Small Wars Journal

Pentagon's Women-in-Combat Push Faces Chilly Headwinds

Thu, 12/31/2015 - 10:03am

Pentagon's Women-in-Combat Push Faces Chilly Headwinds by Rebecca Kheel, The Hill

The Pentagon faces major challenges ahead in 2016 as it works to make good on a pledge to open all U.S. military combat jobs to women.

The toughest part of the integration, which President Obama and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter have made a priority in their final year in office, will be overcoming deep-seated opposition among many male special forces commandos.
“They feel what makes them special is being all male, and somehow integrating women is going to make them less special and less adept,” said Megan MacKenzie, author of “Beyond the Band of Brothers: the US Military and the Myth that Women Can’t Fight.”

“A lot of that is based on emotion and a lack of experience working with women.”
The four services are already taking steps to allow women to serve in all jobs. Service chiefs must submit their implementation plans to Carter by Jan. 1…

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