Small Wars Journal

8/21/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 08/21/2021 - 10:35am

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National Security News Content:

1. Biden vows to evacuate all Americans -- and Afghan helpers
2. Are US citizens being asked to pay $2,000 for evacuation flights out of Kabul?
3. David Petraeus on American Mistakes in Afghanistan
4. US Helicopters Rescued 169 Americans Outside Airport; More Ops Could Follow
5. State Dept. will not charge for evacuation flights from Afghanistan
6. U.S. helicopters at Kabul airport flew outside the gates to bring Americans to safety
7. US general tells British special forces: Stop rescuing people in Kabul, you're making us look bad
8. Son of anti-Taliban fighter calls for US weapons assistance
9. More Americans now say government should take steps to restrict false information online than in 2018
10. I was in Kabul when it fell to the Taliban. The speed of the collapse stunned me | Franz J Marty
11. Army Eyes Intelligence Community Campus at Fort Belvoir North Area
12. Rare earth trillions lure China to Afghanistan's new Great Game
13. The intelligence community's silence is deafening
14. Here’s How the US Could Get Afghanistan Evacuees to the United States More Quickly
15. Taliban Takeover Brings Cheers, Fears to SE Asia and Bangladesh
16. Amanda Gorman and Kate Winslet join advocates urging Biden to protect Afghan women
17. Will the Next American War Be with China?
18. This Navy captain is now the first woman commanding a nuclear aircraft carrier
19. Germany Sending Special Ops Helicopters To Kabul To Rescue Evacuees Outside The Airport (Updated)
20. A New York Times reporter and former Marine who evacuated Kabul flew back to help his Afghan colleagues escape the Taliban
21. Where’s Biden’s Plan to Stop Terrorism?
22. ‘We mishandled this so dramatically’: Trump acting SECDEF Chris Miller on US withdrawal from Afghanistan
23.  Don Bolduc calls Afghanistan exit a 'geopolitical disaster of unparalleled proportions'
24. Biden Insiders: Our Afghanistan Exit Is a Part of a Much Bigger Reset
25. The Right and Our Afghan Allies (Wall Street Journal Editorial Board)
26. Protests in Pakistan erupt against China’s belt and road plan
27. The Taliban Are Promising Inclusivity and Amnesty in Afghanistan. But Some Officials Predict Bloodshed
28. The School That Built Asia
29. Anti-Taliban resistance makes modest gains outside Panjshir | FDD's Long War Journal
30. Veterans who once sought ‘hearts and minds’ in Afghanistan must now mend their own

Korean News Content:

1. N.K. leader again inspects apartment construction site for riverside flats
2. U.S. nuclear envoy arrives in Seoul for talks with S. Korean, Russian counterparts
3. Jet flight similar to N.K. leader's personal plane raises speculation about Kim's trip
4. 7 additional video reunion centers for separated families to be completed this month
5. New Northern Policy shows some results, but lacks deeper philosophy
6. Former science and education department head Choe Sang Gon sent to political prison camp
7. Laid to rest, freedom fighter puts veterans in limelight
8. North Korea threat actor hacked South Korean site, researchers say
9. Suspects in North Korea espionage case to be turned over to prosecution
10. McDonald’s Won’t Transform North Korea