Small Wars Journal

11/4/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 11/04/2022 - 7:50am

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National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (03.11.22) CDS comments on key events
3. The Case for Getting Rid of the National Security Strategy 
4. Biden's anti-strategic National Security Strategy
5. Improving Foreign Policy Outcomes Requires Investment in Alternative Perspectives
6. Withdrawal from TPP Has Forced the U.S. to Contain China
7. What If Ukraine Wins and Putin Is Removed?
8. Army to fix recruiting fraud cases, remove soldiers from FBI database
9. US, South Korea to extend military drills after North Korean launches
10. Pentagon To Launch New Study On How to Get at Hard, Deeply Buried Targets
11. Don Bolduc May Pull Off an Upset in New Hampshire
12. Secret War: Security cooperation programs have led U.S. forces into unauthorized hostilities alongside foreign partners.
13. China private security companies making a BRI killing
14. US military entering ‘window of maximum danger’ (Interview with Rep. Mike Gallagher)
15. ‘Two-minute drill’: Time is running out to break the Pentagon’s nominee logjam, Senate Dems say
16. The evolution of America’s China strategy
17. CCP constitutional change strengthens Xi’s power but avoids total personality cult
18. New Report Sheds Light on Pentagon’s Secret Wars Playbook
19. Good at Being Bad – How Dictatorships Endure
20. Why the US still has not defeated ISIS in Iraq and Syria, according to a new report
21.  Are we stuck with daylight saving time, or can we get rid of it?

Korean News Content:

1. 54th Security Consultative Meeting Joint Communique (ROK/US)
2.  Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and South Korean Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-sup Hold a News Conference
3. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-Sup Visit Korean War Memorial, Tour U.S. Bomber Aircraft
4. Episode 3: Modern-day North Korea, and what a reunified peninsula might look like
5. North Korea’s missile splurge cost $70 million – more than a year of imported rice
6. 3 US soldiers praised for rescuing about 30 lives from crowd crush
7. Kinetic Korea: missile tests, war drills and Kim’s dead hand
8. S. Korea scrambles some 80 fighter jets after 180 N.K. warplane activities detected
9. N. Korea fires 3 short-range ballistic missiles toward East Sea: S. Korean military
10. U.S. offers $5 mln reward for arrest of Singaporean businessman helping N. Korea evade sanctions
11. Why Biden isn’t changing course on North Korea
12. Defense & National Security–US, South Korea issue stern warning to Kim Jong Un
13. S. Korea, U.S. codify 4 categories of 'extended deterrence' cooperation against N.K. nuke threats
14. N.Korea's Provocations Are Getting out of Hand
15. Russia and North Korea are partners in sanctions-busting crime

11/3/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 11/03/2022 - 7:53am

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National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (02.11.22) CDS comments on key events
3. Russians try to subdue Ukrainian towns by seizing mayors
4. US Likely To Base Long-Range Bombers In Northern Australia
5. Save the AUKUS partnership — share the B-21 bomber
6. China's rare earth metals monopoly could be coming to an end
7. Hardened Ukrainian brigade sees Russian vulnerability in Kherson City
8. Military Leaders Praise Musk as Treasury Officials Eye Twitter Deal
9. How to Keep War With China From Being a Pick-Up Game
10. ‘Someone has to do it’: American vets in Ukraine train front-line medics as war rages with Russia
11. Why American Power Endures
12. US-China report recommends backchannel diplomacy with Chinese military
13. A Secretive US Special-Operations Base in Syria Is Taking Fire from a Shadowy Middle East War
14. The US has funneled more than $1 billion into Afghanistan since the fall of Kabul with zero accountability
15. These Air Force commandos saved troops under fire for years. Now they are fighting to save their buddies
16. The New Japan-Australia Security Agreement – Analysis
17.  Why Putin prefers ‘War-War’ to ‘Jaw-Jaw’
18. Defending Taiwan vs. Defending Ukraine: What's the Difference?
19. Congress must act to boost combat-credible airpower in Indo-Pacific
20. China has no time frame for Taiwan reunification, even if US says so: envoy
21. New photos show China’s artificial islands are highly developed military bases

Korean News Content:

