuclear umbrella over North Korea.

16. FDD | Beijing seeks to divide Seoul and Washington · by Mathew Ha · August 25, 2020

From my colleague Mathew Ha.  We need to expose China's strategy.

17. Oct. 10 military parade still appears set to go ahead as planned (north Korea) · by  Jeong Tae Joo · August 26, 2020

And I am sure every briefing to KJU says everything is on track. What will happen when they have to tell him all the construction projects, etc are not ready?

18. Moon's new security team off to awkward start

The Korea Times · August 26, 2020

I think South Korea needs to rethink the role and mission of the Ministry of Unification as it treads on the turf of the NIS and MOFA. I think it should focus solely on planning and preparation for real unification under a United Republic of Korea and get out of the business of trying to appease north Korea.

19. Defense Ministry refutes Kim Won-wung's criticism of late Gen. Paik

This is so terribly insulting.  I am glad MND is refuting this but for a government official to make these kinds of slanderous remarks is really disgusting. He should be censored.

20. Family of Japanese woman abducted by North Korea seeks US help to bring her home

Stars and Stripes · by Hank Kusumoto and Seth Robson · August 26, 2020


"History is about life. It's awful when the life is squeezed out of it and there's no flavor left, no uncertainties, no horsing around. It always disturbed me how many biographers never gave their subjects a chance to eat. You can tell a lot about people by how they eat, what they eat, and what kind of table manners they have."

- David McCullough 

"The secret of it all, is to write in the gush, the throb, the flood, of the moment - to put things down without deliberation - without worrying about their style - without waiting for a fit time or place. I always worked that way. I took the first scrap of paper, the first doorstep, the first desk, and wrote - wrote, wrote. By writing at the instant the very heartbeat of life is caught."

- Walt Whitman 

"Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it - turns it to its purposes, incorporates it into itself - so, too, a rational being can turn each setback into raw material and use it to achieve its goal."

- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations




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