Small Wars Journal

A Conversation with Meghan O'Sullivan

Mon, 05/05/2008 - 6:08pm

Charlie Rose Show - A Conversation with Meghan O'Sullivan, former deputy national security adviser on Iraq and Afghanistan.


Dorothy M. Ragland (not verified)

Thu, 12/03/2009 - 6:38pm

I recently copied from the Internet an article (with photos) titled "Good Morning Meghan" signed, Love, Mom. In adding it to my files of interest, I neglected to include the source, date, etc. Some research has led me to believe it would be connected to Meghan O'Sullivan because of her political interest in Iraq (and consequent unpopular attitude during the Bush administration). Can you tell me whether or not the article was indeed written to Meghan O'Sullivan. If a copy is needed let me know where to send it. Need your help because I intend to preserve this "letter" from a mother to a daughter as an important addition to my "Keep" files for myself and for my children.