1. Long Overdue Paradigm Shift: A Human Rights up Front Approach toward North Korea
2. With Freedom, the People of North Korea Can Make the Miracle on the Taedong River
3. #NorthKorea: Missile provocations and arms for Russia: David Maxwell, FDD. @GordonGChang, Gatestone, Newsweek, The Hill
4. North Korea fires 3 more missiles a day after launching barrage of 23
5. N. Korea fires suspected ICBM toward East Sea: S. Korean military
6. Blinken reaffirms U.S. commitment to defense of S. Korea in talk with S. Korean counterpart
7. North Korea ICBM may have failed in flight, officials say; allies extend major drills
8.  N. Korea's Hwasong-17 ICBM launch seems to have ended in failure: source
9. North Korea covertly supplying Russia with artillery, U.S. says
10. Analysis |  What Nukes Does North Korea Have and Could They Hit the US?
11. S. Korea considering additional unilateral N.K. sanctions over ICBM launch: ministry
12. U.S. condemns N. Korea's ICBM launch, urges int'l community to fully implement U.N. sanctions
13. Is North Korea aligning itself with Putin against Ukraine?
14. North Korea, Russia End 2-Year Hiatus in Railway Trade
15. North Korea acted ‘provocatively’ to try and ‘disrupt’ South Korea-US military exercises
16.  North Korea’s ballistic missile barrage signals a potentially dangerous escalation

11/2/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Wed, 11/02/2022 - 8:54am

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National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (01.11.22) CDS comments on key events
3. Ukrainian Commandoes Raid Airfield Deep Inside Russia, Destroy Frontline Helicopters
4. Ukraine war will make China think twice about invading Taiwan
5. Why Biden is sending US weapons experts into Ukraine
6. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November
7. Ukraine Situation Report: Attacks Behind Russian Lines Crippling War Effort
8. Ukraine's Unprecedented Mass Drone Boat Attack Was A Wakeup Call
9. Russian Retreat in Ukraine Exposes Collaborators—and the Finger-Pointing Begins
10. The Nuclear Question America Never Answers
11. Iran may be preparing to arm Russia with short-range ballistic missiles
12. Relearning the ASEAN Way: On the Importance of Perspective in Multilateralism
13. Is Nepal Under China’s Thumb?
14. Preventing Wars is as Important as Winning Them: Lessons From Past Naval Strategies
15. Why Vladimir Putin Would Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine
16. US Inspectors in Ukraine Won't Be Near the Front, Pentagon Says
17. The Real China Hands
18.  Ukraine grain export deal back on as Russia resumes participation
19. China and Russia prepare to turn Cold War II into a hot war
20. Rubio, Gallagher, Hagerty, and McCaul Express Concern Over Indo-Pacific Force Posture
21. Professionalizing Special Operations Forces
22. Advanced Drone Tech Poses Threat to Special Forces in Middle East

Korean News Content:

1. N. Korea fires 3 SRBMs toward East Sea, one flying over NLL: S. Korean military
2. N. Korea's 1st firing of missile into area near S. Korean territorial waters 'intolerable': Seoul military
3. United Nations Command: A Nuisance or a Cornerstone of Stability on the Korean Peninsula? | Center for Asia Pacific Strategy
4. North and South Korea fire missiles off each other's coasts for first time
5. Yoon calls for swift action to make N.K. pay price for missile launch
6. North Korea fires at least 17 missiles, including first to land close to South's territorial waters
7. Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November (KOREA)
8. Better call Seoul: U.S. watches nervously as Europe turns to South Korea for weapons
9. North Korea Brackets the South With a Barrage of Missiles
10. DP demands sacking of interior minister, national police chief
11. President Yoon’s “Audacious Plan”: Neither Audacious nor a Plan, but Still Right
12. Nuclear Test? Why North Korea Could Start a New Crisis
13. North Korea Warns of ‘Consequences’ for South Korea-US Joint Military Exercises
14.  North Korea fires 23 missiles, one landing off South Korean coast for first time

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November

Tue, 11/01/2022 - 6:21pm

Access the tracker  HERE.

November 1, 2022 | FDD Tracker: October 3, 2022-November 1, 2022

Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker: November

Trend Overview

Edited by David Adesnik

Welcome back to the Biden Administration Foreign Policy Tracker. Once a month, we ask FDD’s experts and scholars to assess the administration’s foreign policy. They provide trendlines of very positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative for the areas they watch.

