Small Wars Journal

10 February SWJ Roundup

Thu, 02/10/2011 - 4:06am

Spreading Unrest Raises Pressure on Mubarak - Washington Post

Suleiman Says Government Will Not Tolerate Prolonged Cairo Protests - VOA

Opposition: Mubarak Must Act Now or Risk 'Complete Chaos' - Washington Post

Obama's Advisors Split on When, How Mubarak Should Go - Los Angeles Times

Egypt Foreign Minister Criticises U.S. Calls for Change - BBC News

Lawmakers Criticize Obama's Response to Egypt Crisis - Washington Times

Long-standing Emergency Law Becomes Lightning Rod - Washington Post

Labor Actions in Egypt Boost Protests - New York Times

Egyptian Police Clash With Protesters in South - Voice of America

State-run Media Shifting From Pro-Mubarak Coverage - Washington Post

Wired and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt - New York Times

Egypt And the Muslim Brotherhood: An Israeli Perspective - VOA

What the Muslim Brothers Want - New York Times opinion

The Brotherhood's Agenda - Washington Post opinion

Israel's Big Fear - Washington Post opinion

Obama and Egypt's Future - New York Times opinion

In Egypt, a CIA Catch-22 - Washington Post opinion

Middle East

NATO Offers Israel, Palestinians Peacekeeping Troops - Washington Post

Syria Restores Access to Facebook and YouTube - New York Times


ICOS: U.S. Troop Cut Could Set Back Afghan Gains - Reuters

NATO Commander Expects More Taliban Attacks in Spring - Voice of America

NATO, Afghans Seek to Pre-empt Spring Offensive - Associated Press

Afghan Rights Groups Shift Focus to Taliban - New York Times

Forces Kill, Detain Insurgents in Afghanistan - AFPS

U.S. Says Customs Officer Killed in Afghanistan - Associated Press

Trainers Aim to Increase Women's Role in Afghan Society - AFPS


Pakistan May Be Building 4th Plutonium Reactor - Washington Post

Dozens Killed in Pakistan Base Attack - New York Times

'Schoolboy Bomber' Kills 20 in Pakistan - BBC News

Teen Suicide Bomber Strikes Pakistan Army Facility, Kills 20 - Reuters

U.S., Pakistani Officials at Odds in Fatal Shooting - Washington Post

Pakistan TV Dramatizes Fight Against Terrorism - Washington Post

Pakistan's PM Reorganizes Cabinet - Voice of America

Pakistan Cabinet Resigns in Cost Cutting - Washington Post


Fatal Bombs in Iraq Seemed Aimed at Militia - New York Times

Bombs Kill 7 in Ethnically Tense Iraqi City - Associated Press

Rumsfeld's Flight of Fancy on Iraq - Washington Post


Chief Prosecutor Criticizes Planned Rally Backing Revolts - New York Times

Tehran Vows to Crush Rally Supporting Tunis, Cairo - Washington Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Mullen: 'Hard' Budget Times Ahead for Military - The Hill

Pentagon Will Back Defense Mergers Outside Top 5 Companies - Bloomberg

Chairman: Military Must Plan for Future Transition - AFPS

DOD Must Train for 'Degraded' Environments, Official Says - AFPS

Socom Commander Outlines People, Mission, Equipment - AFPS

Army Looking for Weapon to Replace M4 - Stars and Stripes

Lawmakers: "Do Not Cut Military Morale Funding - McClatchy Newspapers

24th MEU CO Relieved of Command - Jacksonville Daily News

United States

Terrorist Threat Most 'Heightened State' Since 9/11 - Washington Post

Napolitano: Terror Threat May Be Highest Since 9/11 - CNN News

Lawmakers Hear of Threat by Domestic Terrorists - New York Times

North Carolina Man Admits to Aiding a Jihadist Plot - New York Times

State Department Launches Arabic Twitter Feed - Washington Post

The Patriot Act's Clock is Ticking - Washington Post editorial


Somali Piracy 'Threatens Global Oil Supplies' - BBC News

Official Is Killed In Southern Sudan - New York Times

ECOWAS: S. Africa Undermining Ivory Coast Mediation - Voice of America

Nigeria Nasarawa Clashes After President Jonathan Visit - BBC News

Charles Taylor Boycotts Trial for Second Day - Voice of America


Mexican Drug Cartels Draws Guatemalan Army to Jungles - Washington Post

Drug War Spreads to Mexico's Second City, Guadalajara - Reuters

Colombia's FARC Rebels Free Hostage - Los Angeles Times

Asia Pacific

North Korea Reacts Angrily to Breakdown of Talks - New York Times

N. Korea Refusing More Military Talks with S. Korea - Associated Press

Russia's Medvedev Speaks Tough on Disputed Islands - Associated Press

Thailand, Cambodia Step Up Diplomatic Efforts - Voice of America

Taiwan General Charged in Spy Case - New York Times


Ukraine Intensifies Pressure on the Opposition - New York Times

Italy: Prosecutors Seek Immediate Trial for Berlusconi - New York Times

Germany: Merkel Breaks Off Talks With Opposition - New York Times

Discovery of Kurdish Mass Graves Leads Turkey to Face Past - VOA

Terrorism Meets Xenophobia in Russia - Los Angeles Times opinion

South Asia

India and Pakistan to Resume Formal Peace Talks - Reuters