Small Wars Journal

AP Sources: Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA (Updated)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 6:59pm
Associated Press unnamed sources say Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA, Crocker to Kabul and Allen to ISAF.


Major Shake-up Coming Soon for Top Military Officers - Stars and Stripes

Obama Picks Petraeus, Panetta for New Posts - Washington Post

Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Security Posts - New York Times

Security Shuffle Keeps Team Largely Intact - Washington Post

Obama Moves to Shuffle Top Security Posts - Los Angeles Times

Panetta Tapped to Replace Gates at Pentagon - Washington Times

Panetta Expected to Replace Gates as SECDEF - Stars and Stripes

Obama sending Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA - Associated Press

Petraeus to CIA After Panetta Moves to Pentagon - ABC News

Gates to Leave Pentagon at End of June, Officials Say - FOX News

Push for Pentagon Cuts Tops Panetta's Agenda - Associated Press

Analysis: Implications for Afghan War - National Journal

Analysis: Obama Stresses Continuity - National Journal

Pentagon and CIA Picks Show Shift in How U.S. Fights - New York Times

Director Petraeus to Face Different Culture at CIA - New York Times

Analysis: Panetta Would Apply Sharper Knife to Pentagon Budget - Reuters

A Look at Obama's New National Security Team - Associated Press

Lt. Gen. John Allen to Lead in Afghanistan - Marine Corps Times

Allen Helped Nurture Sunni Awakening in Iraq - Wall Street Journal

The Big Day: Gates Out, Panetta In - Best Defense

Cautious Optimism for Panetta's Pentagon - DoD Buzz

Challenges for New National Security Team are Huge - CNN News

Petraeus Would Helm Increasingly Militarized CIA - Washington Post

The Blurring Between Military and Intelligence - The Atlantic opinion

Rearranging the Deck Chairs - Foreign Policy opinion


APH (not verified)

Fri, 04/29/2011 - 5:31am

My only concern at Petraeus to CIA is whether he'll allow the analysts there to publish reports that reflect negatively on the progress here in Afghanistan. It seems everytime there's a NIE it is fairly pessimistic, and the answer from ISAF it seems every time is that the NIE is based on old data. Personally I lean more towards pessimism here as the economics are still a disaster and I don't see much sustainable progress with massive financial support. I honestly hope Petraeus will not force/allow the NIEs to politicized to make progress look better.

Anonymous (First) (not verified)

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 9:59pm

Good point, Todd.
I still think he was best fit for National Security Adviser, but you're right to say he could have ended up in a more powerless/symbolic position. The Panetta pick, however, just seems worse and worse the more I think about it. Still, I'm going to try and be optimistic here and give him a chance to do good.

Demon Fox

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 3:35am

I'm personally glad to see Gen. Petraeus go to the CIA and not the Joint Chiefs. I think putting him into the JCS would be a waste of his talent. As DCI, he stays in the fight.

Aynom (not verified)

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 12:17am

Re: Petraeus

We needed a Capt. Kirk, and what we got was a Jean Luc Picard, who philosophizes and bloviates ad nauseum about the cultural nuances of Islamist killers and other assorted ingrates, while they set about to kill us all.

Carl (not verified)

Thu, 04/28/2011 - 12:10am

The carnage inside an operations room of the Afghan Air Corps at Kabul airport has yet to be sorted, identified and tallied but this much we know: Another Afghan Muslim "partner" in uniform -- a veteran military pilot according to the AP -- has opened fire on NATO troops in a meeting, killing as many as eight troops and a contractor.

While we await the grim but thoroughly predictable details -- the exemplary lives of the personnel murdered while "partnering" with our Afghan "allies"; the shooter who for reasons "unknown" to ISAF earned his place in Islamic paradise through this "holiest" act of jihad against infidels (ISAF would croak before saying that) -- I want to call attention to a <a href="… from the Clarksville, Tenn. Leaf-Chronicle that was featured last week at Army Times</a> and which came to my attention from friends in the military segment of our thoroughly bifurcated society

The article is titled: "NCOs offers stern message for war-bound soldiers." And what is that "stern" message? The article -- written a day after another Hair-Trigger-Moderate in the Afghan Army went off, using grenades to kill five Americans troops -- reports that message as being, "Don't trust anyone but you still have to partner up" -- and in that order.

Stern though the "old Army sergeant" described in the article undoubtedly is, I hear in his message a plaintive SOS. Help. We want you to live through your thoroughly ill-conceived and even insane nation-building mission, So don't trust any Afghan you are ordered to "partner" or "mentor," train or relax with. Any one of them could kill you and your comrades any time, from teatime to meeting time.

And why is that, old and stern Sergeant? Not even he is about to go there even as he pounds his contradictory, logic-defying, but, we pray, life-saving message into the young soldiers' heads.

If he did, he would say something like: There is indeed a clash of civilizations where the West and Islam meet, and we are putting you, our men and women in uniform, on its front lines, defenseless against its violent manifestations "inside the wire." You are not there to stamp it out, or to protect our country against it, but rather to remain blind to it for the unfounded ideological reasons of our leaders, to appease its demands, to adapt to its laws, and, ultimately, be subsumed by its worldview. Nation-building is good, our leaders tells us. COIN is the way, our leaders tell us. Congress doesn't give a damn about you, your legs or the gaping hole in the US Treasury. So "partner" enough so as not to get thrown in the brig but never let your guard down ever and come home safe.


Wed, 04/27/2011 - 11:47pm

Correction....meant to type never heard anything specific about Panetta.


Wed, 04/27/2011 - 4:54pm

I'm not much of a politico...but I've never heard of anything good regarding Panetta. Hope this turns out well.

Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 2:25pm

Two words explain Panetta's nomination - "budget cuts".

Anonymous2 (not verified)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 2:21pm

Granted anyone replacing Gates will have large shoes to fill, but I find this a terrible choice for SECDEF. I'd like to know the administration's rationale for sending someone with a career in civil rights, education, health, hunger, and the environment to oversee the Pentagon.

Anonymous (not verified)

Wed, 04/27/2011 - 1:15pm

Well, here's hoping this works for the best. I can't help but think the CIA isn't exactly worthy of Petraeus, someone I feel would make a great National Security Adviser, but hopefully he'll do great things with the Agency.