Xi Jinping secured his third term as head of the Chinese Communist Party on October 23, with all signs pointing toward the further suppression of political pluralism and market forces at home as well as greater confrontation with the United States abroad. The Biden administration released its National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy in October, both of which affirm that China under CCP rule poses the foremost threat to the United States. Yet neither strategy explains clearly how the White House plans to address either shortfalls in U.S. military capability or the lack of sufficient military presence in the Indo-Pacific theater. Meanwhile, North Korea tested its 24th ballistic missile this year, the most since 2017. The White House has taken steps to improve the readiness of U.S. and allied troops on the Korean Peninsula but otherwise exerted little pressure on Pyongyang to disarm. In Iran, anti-regime protests continued to rage, passing the 40-day mark. The administration has expressed sympathy for the protesters and imposed sanctions on several Iranian targets, yet the White House remains wedded to its policy of offering hundreds of billions of dollars of sanctions relief in exchange for concessions on the nuclear front.

Please check back next month to see whether and how the president adjusts his foreign policy after mid-term elections that may cost his party control of one or both houses of Congress.

Trending Positive


By RADM (Ret.) Mark Montgomery and Jiwon Ma


By David May


By John Hardie

Trending Neutral


By Craig Singleton


By Bradley Bowman


By John Hardie


By Hussain Abdul-Hussain


By Craig Singleton


By David Maxwell


By Carrie Filipetti and Emanuele Ottolenghi


By Sinan Ciddi

Trending Negative


By Richard Goldberg


By Behnam Ben Taleblu and Richard Goldberg


By Anthony Ruggiero and Andrea Stricker


By Bill Roggio


By David Adesnik

Trending Very Negative


By Tony Badran


By Craig Singleton

11/1/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Tue, 11/01/2022 - 9:03am

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National Security News Content:

2. CDS Daily brief (31.10.22) CDS comments on key events
3. Special Operations News Update - October 31, 2022 | SOF News
4. China's Global Security Initiative: Xi's wedge in the U.S.-led order
5. IntelBrief: Iran’s Repression and Alignment with Russia Carry Costs
6. Maximum Support for the Iranian People: A New Strategy
7. Ukrainians grapple with power outages as winter approaches
8. Russian Army's Quiet Fatal Flaw: No Sergeants
9. US military now doing onsite weapons inspections in Ukraine
10. The High Cost of Low American Military Spending
11. New Army social media policy pushes stricter rules
12. New Pentagon National Defense Strategy Will be 'Well Received' by U.S. Allies in Pacific, Says Expert
13. Senate Democrat wants national security investigation of Saudi Arabia's role in Elon Musk-Twitter deal
14. Russia announces wider evacuation of occupied southern Ukraine
15.  Russia’s Vast Cyber Web Enables Deniability and Obscurity—But Not Without Risks
16. COVID-19 Origins: Investigating a “Complex and Grave Situation” Inside a Wuhan Lab
17. Why The Naivete In Misreading Xi’s Furtherance of One-Man Rule and State-Domination Of The Economy?
18. The nuclear threats that hang over the world
19. CTG #24 A Return to the SOF Truths
20. Biden must act on Iran’s drone and missile transfers

Korean News Content:

1. North Korea warns US of ‘powerful’ response to allied drills
2. S. Korea co-sponsors U.N. draft resolution on N.K. human rights: ministry
3. South Korea admits police crowd control was ‘inadequate’ before crush
4. U.S. does not and will not recognize N. Korea as nuclear state: State Dept.
5. Analysis: U.S. and allies turn to deterring war with North Korea as options for preventing nuclear tests dwindle
6. Expert Explains Why Seoul's Tragic Crowd Surge Turned So Deadly
7. North Korea tensions: why is there a debate about accepting Pyongyang’s nuclear state status?
8. No tolerance of hate speech towards Itaewon tragedy
9. Ohio congressman's niece among those killed in Itaewon crush
10. U.S. takes North refugee as South's safe-haven status questioned
11. Seoul returns to criticizing Pyongyang at the UN
12. Running to the finish line (ROK and US nuclear power)
13.  'US stands with Korea to overcome tragic times,' says ambassador
14. <Inside N. Korea> Smuggling appears to restart on the China-North Korea border…


