Small Wars Journal

El Centro

SWJ El Centro, or "downtown" in Spanish, is our town square for analysis and discussion of Latin America's guerilla wars and criminal insurgencies.  More about El Centro here.

Recent El Centro Journal Articles and SWJ Blog Posts:

by The British Broadcasting Corporation | Wed, 06/26/2019 - 12:47pm | 0 comments
"Four men with suspected ties to the Islamic State (IS) group were arrested in Nicaragua after crossing illegally from Costa Rica, officials say."
by The Modern War Institute | Fri, 05/31/2019 - 12:16pm | 0 comments
"The case of Colombia offers not a shining success story but a cautionary tale of how the US military can assist a foreign military and a weak government in fighting a counterinsurgency to bring about peace."
by The New York Times | Mon, 05/27/2019 - 10:36pm | 0 comments
"The head of Colombia’s army, frustrated by the nation’s faltering efforts to secure peace, has ordered his troops to double the number of criminals and militants they kill, capture or force to surrender in battle — and possibly accept higher civilian casualties in the process, according to written orders and interviews with senior officers."
by Georgetown Security Studies Review | Mon, 05/27/2019 - 9:53am | 0 comments
"The growing complexity and capabilities of criminal organizations in Latin America necessitate a new approach to fight crime in the region."
by The New York Times | Sat, 05/18/2019 - 12:17pm | 0 comments
"The head of Colombia’s army, frustrated by the nation’s faltering efforts to secure peace, has ordered his troops to double the number of criminals and militants they kill, capture or force to surrender in battle — and possibly accept higher civilian casualties in the process, according to written orders and interviews with senior officers."
by The New York Times | Fri, 05/17/2019 - 2:07pm | 0 comments
"When things go wrong, those in power often promise to make it right. But do they? This is the first in a series in which The Times is going back to the scene of major news events to see if those promises were kept."
by The New York Times | Sun, 05/05/2019 - 6:02am | 0 comments
"In one of the deadliest cities in the world, an embattled group of young men had little but their tiny patch of turf — and they would die to protect it. Journalists from The New York Times spent weeks recording their struggle."
by SWJ Editors | Fri, 05/03/2019 - 11:07am | 0 comments
In a new report published by the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute, author Michael L. Burgoyne, a U.S. Army Foreign Area Officer, looks at the limitations of current policing models in Mexico and Central America to confront “militarized criminal violence.”
by The Washington Examiner | Wed, 04/10/2019 - 9:43am | 0 comments
"A northern Texas sheriff says his county has seen a big uptick in methamphetamine and heroin seizures since October, saying Mexican drug smugglers are using large groups of migrants to divert Border Patrol’s attention while they run narcotics over the border in nearby areas."
by SWJ Editors | Fri, 04/05/2019 - 2:57pm | 0 comments
Via 'Americas Quarterly' - "Traditional mafia-busting tactics could help solve the crisis in Venezuela ." H/T Andrew Gibbons
by The Washington Post | Tue, 03/26/2019 - 11:06am | 0 comments
"This type of shift could have serious policy implications."
by The Los Angeles Times | Sat, 03/16/2019 - 12:27am | 0 comments
"The report by the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice found that five out of six of the world’s most violent municipalities were in Mexico, where homicides have risen to historic levels in recent years amid a military-led war against criminal groups."