Small Wars Journal

25 November SWJ Roundup

Fri, 11/25/2011 - 8:48am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


US Commander Readying Request for More Troops to Advise - LAT

Six Children Are Killed by NATO Airstrike in Afghanistan - NYT

Afghan President Condemns Killing of Seven - AP

Afghan Opium Production to Expand After Troops Exit - Reuters

Thanksgiving 2011: Troops in Afghanistan Chow Down - S&S

Top Marine Spends Thanksgiving in Afghanistan - AP

Cross Removed at Base in Afghanistan - Politico



3 Blasts Kill at Least 10 at Market in Southern Iraqi Oil Port - NYT

Triple Bombings in South Iraq Kill 19, Injure 64 - AP

Iraqi Bomb Blasts 'Leave 19 Dead' - BBC

After Nearly 9 Years of War, Too Many Widows - NYT

American Troops Celebrate Last Thanksgiving in Iraq - S&S



In Cairo, Reflection as Revolt Pivots Again - NYT

Political Islam at a Crossroads in Egypt - LAT

Protesters Dig In as Egypt’s Generals Install Politician - NYT

Mass Protest Against Egypt Army - BBC

Thousands Rally in Egypt on 'Last Chance Friday' - Reuters

Media: Kamal Ganzouri Appointed Egypt's New PM - VOA

Mubarak-Era Premier Picked to Lead Egypt's Cabinet - AP

Egypt Military 'Appoints New PM' - BBC

Egypt Military Rulers Reject Calls to Step Down - AP

Tahrir Square Looms Over Egyptian Elections - VOA

Egypt Officials Reject Delayed Elections - WP

Egypt Orders 3 American Students Released - NYT



Violence Breaks Out in Yemeni Capital - VOA

Protesters 'Shot Dead' in Sanaa - BBC

Clashes Shake Yemeni Capital Despite Deal, 2 Dead - AP

Yemen Power-Transfer Deal Fails to Stop Violence - AP



Arab League Warns Syria Could Face Sanctions - VOA

League Warns Syria to Admit Monitors or Risk Sanctions - NYT

Arab League Gives Syria One Day - WP

Syria Observer Ultimatum Passes - BBC

Arab League: Syria Misses Observer Deadline - AP

Pressure Grows on Syria but Foreign Powers Divided - Reuters

France Calls for 'Humanitarian Corridors' in Syria - LAT

Russia Says Syria Needs Dialogue, Not Sanctions - Reuters

US, Turkey Urge Their Citizens to Leave Syria - WP


Israel / Palestinians

Israeli PM: Peace with Egypt is Mutual Interest - AP

Rival Palestinian Leaders Meet but Fail to End Rift - NYT

Palestinians Abbas and Meshaal Talk Reunification - LAT

Palestinian Rivals Talk, But Fail to Resolve Rifts - AP

Why the Palestinians Might Reject US Aid - WP opinion



Moroccans Choosing New Parliament - BBC

Morocco Votes in First Ballot Since Reform of Parliament - NYT

Moroccans Choose New Parliament After Protests - AP

Morocco Votes in Test of King's Reform Drive - Reuters

A Look at Morocco and Its Parliamentary Elections - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Report: Iran Lawmaker Says 12 CIA Agents Arrested - AP

Iran Arrests 12 'CIA Spies' for Targeting Nuclear Plans - BBC

Lebanese PM Threatens to Quit Over Hariri Tribunal - AP

Libya's Ex-Oil Minister Criticizes New Leaders - AP


US Department of Defense

Troops Reach Out for Help Feeding their Families at Thanksgiving - S&S

USO Airport Volunteers Welcome Troops on Holiday - AP


United States

Growing Gap Is Found Between Civilians and Military - NYT

Americans Mark Annual Thanksgiving Day Holiday - VOA

Drug Violence at America’s Other Southern Border - WP opinion



Global Fund for World Health Halts New Programs - AP



US Intensifies its Proxy Fight Against al-Shabab in Somalia - WP

African Union Force Makes Strides Inside Somalia - NYT

Somalis Skeptical of Ethiopian Incursion - VOA

Analysis-Ethiopia Dragged Reluctantly Back Into Somalia - Reuters

Several Killed in Central Nigeria Religious Violence - Reuters

New South African Secrecy Law Sparks Outrage - VOA

Three Dead in East Kenya Attacks - BBC

Fatal Attacks Tied to Raid by Kenya - NYT

Eastern Congolese Gear Up for Election - VOA

'Unfair' Vote ends in The Gambia - BBC

Gambia Incumbent Leads in Preliminary Results - AP



At Least 20 Bodies Dumped in Guadalajara, Mexico - LAT

Mexico Police Find 20 Bodies in Cars in Guadalajara - BBC

26 Dead in Mexico’s 2nd-Largest City - WP

Mexico Catches Escapees From Island Penal Colony - AP

Gov of Drug-Plagued Mexico State Send Kids Abroad - AP

Chilean Students Clash With Police During Protest - AP

Arrests Over Trinidad PM 'Threat' - BBC


Asia Pacific

N. Korea’s Children in Need of Food Aid, Agencies Warn - NYT

North Korea Warns South on Maritime Drills - NYT

1 of 3 Kidnapped S. Koreans Freed in Philippines - AP

Burmese Press Mention 'Retired' Former Leader Than Shwe - VOA

Burma Pursued Nuclear Arms with N. Korea - WP

Undeserved Validation for Burma - WP editorial



European Leaders Discuss Eurozone Debt Crisis - VOA

German Leader Rules Out Rapid Action on the Euro - NYT

Crisis-stricken Italy Takes on Tax Evasion - WP

Foreign Investors Reconsider Balkans - AP

Russia Says US Imposes Missile Shield on Europe - Reuters

Dutch Terrorism Suspect Fights Extradition to US - AP

Norway: Tape of Mass Killer Breivik Phone Call Aired - BBC


South Asia

India Alert Over Maoist 'Killing' - BBC

Report: Senior Indian Maoist Rebel Leader Killed - AP