10/31/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 10/31/2022 - 9:11am

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National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (30.10.22) CDS comments on key events
3. Russia rains missiles on Ukraine after pulling out of crucial grain deal
4. US curbs on microchips could throttle China's ambitions and escalate the tech war
5. US Air Force to deploy nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Australia as tensions with China grow
6. US Navy hunting for info warfare experts, Aeschbach tells Old Crows
7. They Make You Take an Oath to the Constitution: They Don't Make You Read
8. US and EU: Supporting Iranians demanding freedom is not a luxury
9. Blind spots in Washington’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
10. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan is coming
11. How Foreign Policy Amateurs Endanger the World
12. If China declares war, these ham radio enthusiasts could be crucial
13. White House rejects promoting general involved in Capitol riot response
14. The attack targeting Nancy Pelosi illustrates rising political threats
15. A former employee’s complaint prompts Republican calls to investigate The China Project, an American news company
16. Iran’s Women on the Frontlines
17. Global Impact: Now the dust has settled after the 20th party congress, where is China heading under Xi Jinping?
18. 'Complex threat environment' ahead of midterm elections, top cybersecurity official says
19. Options for Ukraine to Defend Civilian Centers from Russian Strikes
20. Meet the Vets Running for Congress, the Largest Group of Candidates Who Served in a Decade
21. One War at a Time
22. The Ukraine War Will End With Negotiations

Korean News Content:

1. What Might Be the Consequences If North Korea Tests a Nuclear Weapon?
2. As North Korea escalates weapons activity, Biden does little to pressure regime: experts
3. Gov't tries to figure out how Itaewon tragedy happened
4. Seoul crowd crush shows gaps in Korean safety rules, experts say
5. How Itaewon Alley Turned into a Death Trap
6. U.S. and South Korean militaries launch biggest-ever air drills
7. S. Korea's military chief calls for 'thorough readiness' against N. Korean threats
8. Joining Japanese fleet review causes controversy
9. Analysis-U.S. and Allies Turn to Deterring War With North Korea as Options for Preventing Nuclear Tests Dwindle
10. Whatever Path US Diplomacy Takes, Sanctions on North Korea Are Here to Stay
11. [Editorial] Abrupt warning (Russia to ROK)
12. South Korea confronts the trauma of the Halloween crowd crush
13. Unfiltered images of tragedy risk adding to victims' pain

10/30/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 10/30/2022 - 11:20am

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National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine's Intel Chief On How The War Ends, Putin's Nuclear Threats, Iranian Drones, And More

2. Somalia's president says at least 100 killed in car bombings

3. He Lifeng: China's expected new economic tsar has big shoes to fill

4. Ukraine Unleashes Mass Kamikaze Drone Boat Attack On Russia's Black Sea Fleet Headquarters

5. Russia Now Has a Second Frontline Set Up Just to Kill Its Deserters: Intel

6. Is Iran facing a revolutionary moment?

7. The Art of Hitting Disinformation Where It Lives

8. Is attacking the electricity infrastructure used by civilians always a war crime?

9. Russian official: US reducing ‘nuclear threshold’ by deploying modernized weapons

10. Don’t Rule Out Diplomacy in Ukraine

11. Just how ominous is the China threat?

12. Man vs machine: US preparing an AI Bill of Rights

13.  The Pentagon's new defense strategy is out. Now the real work begins, experts say

14. US 'Killer Missiles' In China's Backyard Is Giving Nightmares To Beijing; Why Is PLA Edgy Over THAAD?

15. US To 'Withdraw' Its Entire F-15 Fighter Jet Fleet From Japan Amid Chinese Vow To Unite All Lost Territories - Reports

16. Correcting the Record on US Taiwan Policy

17.  Investigation: Oct. 29 drone attack likely hit Russian frigate Admiral Makarov in Sevastopol

18.  Inside a US military cyber team’s defence of Ukraine

19. Biden faces 'unpredictable' era with China's empowered Xi

20. How ‘graveyard’ of Russian tanks in Ukraine is upending armour doctrines worldwide & for India

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korea in shock, grief as 153 die in Halloween crowd surge

