Small Wars Journal


Gray Dismay: A Strategy to Identify and Counter  Gray-Zone Threats in the South China Sea

Mon, 06/06/2022 - 9:31am
The current state of American military dominance signals credibility of force but also diverts adversaries’ efforts from conventional war to ambiguous threats below the threshold of war—so-called gray-zone threats.  Regrettably, such tactics in the gray zone are on course to proliferate as adversaries largely acknowledge conventional overmatch with the United States.  Rather than risk political harm and potentially massive losses in traditional war, competitors will take actions in the gray zone to counter American influence and authority through non-military measures that erode the legitimacy that the United States has cultivated since the Second World War.  Unquestionably, these measures are challenges to American national security.  Left unchecked, they will diminish American dominance and the United States will slowly concede its authority and good will.

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To Avoid a Security Dilemma: Complex Warfare with Japanese Characteristics

Mon, 12/16/2019 - 5:16am
Japan’s security strategy is a uniquely regarded admixture of isolation and engagement. This blend is common to many countries but poses a stark dilemma for Japan’s citizens. Theirs is a country whose economic zone is five times the size of China’s, that is dependent on external sources for over 90 percent of its energy needs, and which is supposed to react to threats in self-defense under a constitution imposed during a postwar occupation (1945-1952). The so-called Peace Constitution (1947) forever renounces: war; the use or threat of force to settle disputes; military forces; and war potential.

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Why Trump Pushed Arms Sales in Asia SWJED Sat, 11/11/2017 - 2:53pm

President Trump has signaled his intention to further fuel the escalating arms race in Asia and profit from it.