Small Wars Journal

11/27/2021 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 11/27/2021 - 8:32am

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National Security News Content:

1. Why wiping out Hong Kong's opposition may have cost China a whole generation in Taiwan
2. Opinion | The U.S. must defend itself from the omicron variant — without resorting to lockdowns
3. Opinion | The newest coronavirus variant is raising alarms. The pandemic is not over.
4. Russia-Ukraine border: Why Moscow is stoking tensions
5. Four Psychological Mechanisms That Make Us Fall for Disinformation
6. America must prepare for war with China over Taiwan
7. Russia Has Bigger Plans Beyond Ukraine and Belarus
8. Australia Needs Asymmetric Capabilities to Counter China in Indo-Pacific, Former Australian Official Says
9. China Is Closing Another Major Bridge to Taiwan
10. Why medium-sized autocracies are projecting more hard power abroad
11.  U.S. lawmakers say Taiwan "on the rise" as they ignore China warnings to visit country
12. Afghan Teachers Defy Taliban by Secretly Schooling Teenage Girls
13. Expand Five Eyes to Nine? That's Four Too Many
14. US no longer names foreign troops on Taiwan as trigger for China conflict
15. How to Deter Russia Now

Korean News Content:

1. What to do about North Korea
2. Report casts doubt on claim a North Korean was sentenced to death for smuggling 'Squid Game'
3. Exam skills won’t help you survive ‘Squid Game’
4. Late ex-President Chun's wife apologizes for 'pains, scars' inflicted during his presidency
5.  Daily cases bounce back above 4,000, deaths hit record high
6. South Korea’s KSTAR Fusion Reaction Breaks Own Record, Self-Sustaining Nuclear Energy Power Source?
7. 21 Sakhalin Koreans return to home country
8. Moon appoints two deputy chiefs of spy agency
9. 3 reasons Lee Jae-myung and the Democratic Party are losing ground