Small Wars Journal

7/18/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Sat, 07/18/2020 - 12:55pm

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. As the U.S. copes with multiple crises, partisans disagree sharply on severity of problems facing the nation

2. Secretary of Defense’s (Dr. Mark T. Esper) guidance on public display or depiction of flags in the Department of Defense

3. B-1 bombers deploy to Guam as Navy carriers continue readiness training in South China Sea

4. China is done biding its time - the end of Beijing's foreign policy restraint?

5. I'm a black police officer. Here's how to change the system.

6. Federal agents deployed by Trump spirit away protesters. What country is this?

7. Is the Saudi Government plotting against another U.S.-based critic?

8. Veteran U.S. diplomat Richardson fails to secure release of Americans jailed in Venezuela

9. Unidentified federal agents are detaining protesters in Portland

10. A Green Beret's perspective on defunding the police and answer to America's growing polarization.

11. Naval power is the ultimate strategic enabler in our competition with China

12. Are US-Japan relations on the rocks?

13. DARPA pays $1 million for an AI app that can predict an enemy's emotions

14. Federal employees can express support for Black Lives Matter, watchdog says

15. The troll: a fake flag burning at Gettysburg was only his latest hoax

16. Iranian spies accidentally leaked a video of themselves hacking

17. How COVID-19 disinformation goes viral

18. Wednesday's hack shows that the whole world is in your Twitter DMs

19. Japan accuses China of spreading 'disinformation' during coronavirus


1. As the U.S. copes with multiple crises, partisans disagree sharply on severity of problems facing the nation

Pew Research Center · by Amina Dunn · July 14, 2020

This divide is a national security issue. Division is normal and healthy. Our political system does not function without it and it was designed to function with it. The questions are: 1) are we willing to respect the divisions and those on the opposing sides and 2) are we willing to make the necessary political accommodations for our system to continue to survive and thrive? However, some of these issues should not have such a wide division. And some of the divides shows the irrational influence of partisan politics.

I am hopeful that in two areas the divide is relatively small - ethics in government and the federal deficit (and terrorism and violent crime as well, though both sides think these are relatively low).


2. Secretary of Defense’s (Dr. Mark T. Esper) guidance on public display or depiction of flags in the Department of Defense

US Department of Defense · July 17, 2020

The memo can be downloaded here.

Here is my tweet back to the SECDEF (replying to @EsperDoD and @DeptofDefense) when he tweeted this out yesterday:

Excellent guidance, sir. As an aside, this is how you deal with an "insurgency" in the latent or incipient stage. You make the right political accommodations to undermine the legitimacy of the radical leadership of the insurgent or resistance movement.


3. B-1 bombers deploy to Guam as Navy carriers continue readiness training in South China Sea

Stars & Stripes · by Wyatt Olson · July 17, 2020

Good. We need to see more of the Bone in the Pacific.


4. China is done biding its time - the end of Beijing's foreign policy restraint?

Foreign Affairs · by Kurt M. Campbell & Mira Rapp-Hooper · July 15, 2020

Another audition for Secretary of State in a new Administration? :-)


5. I'm a Black Police Officer. Here's How to Change the System.

New York Times · by David Hughes · July 16, 2020

Some important recommendations in this essay. We should listen to Major Hughes.


6. Federal agents deployed by Trump spirit away protesters. What country is this?

Los Angeles Times · by Scott Martelle · July 17, 2020

I am not sure why all those who fear government overreach and its trampling on civil liberties are not up in arms about this. If we truly believe in all 10 Amendments/Bill of Rights, we should not be allowing this to happen.


7. Is the Saudi government plotting against another U.S.-Based critic?

The New Yorker · by Dexter Filkins · July 16, 2020

We have got to put pressure on the Saudi government to stop this kind of behavior against Americans.


8. Veteran U.S. diplomat Richardson fails to secure release of Americans jailed in Venezuela

Reuters · by Makini Brice, Matt Spetalnick, Steve Orlofsky, & Jonathan Oatis · July 17, 2020

I do not think anyone should be surprised by this failure.


