Small Wars Journal

July 2009 Issue of the CTC Sentinel

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 8:07am
The July 2009 issue of the Combating Terrorism Center's CTC Sentinel is now online. Articles include:

The Terrorist Threat to Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons - Shaun Gregory

The Significance of Qari Zain's Assassination in Pakistan - Rahimullah Yusufzai

Pakistan's New Offensive in South Waziristan - Samir Syed

A Diagnosis of Somalia's Failing Transitional Government - Anonymous

The Status of Conflict in the Southern and Central Regions of Somalia - Michael A. Weinstein

A New Phase of Resistance and Insurgency in Iranian Baluchistan - Chris Zambelis

Incorporating Law Enforcement Interrogation Techniques on the Battlefield - Gretchen Peters

Recent Highlights in Terrorist Activity