Small Wars Journal

13 September SWJ Roundup

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 7:39am

Karzai Struggles to Keep Islamic Council Support - Washington Post

Afghanistan Blunts Anticorruption Efforts - Wall Street Journal

Security in Afghanistan Is Deteriorating, Aid Groups Say - New York Times

U.S. Govt Watchdog: Deep Problems Plague Afghan Vote - Associated Press

Afghan Commander Issues Rules on Contractors - New York Times

Petraeus Issues Guidance for Afghan Contracting - Associated Press

Karzai: New Approach to Terrorism Battle - Washington Post

Karzai Marks 9 / 11 With Appeal Over Civilian Deaths - Associated Press

Taliban Uses Kids in Fight vs. U.S. - USA Today

The Taliban's Tiny Soldiers - USA Today

Demonstration Against Koran-burning Plan Turns Deadly - Los Angeles Times

2 More Afghans Die in Protest Over Koran Burning - New York Times

NATO: Airstrikes Kill 14 Insurgents in Afghanistan - Associated Press

'Only Girl Running with Men' - Washington Post

Taliban: In From the Cold - New York Times editorial

A Dubious Battle for Afghan Hearts and Minds - Washington Post opinion


Officials: Airstrike Kills 4 Militants in Pakistan - Associated Press

Landowners Breached Levees to Save Own Property - Los Angeles Times


Al Qaeda in Iraq Rises Again - Los Angeles Times

More Post-Combat U.S. Gunfire in Iraq - New York Times

'Thousands Held Without Charge in Iraq' - BBC News

Human Rights Group Details Iraq Prisoner Abuse - Associated Press

Iraq, U.S. Dispute Amnesty Prison Abuse Claims - Agence France-Presse


Iran Says US Prisoner Could Soon be Released on Bail - Voice of America

American Hiker will be Released after Posting $500,000 Bail - Washington Post

Iran to Free American Hiker on Bail - New York Times

American Hiker Sarah Shourd May be Released - Los Angeles Times

Iranian Diplomat Says He'll Seek Asylum in Finland - Associated Press

United Nations

U.N. Council Goes After Human Rights Abusers - Voice of America

New U.S., Chinese Judges Take Seats on U.N. Court - Associated Press


WikiLeaks Collaborating With Media on Release of Iraq Documents - Newsweek

U.S. Department of Defense

Robert Gates: A War Within - Newsweek

Gates, Mullen Reflect on Troop Sacrifices Since 9/11 - AFPS

Families at Pentagon Memorial Reflect on Lost Loved Ones - AFPS

Military Eyes Glowing Secrets of Fireflies, Others - Associated Press

United States

Napolitano: U.S. Always Will Face Threats - Associated Press

Janet Napolitano Vows to Keep Up Fight - Politico

U.S. to Test Iris Scan Technology - USA Today

Apparent Suicide by Cyanide Prompts Safety Fears - Boston Herald

Bad Economy Drives Down American Arms Sales - New York Times

9/11 Marked by Protests and Pleas for Tolerance - Washington Post

On Sept. 11 Anniversary, Rifts Amid Mourning - New York Times

Obama Marks 9-11 Anniversary at Pentagon - Voice of America

Obama Commemorates 9/11 in Weekly Address - AFPS

U.S. Marks 9-11 Anniversary - Voice of America

Crowds Face Off at Ground Zero - Washington Post

New York Imam: No Plans to Shelve Proposed Islamic Center - Voice of America

U.S. Tensions Over Koran Spark Isolated Incidents on 9/11 - Reuters

Security Secrets and Justice - Washington Post editorial

9 x 9/11 - Washington Post opinon

Safer than We Think - Washington Post opinon

Falling into bin Laden's Trap - Washington Post opinion

United Kingdom

U.K. Says Needs Global Military Force Post-Afghan War - Reuters

U.K. Officials Won't Meet U.S. Lockerbie Investigators - Associated Press


Melbourne Terror Trial Begins - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Five Men on Trial In Australia For Plotting Army Attack - Reuters

Jihadists 'Planned Maximum Casualties' at Aus Base - Agence France-Presse


Human Rights Watch Looks to Expand Global Reach - Washington Post

Follow the Dirty Money - New York Times opinion


Southern Sudan: Independence Vote at Risk - Washington Post

U.S. Steps Up Efforts on Sudan Vote - New York Times

Senegal Court Forbids Forcing Children to Beg - New York Times

Zimbabwe Arrests U.S. Aids Workers - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Mexican Bicentennial Falls Short on Fervor - New York Times

Mexico's Heroes Get a Fresh Hearing - Los Angeles Times

On 200th Birthday, Mexico Battered but Not Broken - Associated Press

Woman's Links to Mexican Drug Cartel a Saga of Corruption - Washington Post

Mexican Marines Capture Top Drug Suspect - Reuters

Mexican Marines Arrest Presumed Drug Kingpin - Associated Press

Mexico Arrests Top Drugs Suspect - BBC News

Mexico's Gun Traffic - Washington Post editorial

New Armed Drug-trafficking Groups Menace Colombia - BBC News

Asia Pacific

Mutual Trust Called Crucial to U.S.-China Relations - New York Times

Celebrating Id al-Fitr Under Watchful Eyes of China - New York Times

Japan Frees 14 Crew Members of Chinese Ship - Associated Press

Rare N. Korea Meet Delayed Due to Leader's Health - Reuters

Health of N. Korea's Kim Delays Key Party Meeting - Agence France-Presse

South Korea Sends Flood Aid to North - New York Times

S. Korea to Send Rice Other Aid to Flood-Hit N. Korea - Associated Press

Japan Leadership Battle Tuesday Could Bring New PM - Associated Press

Japan Leadership Duel Nears Vote Amid China Spat - Associated Press

Malaysia Prince Takes Over Throne Amid Bitter Feud - Associated Press

Indonesian Christians Beat on Their Way to Prayers - Associated Press

An Election in Japan - Washington Post editorial

China, Japan, America - New York Times opinion


Turkish Reforms Pass by Wide Margin - New York Times

Turkish Voters Approve Amendments in Referendum - Washington Post

Turkey Voters Appear to Favor Constitutional Changes - Los Angeles Times

Erdogan Scores Victory in Turkish Constitution Vote - Washington Times

Turkey Referendum Win Boosts Erdogan For 2011 Election - Reuters

Turkish Vote Gets Western Backing - BBC News

E.U. Tells Turkey to Implement Reforms - Associated Press

Document Cites French Bid to Oust Roma - New York Times

Russian Defense Minister to Discuss Cooperation With Gates - Bloomberg

U.S. Says Russia "Closer Than Ever" to WTO - Reuters

Middle East

U.S., Saudi Arms Deal Advances - Wall Street Journal

Mideast Peace Talks Face New Obstacles - Voice of America

'Peace Talks will Fail if West Bank Construction Resumes' - Jerusalem Post

Clinton Says it's Last Chance for Middle East Peace Talks - The Guardian

Israel Bends Slightly on Settlement Building - New York Times

Succession Gives Army a Stiff Test in Egypt - New York Times

Who's Bluffing? - Washington Post opinion

South Asia

India May Roll Back Security Laws Amid Kashmir Violence - Bloomberg

India Forces Battle Kashmiris in Streets; 2 Killed - Associated Press

Thousands March in Indian Kashmir; Police Attacked - Associated Press

Thousands in Kashmir Eid Rallies - BBC News

Maoist Rebels Kill 6 in Restive Eastern India - Associated Press