9. Unidentified federal agents are detaining protesters in Portland

New York Magazine · by Adam K. Raymond & Chas Danner · July 17, 2020



10. A Green Beret's perspective on defunding the police and answer to America's growing polarization.

Medium · by Matt Visnovsky · July 17, 2020

There is a lot to digest in this essay. Unfortunately, it will not format for email so please go to the link to read the entire piece. And some interesting photos there too.


11. Naval power is the ultimate strategic enabler in our competition with China

National Review · by Seth Cropsey & Harry Halem · July 15, 2020

We need our strong Navy more than ever.


12. Are US-Japan relations on the rocks?

The Hill · by Michael J. Green & Jeffrey W. Hornung · July 17, 2020

Just think about this for a moment. What if our both linchpin and cornerstone alliances in Northeast Asia and the INDOPACIFIC are in trouble? What does that do for the Free and Open INDOPACIFC and our national security strategy toward the revisionist and rogue powers?


13. DARPA pays $1 million for an AI app that can predict an enemy's emotions

Forbes · by Thomas Brewster · July 16, 2020

Interesting. One of the things we do best in America is to search for technical solutions to problems of human nature, culture, language, etc. (not that we always find technical solutions for complex problems).


14. Federal employees can express support for Black Lives Matter, watchdog says

New York Times · by Michael Levenson · July 16, 2020

This will be upsetting so some. In a way it is smart because to push back on this will only harden the resolve of some people. It also can be useful in undermining the legitimacy of the radical leadership who has tried to co-opt a protest movement. It is important to try to separate the people who have grievances from the radical leadership who seek to exploit those people for their own political power and agenda. The radical leadership does not have the interests of those with grievances at heart.  If, as some has postulated, we are in the latent or incipient stage of an insurgency it is important to make the right political accommodations.


15. The troll: a fake flag burning at Gettysburg was only his latest hoax

Washington Post · by Shawn Boburg · July 17, 2020

These are the kinds of threats we need to deal with these days. We have to be vigilant. We have to think critically about what we see and read on social media and throughout the Internet. Whether progressive, liberal, or conservative, we cannot allow ourselves to be duped by these trolls.


16.  Iranian spies accidentally leaked a video of themselves hacking

Wired · by Andy Greenberg · July 16, 202

Hmm....I hate it when that happens! :-)


17.  How COVID-19 disinformation goes viral

Union of Concerned Scientists · by Anita Desikan · July 16, 2020

I suspect this is one of the reasons why we are having problem with developing a united resistance to the COVID 19 pandemic in the U.S.


18.  Wednesday's hack shows that the whole world is in your Twitter DMs

Defense One · by Patrick Tucker · July 16, 2020

Very interesting target list for this hack.


19. Japan accuses China of spreading 'disinformation' during coronavirus

Daily Mail · by Jemma Carr · July 14, 2020


"Having a strategy suggests an ability to look up from the short term and the trivial to view the long term and the essential, to address causes rather than symptoms, to see woods rather than trees."

- Lawrence Freedman, Strategy: A History

"Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

- T. S. Eliot

"Do not be impatient with your seemingly slow progress. Do not try to run faster than you presently can. If you are studying, reflecting and trying, you are making progress whether you are aware of it or not. A traveler walking the road in the darkness of night is still going forward. Someday, some way, everything will break open, like the natural unfolding of a rosebud."

- Vernon Howard

Categories: News



Tue, 11/29/2022 - 3:16am

The United States of America is a country that has a great history of racism and oppression. African Americans have always been the most oppressed group in the country, but there are many other groups who have been discriminated against. National security is something that is important to discuss and not everyone agrees on how to approach it. One way to approach national security would be to focus on how to make sure that everyone in the country can live a happy and healthy life without being discriminated against. Here you can find more details about how to stop racism in your society to make it a better place to live.