Small Wars Journal

“News” on the SWJ News and Opinion Roundup

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 12:30am

The 27 October SWJ Roundup was the last, it will be missed by many but we hope the replacement is a marked improvement.

Our newest feature is the News page (next to Home on the main top bar). Unlike the Roundup, posted daily with 24 hours of news and opinion dumped all at once, the News page will be updated 24/7 (or as close as we can get).

Click on News, or its sub Front Page, to access the main active news page. Click on All Categories for a list of all news categories in use (whether they are active on the main page or not).

Bottom left on the main page there is a how-to image that explains the basic layout and features.

We hope you find our newest feature useful.