2.  South Korea Halloween Tragedy Claims Mostly Young Revelers

3. Yoon announces national mourning period over Itaewon stampede

4. Chronology of major stampedes in S. Korea

5. Escapes increase as North Korean workers in Russia are told to ship out to Ukraine

6. U.S. says North Korea policy unchanged after nuclear remark raises eyebrows

7. 4 Decades of Reckoning With North Korea’s Nuclear Threat – and Counting

8. Hallyu! The Korean Wave at the V&A is an unflinching look at the country’s creative rise

9. How Itaewon turned into epicenter of tragedy

10. Is South Korea ready to go it alone on defense?

11. Bracing for the North’s chemical weapons

12. Could Itaewon tragedy have been prevented?

10/29/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 10/29/2022 - 11:49am

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National Security News Content:

1. Ukraine is the Modern-Day Sparta
2. Putin WON'T survive the war says Ukraine's spy chief
3. Exclusive: House Democratic Aide Fired after Ties to Chinese Embassy Revealed
4. 12,000 Russian Troops Were Supposed To Defend Kaliningrad. Then They Went To Ukraine To Die.
5. Advanced fighters to deploy to Kadena through phased F-15 withdrawal
6. The Attack on America’s Future - Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare
7. What causes armies to lose the will to fight? Here's what history tells us -- and what Putin may soon find out
8. IDF to deploy all-female tank crews after two-year trial deemed a success
9. Disinformation’s next frontier: your texts and private messages
10.How the 2022 midterms outcome could change U.S. foreign policy
11. Official Describes DOD’s Efforts to Bolster Ukraine’s Defense
12. Could Iran’s regime fall?
13. Why Is Joe Biden Sending U.S. Soldiers So Close to Ukraine?
14. Can the US Deter China? Lessons from Putin's Invasion of Ukraine - Interpret: China
15. Republicans sharpen knives for China with eye on House majority
16. Ukrainians use phone app to spot deadly Russian drone attacks
17. China censors searches for 'Hu Jintao,' the former president removed from congress
18. 'Massive' drone attack on Black Sea Fleet - Russia
19. China: 5 Questions
21. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (28.10.22) CDS comments on key events

Korean News Content:

1. Arms reduction talks with N. Korea could be an option, says U.S. official
2. Washington: If Pyongyang uses nuke, the regime will be terminated
3. U.S. condemns N. Korea's missile launches, urges Pyongyang to engage in dialogue
4. Department Press Briefing – October 28, 2022 - United States Department of State - Korea Excertps
5. Central Cadres Training School to erect monument honoring Kim Jong Un
6. Korean and European ambassadors “North Korea’s nuclear weapons and human rights are two sides of the same coin… must be approached simultaneously.”
7. Is it time to accept North Korea is a nuclear power?
8. This is not the time to abandon North Korean denuclearization
9. Putin 'worried' about South Korea sending weapons to Ukraine
10. Would North Korea Ever Turn Its Nuclear Missiles on China?
11. North Korea-backed Kimsuky gang hacking Android phones to gather intelligence
12. The Guardian view on Korean soft power: harder than it looks
13. Afraid Of Kim's Nukes? Build A Bunker, South Korean Professor Says

10/28/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 10/28/2022 - 9:23am

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National Security News Content:

