Small Wars Journal

7/18/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

Sat, 07/18/2020 - 10:17am

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. A Trump retreat from Korea?

2. Korean War hero Paik's pursuit of freedom, democracy ever more important today: U.S. official

3. U.S. senator slams Trump administration after report of possible troop reduction in S. Korea

4.  Pentagon has offered White House options to reduce troops in S. Korea: report

5. New virus cases dip below 40, imported cases still worrisome

6. N. Korea claims it is developing coronavirus vaccine

7. US mulls 'new proposals' for NK: report

8. Provinces ordered to increase number of stores accepting foreign currency

9. Hard labor for North Koreans who don't wear masks under tough new coronavirus measures

10. North Korea may select new members for Moranbong Band

11. North Korea's foreign propaganda takes a step towards modernity

12. Inspector O and the lost opportunity

13. Narrative on Korean War

14. 70 years since Kim Il-sung said, 'Go'


1. A Trump Retreat From Korea?

Wall Street Journal · by the Editorial Board · July 17, 2020

The subtitle makes an important point on China in addition to the fact North Korea will no longer be deterred if it believes the US has lost its strategic resolve. I hope those in the White House read the Wall Street Journal and listened to Senator Sasse.


2.Korean War hero Paik's pursuit of freedom, democracy ever more important today: U.S. official

Yonhap News Agency · by Lee Haye-ah · July 18, 2020

The one-hour video tribute hosted by the Korea Defense Veterans Association is here.


3. U.S. senator slams Trump administration after report of possible troop reduction in S. Korea

Yonhap News Agency · by Lee Haye-ah · July 18, 2020

Strong criticism from Senator Ben Sasse.


4. Pentagon has offered White House options to reduce troops in S. Korea: report

Yonhap News Agency · by · July 18, 2020

I was really out of the loop.  I missed any discussion of the review last fall, the completion last December, and the presentation of options to the White House in March.

We are in for some interesting times. The Pentagon did a damn good job keeping this under wraps.


5. New virus cases dip below 40, imported cases still worrisome

Yonhap News Agency · by · July 18, 2020

It seems to me the one of the biggest problems we have with this pandemic is global travel.


6. N. Korea claims it is developing coronavirus vaccine

Yonhap News Agency · by · July 18, 2020

Maybe this will be the game changer the world needs. It sure would be something if North Korea actually did develop a vaccine. 


7.  US mulls 'new proposals' for NK: report

The Korea Herald · by Kim So-hyun · July 17, 2020

So this is a single source "report" from an article written by Harry Kazianis. He apparently has the inside track on White House policy. Really?

If this "report" is true, we are about to waste the past two years of trying to break Kim Jong-Un's cycle of blackmail diplomacy. If we give-in in October and provide Kim Jong-Un the sanctions relief he demands just to have a summit meeting, then it is game over - Kim will never give up his long con and, of course, never denuclearize the North.


8. Provinces ordered to increase number of stores accepting foreign currency

Daily NK · by Kim Yoo Jin · July 17, 2020

The headline confused me for a minute. I thought perhaps the regime was going to make a change and actually allow foreign currency. But then after reading the article, it is clear this is another ploy for the regime to vacuum up all the foreign currency from among the Korean people.


9. Hard labor for North Koreans who don't wear masks under tough new coronavirus measures

Radio Free Asia · by Sewon Kim, Leejin Jun, & Eugene Whong · July 16, 2020

Hmmm....perhaps we could learn a thing or two from North Korea! Note the student facemask patrol to enforce the wearing of masks (apologies for the gallows humor attempt).

On a serious note, if this is accurate it is an indication of how much the regime fears a coronavirus outbreak (or perhaps it is already experiencing one).


10. North Korea may select new members for Moranbong Band

Daily NK · by Ha Yoon Ah · July 17, 2020

Kim Yo-Jong does everything.  Now she is a recruiter of talent for her brother so he can maintain the Paektu bloodline. Note the reference to courtesans back in the Chosun Dynasty. I wonder if, when she assumes power, she will demand a K-pop boy band for herself?


11. North Korea's foreign propaganda takes a step towards modernity

38 North · by Martyn Williams · July 17, 2020

Important analysis from Martyn Williams. He has been tracking and analyzing North Korean media and propaganda for many years.


12. Inspector O and the lost opportunity

38 North · by James Church · July 17, 2020

Some interesting fiction. With an agenda. "James Church" (pseudonym) would never blame Kim Jong-Un for failure. It is always the American's fault and, in this case, that of the boogeyman, John Bolton.


13. Narrative on Korean War (book review)

The Korea Times · by William Jones · July 17, 2020

I do not read too much fiction, but I will add this to my list for my study of Korean culture. It has some pretty good reviews.


14. 70 years since Kim Il-sung said, 'Go'

The Korea Times · by Richard Pennington · July 17, 2020

A timely reminder of history from 70 years ago. It is especially relevant now as the US administration considers withdrawing some (or all?) of US troops from the Korean peninsula. And it is a good reminder of the actions of decisive leadership.

And we should never forget that Kim Il-Sung and the Kim family regime have the blood of more than 5 million people from all sides on their hands.


"Having a strategy suggests an ability to look up from the short term and the trivial to view the long term and the essential, to address causes rather than symptoms, to see woods rather than trees."

- Lawrence Freedman, Strategy: A History

"Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

- T. S. Eliot

"Do not be impatient with your seemingly slow progress. Do not try to run faster than you presently can. If you are studying, reflecting and trying, you are making progress whether you are aware of it or not. A traveler walking the road in the darkness of night is still going forward. Someday, some way, everything will break open, like the natural unfolding of a rosebud."

- Vernon Howard

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