Small Wars Journal

10/23/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 10/23/2021 - 10:59am

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National Security News Content:

1. America Is Turning Asia Into a Powder Keg
2. Counterintelligence Head Narrows Focus to Five Technologies Critical to U.S. Dominance
3. Japan defense minister warns invasions can begin without troops
4. A Quartet of Warnings Highlight Climate-Related Threats
5. China-linked disinformation campaign blames Covid on Maine lobsters
6. Twitter accounts tied to China lied that COVID came from Maine lobsters
7. U.S. Army Failed to Warn Troops About COVID-19 Disinformation
8. Anti-Vaxxers Are Using Facebook to Spread Sovereign Citizen Conspiracies
9. Facebook’s Brand Is So Toxic Zuckerberg Reportedly Wants to Change Its Name
10. Battle between the ears: Chinese media warfare (Book Review)
11. Xi Jinping’s top five foreign policy mistakes
12. US nearing a formal agreement to use Pakistan's airspace to carry out military operations in Afghanistan
13. Fact Book 2022 United States Special Operations Command
14. Thanks to This ‘Biden Whisperer,’ the World Knows America’s Back
15. Is the Biden Admin Leading Us to War? by Patrick Buchanan
16. Facebook Increasingly Suppresses Political Movements It Deems Dangerous
17. Exclusive: U.S. hopes to soon relocate Afghan pilots who fled to Tajikistan, official says
18. The two most important ways to deter China
19. Can The United States Counter China’s Mounting Pressure On Taiwan? – Analysis
20. Taiwan vows to "defend itself" amid U.S. reversal, here's how China compares
21. Afghanistan Fallout: An Invitation to America's Enemies
22. South Korea’s People Power Party has a Final Four: Can Any of Them Win the Presidency?
23. A paratrooper turned movie advisor explains why shootings like Alec Baldwin’s shouldn’t happen

Korean News Content:

1. U.S. supports humanitarian aid for N. Korea, but sanctions must remain in place: State Dept.
2. North Korea threatens families of publicly active defectors living in South Korea
3. N. Korea bolsters efforts to prevent workers in China from running away
4. North Korea’s sub missiles put a target on Kim’s back
5. N. Korean delegation to attend U.N. climate conference in Glasgow
6. Ex-USFK chief stresses solidarity in S. Korea-U.S. alliance amid lingering N.K. threats
7. U.S. envoy on N. Korea eyes 'productive' consultations in S. Korea on ways to revitalize peace process
8.  China's Xi vows to bolster ties with N. Korea in letter to Kim
9. NKorea slams US for supporting Taiwan in nod to ally China
10. North Korea sends farmers to labor camps for hiding corn amid food shortages
11. <Inside N. Korea> North Korea's financial crisis has made it impossible to print banknotes. Efforts to issue temporary money coupons "Tongpyo" have been made to replace them, but distrust is growing.
12. North Koreans facing food shortages, collapses in livelihoods: UN investigator
13.  North Korea Sanctions Should Be Eased During Covid, UN Says
14. The sun is setting on Moon Jae-in’s promise of inter-Korean peace, and Biden isn’t budging
15. Why South Korea’s Liberals Are Defense Hawks
16. KAI unveils electric basic trainer
17. In Defense of a Bold U.S. Approach Toward North Korea


10/22/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 10/22/2021 - 5:43pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Biden Administration to Constrain Use of Sanctions in Foreign-Policy Shift
2. Is a sanctions rethink in the works?
3. Officials warn 5 key tech sectors will determine whether China overtakes U.S. as superpower
4. Evidence Mounts that Mass Suggestion Caused "Havana Syndrome"
5. Green Berets’ work to free Afghans comes with a personal cost
6. Biden says United States would come to Taiwan's defense
7. Remarks by President Biden in a CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper
8. White House officials clarify multiple Biden comments made during live town hall
9. 'Defend Taiwan' can hardly be seen as a slip of the tongue, but Biden has yet to say how or dare to 'stand against 1.4b Chinese' - Global Times
10. Biden won’t make good on ‘defend Taiwan’ claim
11. Expert: Beijing’s ‘Wolf War’ diplomacy is a way of covering up the truth
12. The Department of Defense’s Multidomain Operations Challenge - Global Security Review
13. How UAVs Could Spark a Military Conflict in the Taiwan Strait
14. A Counterfactual Look at the Afghan War: the “SOF-only” COA and its Implications for the Future
15. China Flaunts Its Offensive Cyber Power
16. Syria's challenge to Tony Blinken's conscience
17. PRC Info-Ops – in their own words
18. House lawmakers want military pay raise for enlisted troops
19. The Distracted Defense Department

