Small Wars Journal

5/18/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 05/18/2024 - 1:29pm

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National Security News Content:

1. Opinion: The Biden Administration’s Chicken Kiev Complex
2. Ukraine Asks for U.S. Help in Striking Targets Inside Russia
3. ‘Cold War 2.0’: George Takach on the Evolving World Order
4. Green Beret A-Teams Training On FPV Drones Being Driven By War In Ukraine
5. Officers with Higher Rank Get Better Care than Those with Lower Ranks at Military Hospitals, Study Finds
6. What Makes American Exceptionalism Less Than ‘Exceptional’ – OpEd
7. She left the CIA in frustration. Now her spy novel is racking up awards.
8. Incoming Taiwan president Lai to pledge steady approach to relationship with China
9. Taiwan’s foreign minister says China and Russia are supporting each other's ‘expansionism’
10. Taiwan is selling more to the US than China in major shift away from Beijing
11. Ex-military surgeons embrace new mission: stop Americans from bleeding to death
12. China’s gray zone social media war comes to America
13. Confronting Another Axis? History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking
14. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 17, 2024
15. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, May 17, 2024
16. China-Taiwan Weekly Update, May 17, 2024

Korean News Content:

1. HRNK report sheds light on human rights abuse of N. Korean nuclear scientists
2. U.S. condemns N. Korea's missile launches as UNSC resolution violation
3.VOA:  [Washington Talk] The best deterrent is 'hitting the starting point'... When executing ‘Remove Command’
4. N. Korea slams U.S. over redesignation as uncooperative country in counterterrorism efforts
5. Top U.S. negotiator for defense cost sharing talks arrives in Seoul
6.  Yoon vows to advance freedom, welfare to uphold spirit of 1980 pro-democracy uprising
7. Kim Jong Un guides tactical missile test with ‘autonomous navigation’
8. U.S. expert says N. Korea might ignore Trump if he returns to White House
9. [Column] US troop withdrawal from Korea could be the Acheson Line all over
10. Satellite imagery shows screen installed around important statues in Pyongyang
11. How Trump could push Japan, S Korea to go nuclear