Small Wars Journal

24 April SWJ Roundup

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 6:26am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


NATO Shows Confidence in Afghan Security Forces - NYT

US-Afghan Security Pact Sends Warning to Al-Qaida - AP

A Gift That Didn’t Quite Translate - WP

US Lessons in Afghanistan Can Aid Colombian Troops - AP

Committing to Afghanistan - WP editorial



UN Observers Prove Little Deterrent to Syrian Attacks - NYT

Activists: 28 Killed in Syria as UN Monitors Check Cease-Fire - VOA

UN Says Syria Violence Continues Despite Pledges to End It - Reuters

Syria Violence Tests UN Mission - BBC

Hama Shelling Undermines Syria Truce - Reuters

US Puts Sanctions on Telecom Firms in Syria, Iran - LAT

US Sets New Sanctions Against Technology for Syria and Iran - NYT

US, EU impose new sanctions on Syria - LAT

UN Food Agency Aims to Reach 500,000 in Syria Soon - Reuters

Syria's Assad 'Finished', Tunisian Leader Says - Reuters

Syrian Group Says 3 Intelligence Officers Killed - AP

The Syrian Charade - WP opinion



In Egypt Race, Battle Is Joined on Islam’s Role - NYT

Egypt Army Backs Law on Presidential Bid Ban - Reuters

Egypt's Sinai Turning Into 'Wild West' - Reuters

Egypt: US NGOs Lose Licenses - BBC

Egypt Rejects Registration Bids From 8 U.S. Nonprofit Groups - NYT


Middle East / North Africa

Palestinian Hunger Strike Efforts Draw Attention - WP

Israel to Seek Deferral of Settler Evictions - AP

Israel Grants Legal Status to Three West Bank Outposts - Reuters

US Sets New Sanctions Against Technology for Syria and Iran - NYT

US Puts Sanctions on Telecom Firms in Syria, Iran - LAT

Key Iranian Oil Terminal 'Hacked' - BBC

Iranian Officials Disconnect Some Oil Terminals From Internet - NYT

Bahrain Deports British Journalist Attempting to Cover F1 Race - WP

5 Dead in Tribal Clashes in Southern Libya - AP

Israel: Peace Without Partners - NYT opinion



Al Qaeda Challenges With Lone Wolf Tactics - Reuters


US Department of Defense

Pentagon Creates New Espionage Unit - WP

Defense Department Plans New Intelligence Gathering Service - NYT

Pentagon Suspends Security Clearances in Scandal - NYT

Air National Guard Lobbies Successfully Against Budget Cuts - NYT



Sudan Warplanes Bomb South Sudan - WP

UN Chief Condemns Sudan Air Raid - BBC

Sudan's Bashir: No More Talks with South - VOA

Old Wounds, Ethnic Rivalries Stoke Sudan War Fever - Reuters

Bashir Wields Stick to Lead Sudan Shorn of South - Reuters

South Sudan President Seeks Support in China - AP

US Terror Attack Warning in Kenya - BBC

Mali: From Democracy Poster Child to Broken State - Reuters

War Crimes Prosecutor Warns Mali It May Look Into Rapes, Killings - Reuters

Sierra Leone: Judges Poised to Deliver Verdicts in Taylor Trial - AP

Ugandan Women Strip in Protest - BBC



Mexican Immigration to US Slowed Significantly, Report Says - NYT

Mexican Immigration in Reverse, Study Says - WP

Mexico-US Migration on the Slide - BBC

Even as It Hurts Mexican Economy, Bribery Is Taken in Stride - NYT

US Lessons in Afghanistan Can Aid Colombian Troops - AP

'No Colombia link' to White House - BBC

Venezuela: Chávez Out of Sight but Big as Life on Twitter - NYT

Venezuela: Chavez Dismisses Rumors of Death - BBC

Venezuelan Official: Ex-Judge Received Drug Money - AP


Asia Pacific / Central

Naval Exchange Stirs Troubled Waters in South China Sea - VOA

US Meeting with China to Avoid Unfolding Murder Case - WP

China’s ‘Princelings’ Turn Privilege Into Influence-Peddling Profit - WP

As Bo Xilai Rose in China, His Family’s Wealth Grew - NYT

China Leader Under Scrutiny Shows Still in Control - AP

China: Wukan Village Ex-Heads 'Punished' - BBC

China Punishes 20 Officals After Village Protests - AP

North Korea Threatens South With Military Action - NYT

North Korea Vows to Turn South's Leadership to Ashes - AP

China Pledges North Korea Friendship - BBC

US Says Raised North Korea Missile-Linked Sale With China - Reuters

UN Chief Warns North Korea - AP

European Union Suspends Most Burma Sanctions - NYT

EU Suspends Most Burma Sanctions - WP

Sanctions Lifting Could Revive Burma Industry - AP

UN Chief to Travel to Burma - VOA



European Debt Crisis Persists - WP

Call for Growth Rises to Counter German Push for Austerity - NYT

Trade Unites and Divides Germany and China - NYT

Dutch Government Falls in Crisis - BBC

Dutch Governing Coalition Resigns Over Austerity Budget - NYT

French Far Right a Challenge for Europe and Sarkozy - NYT

Russia's Medvedev Vows to Continue Modernization - AP

Amnesty Says Muslims in Europe Face Discrimination - AP

Norway: Witness Trauma at Breivik Trial - BBC

Norwegian Who Killed 77 Says He Shared in Loss - NYT

France Votes Its Discontents - NYT editorial

The Pain in Spain - WP opinion


South Asia

Pakistan's Top Court to Deliver Verdict in PM Case - AP