Small Wars Journal


The Definition of Advisor: Comprehending the Mission to Advise Foreign Security Forces SWJED Tue, 12/04/2018 - 9:18am
Military writing requires that the bottom line be stated up front. Here is the bottom line: an advisor is a person lawfully tasked and employed to provide expert advice and counsel to Foreign Security Force officials, representatives, and influencers; through the establishment or continuance of interpersonal relationships founded on mutual trust and respect.” For some reading this, that definition may seem obvious; for others it may seem almost counterintuitive. Our considerably diverse comprehension of what an advisor actually is was the motivation for writing this article.
Afghan-Born Soldier Returns Home to be Advisor with the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade SWJED Thu, 11/08/2018 - 11:23am
Now based at the New Kabul Compound in the middle of the country's capital city, SGT Zabi Abraham is one of the most impactful advisors within the brigade's 5th Battalion. Often, he is at the battalion commander's side, translating conversations between him and senior Afghan leaders.

The Ministry of Defense Advisors Training Program: Preparing Advisors to Have Strategic Impact

Wed, 09/26/2018 - 1:00am
For those in “the advising business,” this is an exciting time. During the past year, beginning with the Secretary of Defense, leaders throughout the Defense Establishment have articulated the compelling need to best prepare the advisors – civilian and military – that we deploy to theaters of operation and distant countries worldwide.

About the Author(s)

Why Americans are Inclined to be Poor Advisors (and What to do About It …)

Tue, 06/05/2018 - 8:19am
It is well established, in lessons learned and academic research, that advisory success is predicated, or conditioned, upon three foundational requirements which depend on the ability to: (1) understand the historical, social, and cultural context in which the advising mission is being performed; (2) adapt individual behavior to operate effectively within this context; and (3) establish effective, productive relationships with counterparts.

About the Author(s)