Small Wars Journal

20 February SWJ Roundup

Sun, 02/20/2011 - 9:05am
Middle East / North Africa Unrest

Anti-Govt Movements Gain Traction as Yemen, Libya Face Crackdown - VOA

Mideast Leaders Look to Hold onto Power - Washington Post

Libya and Yemen Meet Protests with Deadly Force - Los Angeles Times

Libya, Yemen Crack Down; Bahrain Pulls Back Tanks - Associated Press

Egypt Revolt Becomes Global Case Study - Associated Press

Anti-Government Protesters Storm Bahrain's Central Square - VOA

Protesters Take Bahrain Square as Forces Leave - New York Times

Bahrain Protesters Back at Pearl Square - Los Angeles Times

Bahrain: King Seeks Dialogue After Crackdown - Washington Post

Bahrain Opposition Plots Strategy Before Talks - Associated Press

Bahrain Protesters Press Demands - BBC News

Bahrain Protesters Back in Square, Talks Expected - Reuters

Protesters Return to Square in Bahrain Capital - Associated Press

Bahrain: U.S. Lobbying Preceded Easing of Crackdown - Washington Post

Yemen's Unrest Could Embolden al-Qaeda - Washington Post

Yemeni Students Call for End of Regime - Associated Press

Unrest Encircles Saudis, Stoking Sense of Unease - New York Times

A Town Is Test of Egypt's New Order - New York Times

Cairo Begins to Resume Everyday Business - Washington Post

Egypt Officially Recognizes Moderate Islamic Party - Associated Press

The Legacy of 18 Days in Tahrir Square - New York Times

When Armies Decide - New York Times

Cycle of Suppression Rises in Libya and Elsewhere - New York Times

Libya: Death Toll from Escalating Unrest 'Tops 100' - BBC News

Libyan Forces Fight Benghazi Protesters, 100 Dead - Reuters

Algerian Police Clamp Down on Rally in Capital - Voice of America

Algerian Police Thwart New Rally - BBC News

Tunisia Forces Fire in Air to Disperse Rally - Reuters

Moroccan Protesters Demand Limit on Royal Powers - Reuters

Oil Flows, but High Prices Jangle Nerves - New York Times

Egypt's Unknown Element - Washington Post opinion

#Egypt? - Washington Post opinion

Democracy's Victims - Washington Post opinion


'New Yorker': U.S. in Direct Talks with Taliban - Voice of America

Afghan Elections Crippled by Governing Bodies - Stars and Stripes

Suicide Blasts Kill 18 at Afghanistan Bank - Washington Post

Attackers Wearing Army Uniforms Make Deadly Assault - New York Times

Taliban Gunmen and Bombers Storm Bank - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Bank in Jalalabad Hit by Suicide Bomb Attack - BBC News

NATO Probes Claims It Killed 64 Afghan Civilians - Associated Press

Governor Says NATO and Afghan Forces Kill 64 Civilians - Reuters

Australian Soldier and Afghan Interpreter Killed - Associated Press


Pause in U.S. Pakistan Strikes Seen Linked to U.S. Prisoner - Reuters

Pakistan: Our Stability Helps Global Interests - Associated Press

Pakistan Judge Orders Raymond Davis Driver Arrest - BBC News

Pakistani Troops Kill Up to 15 Militants - Reuters


Thousands Protest in Northern Iraq Over Shooting - Associated Press

Verdict Delayed in Iraq Trial of Accused Briton - Associated Press


Israeli PM: Iran Exploiting Regional Instability - Associated Press

Iran Vows Crackdown on Opposition Rallies - Voice of America

Iran Warns Opposition Rally May Turn Violent - Associated Press

Iran Naval Ships to Cross Suez Canal on Monday - Reuters

Iran Ships Approach Suez, Israel Takes 'Grave View' - Reuters

Ex-officials Call for Easing Stance on Iran Group - Associated Press

German Reporters Set Free by Iran - BBC News

Iran Releases 2 German Journalists Held for Months - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Top Marine Says DADT Repeal Won't Lead to Exodus - AOL News

The Cuts the Pentagon Missed - New York Times editorial

United States

Impasse Pver Budget Cuts Could Force Federal Shutdown - Washington Post

Hiding Details of Dubious Security Deal - New York Times

Prosecutors Defend Islamic Charity Case Conviction - Associated Press

Superpower on the Cheap? - Washington Post opinion


Australia's Largest Ship Launched - Defense News


Ivory Coast Economy Drops Amid Political Impasse - Voice of America

Police Disrupt Ouattara Gathering in Ivory Coast - Voice of America

Ivorian Forces 'Kill Protesters' - BBC News

Ivory Coast Forces Fire on Protesters - Reuters

Uganda President Takes Big Lead in Re-Election Bid - New York Times

Uganda's Museveni Poised for Win - BBC News

Somali Pirates Hijack Yacht With Americans Aboard - New York Times

Somali Pirates Hijack 4 Americans; U.S. Mulls Responses - Associated Press


At Church's Urging, Cuba Frees 7 More Dissidents - Associated Press

Cuba Sets Free Defiant Dissident Journalist Hernandez - BBC News

Venezuela's Allies Tell OAS Chief Not to Meddle - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

N. Korea Begs for Food, U.S. Concern About Resuming Aid - Washington Post

North Korea Digging Tunnels for Likely Nuclear Test - Reuters

U.S.: China Stealth Fighters will Lag U.S. for Years - Associated Press

China Cracks Down On Call for 'Jasmine Revolution' - Associated Press

China Police Break Up 'Protests' after Online Appeal - BBC News

Chinese Police Snuff Out Planned Arab-Inspired Protests - Reuters

Filipino Rebels Free 2 Captives, Will Release 3rd - Associated Press

Thai Police: Insurgent Attacks in South Wound 17 - Associated Press


Russian Trial to Bare a Face of Nationalism - New York Times

E.U. to Help Italy with Migrant Crisis - Voice of America

Trials Begin for Belarusan Protesters Amid Criticism - Washington Post

South Asia

India and Pakistan are United, and Divided - Washington Post

South Asia Powder Keg - Washington Post opinion