Korean News Content:

1. S. Korea undecided on co-sponsoring this year's U.N. resolution on N.K. human rights: FM
2. Humanitarian aid will not weaken U.S. sanctions but win hearts of people: U.S. officials
3. S. Korea seeking clues after nearly successful space mission
4. Take precautions against North Korea: Korea Herald
5. North Korea’s submarine missile effort is at ‘beginner level,’ South Korean defense chief says
6. Analysis: Moon's push for South Korean military independence may echo far beyond his presidency
7. Senate Committee Passes Otto Warmbier North Korea Censorship and Surveillance Act
8. U.S. envoy on N. Korea to visit Seoul to discuss ways to resume dialogue
9. North Korea among most vulnerable countries to climate change: report
10. Kim Jong Un scored with a Covid-19 Hail Mary pass
11. Pyongyang connects SLBM launch to matter of sovereignty
12. U.S. Secretary of Navy to visit S. Korea on first overseas trip
13. US, S. Korea discussing draft text of end-of-war declaration
14. Overlooked No More: Kim Hak-soon, Who Broke the Silence for ‘Comfort Women’
15. Does South Korea’s cultural clout make the country more powerful?

10/21/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 10/21/2021 - 9:27am

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

1. Escape from Kabul: Inside the volunteer effort by US troops to rescue their families from Afghanistan
2. 36 officials, including five admirals, face potential discipline over Bonhomme Richard fire
3. Chinese hypersonic missile test unlikely to trigger arms race, experts say
4. ‘Black Hawk Down’ pilot Durant enters Alabama Senate race
5. Top official says cyber operations are ‘not just about the systems’
6. Israel and South Korea to boost collaboration on loitering munitions
7. It’ll Take More than American Military Might to Shore Up Taiwan by John Bolton
8. Colin L. Powell Embodied the American Dream
9. The Army is getting great power competition all wrong
10. A General Who Failed in War Assesses Risk
11. Why is Trump undermining his administration's historic China policies?
12. Border Patrol arrests at highest level ever: report
13. FDD | What Iran Has Learned From Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle
14. China 'Not An Olympian Power': Presumptive China Ambassador 'Confident' In US
15. The New Cold War – America, China, and the Echoes of History
16. The FBI searched properties in Washington and New York linked to a Russian oligarch
17. What that one scene in 'Saving Private Ryan' teaches us about complaining in the military
18. Soldier who helped secure Kabul airport with Toyota technical traded for dip gets promoted
19. The accused spy knew stealth was crucial from his work on submarines. He surfaced anyway.

Korean News Content:

1. Pyongyang tells Washington to chill out over SLBM test
2. Ex-USFK Chief Warns of N.Korea's Submarine-Launched Missile
3. S. Korea can thwart North’s rudimentary SLBM’: defense minister
4.  North Korea cracks down on senior citizen gatherings to stymie criticism
5. S. Korea fails to put dummy satellite into orbit
6. North Korea claims latest missile test didn’t target US
7. US, Europe condemn N Korea ballistic missile launch at UN
8. N. Korea unlikely to reject humanitarian aid from Seoul, Washington: ministry official
9. Kim Jong Un orders security agency to avoid "excessive" surveillance of N. Koreans in border regions
10. Gen. Burwell Bell’s statement on the danger of premature declaration of end of the Korean War
11. U.S. to North Korea: It's Time for Sustained, Substantive Talks
12. Kim Jong-un ordered brother’s assassination ‘because he was working with South Korean intelligence’
13. U.S. remains consistently open to dialogue with N. Korea: Psaki
14. UN Ambassador calls for sanctions on North Korea after missile tests
15. Twitter bans DPRK News, famous parody account mocking North Korea's furious yet florid news agency