Small Wars Journal

An Insurgency and Its Lessons

Sun, 07/31/2011 - 2:25am
An Insurgency and Its Lessons - Wall Street Journal Book Review by Dr. Mark Moyar. BLUF: "A few years ago, the U.S. counterinsurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan began drawing historians and military officers to the hitherto obscure Moro War. Following on the heels of better-known campaigns on the Christian islands of the northern and central Philippines, this conflict pitted the U.S. Army against the Islamic Moros, the largest population group on the southern Philippine islands. The violence began in 1901 and continued intermittently through 1913. James Arnold's 'The Moro War' is not the first recounting of the struggle, and it presents little information that cannot be found in other accounts, but it has the virtue of bringing together much material that had been scattered across histories that are focused on particular individuals or times."