1. DOD Releases National Defense Strategy, Missile Defense, Nuclear Posture Reviews
2. That’s it? Biden’s Overdue Pentagon Strategy Underwhelms
3. China, Russia biggest challenges under Pentagon’s new National Defense Strategy
4. Army’s New Training Center Keeps Forces Available in Indo-Pacific
5. Drones, Cruise Missiles Are Rising Threats to US Troops and Territory, Pentagon Says
6. China’s Nuclear Arsenal Will Become an Existential Threat to US, Biden Administration Declares
7. 6 key takeaways from the Pentagon’s new defense, nuclear policies
8. US troops put in harm’s way by lack of White House info-sharing, report says
9. U.N. uses before-and-after photos to track Ukraine’s cultural destruction
10. US Special Operations tests American-made electric motorbikes for military use
11. Cracks in US support for Ukraine risk helping Putin
12. How an Army-funded 'bioengineered blood vessel' is saving lives in Ukraine
13. Crooked Kickback Scheme Targeted Marine Wounded Warrior Program
14. Unchecked authoritarianism? You can find it on the right and the left
15. Extremism among vets needs study and prevention, lawmakers warn
16. Ukraine's Dream Could Be Taiwan's Nightmare
17. China Accused of Using Overseas Bases to Target Dissidents
18. America’s brittle consensus on Ukraine
19. Musk begins his Twitter ownership with firings
20. Asia would be the biggest loser if the global economy splits up, IMF warns
21. Was Hu Jintao’s removal from China’s 20th party congress suspicious or not?
22. What's Behind Israel's Reluctance to Share Iron Dome With Ukraine?
23. China After the Party Congress: Welcome to Xi’s People’s Republic of Control
24. Putin speech: Russia won’t use nukes, the West started the war, and its ‘cancel culture’ is like Nazi Germany
26. CDS Daily brief (27.10.22) CDS comments on key events
27.  Pentagon PSYOP Scandal Demands an Urgent Debate on Propaganda Ethics
28. UNHEARD VOICE: Evaluating five years of pro-Western covert influence operations 

Korean News Content:

1. Nuclear attack by N. Korea will result in end of Pyongyang regime: U.S.
2. N Korea fires missiles toward sea as US warns over nukes
3. Japan Considers Buying U.S. Tomahawk Missiles to Deter North Korea and China
4. Yoon names new deputy NIS director
5. S. Korea, U.S. in close consultation to counter N. Korean provocation: ambassador
6. The Evolution of Kim Jong Un’s ‘All-Purpose Sword’
7. N. Korea builds ice cream factory on Kim Jong-un's order
8. Sohae Satellite Launching Station: Significant Activity Underway
9. Poland's deputy PM: Korea has high chance for nuclear plant partner
10. Air-to-Air Missiles Could Be the North Korean Defense Sector’s Next Breakthrough: Why It Matters
11. South Korean president dismisses Putin's warning
12. S. Korea, U.S. to conduct Vigilant Storm air drills next week amid N.K. threats
13. North Koreans embrace truth over consequences
14. South Koreans living near Korean border unperturbed by rising military tensions

10/27/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 10/27/2022 - 10:17am

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National Security News Content:

2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (26.10.22) CDS comments on key events
3. With Limited Resources to Counter Violent, Nonstate Armed Groups, How Can We Do Triage and Set Priorities?
4. Ukrainians hold out in east, prepare battle for Kherson
5. Density not Dispersion: Evolving SOF for Integrated Deterrence
6. Another casualty of Russia's war: Some Ukrainians no longer trust their neighbors
7. Why Biden’s Block on Chips to China Is a Big Deal
8. Thinking through the China hype
9. War in Ukraine Likely to Speed, Not Slow, Shift to Clean Energy, I.E.A. Says
10. Inside the Dems’ elaborate attempt to woo TikTok influencers
11. Garry Kasparov Says Rishi Sunak's First Phone Call As UK PM Was To 'The Leader Of The Free World' — It Wasn't Joe Biden
12. Chinese Intel Officers Used Wasabi to Try to Hide Bribery of US Double Agent
13. Could America Win a New World War?
14. Yes, The U.S. Military Is Weak
15. Why Is Wanting Peace in Ukraine a Scary Political Idea?

Korean News Content:

1. West ignorant of what N. Korea really wants: expert
2.  At UN, Seoul's envoy highlights rights abuses in North
3. Episode 2: A history of conflict on the Korean peninsula
4. Loudspeaker broadcasts re-emerge as inter-Korean issue
5. Spy agency official's sudden resignation sparks speculation
6. 10,000 missiles will do
7. Biden still discriminates against Korean cars
8. Top court strikes down guilty verdict for ex-defense minister in political meddling case
9. Chinese envoy to U.S.: Don't meddle with Taiwan
10. The trap of wishful thinking
11. N. Korean nuclear test would constitute a 'grave escalatory action': State Dept.
12.  South Korean Official Calls for Shift in Its Nuclear Policy
13. North Korea tells local governments to solve own power problems with new hydro plants
14. S. Korea Navy to attend Japan’s international fleet review