Small Wars Journal

26 July SWJ Roundup

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 7:32am

Ryan Crocker Sworn in as Ambassador to Afghanistan - WP

Envoy Says US Will Start Afghan Pullout, Slowly - NYT

New Ambassador: 'No Rush for Exits' in Afghanistan - AFPS

New US Envoy Tries to Allay Afghan Fear on Pullout - AP

Afghan Leader: Security Forces Must Meet Challenge - AP

Tribes Watch and Wait After Karzai Brother's Killing - NYT

Afghan Female Peacemakers Criticized - WP

Pentagon: US Transport Funds End Up in Taliban Hands - VOA

Afghanistan Violence Kills 35, Mostly Insurgents - AP

Afghan Children Injured by UK Apache Helicopter Attack - BBC

NATO Investigates Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan - AFPS

Lawyer: Army Guardsman Shot Afghan in Self-Defense - AP


Pakistan City of Karachi Hit by Factional 'Bloodbath' - BBC

Officials From India, Pakistan Talk in New Delhi - AP


Iranian Shelling Kills 2 in Iraq's Kurdistan - AP

Motorcycle Bomb Kills 3 in Iraq's Diyala Province - AP


Syria Permits Opposition Parties on Restrictive Terms - WP

Syria to Allow Political Parties, State Agency Says - BBC

Draft Reform Law in Syria Fails to Mollify Protesters - NYT


Rebel Chief: Gadhafi, Family Can Remain in Libya - VOA

UK Reviews Gaddafi Exit Solution - BBC

UN Envoy, Rebels Say No Libya Peace Plan Yet - Reuters

UN: Gadhafi-Held Part of Libya Facing Shortages - AP


Yemeni Military and Tribesmen Push Back Militants in South - NYT

Yemeni Army Kills 10 Al Qaeda Militants - Reuters

Mass Rallies Across Yemen Demand Regime Change - AP

Israel / Palestinians

UN Again Delays Gaza Flotilla Report - VOA

Hamas Executes Two Gazans as Spies for Israel - Reuters


Key Egyptian Trial Postponed, Further Raising Tensions - VOA

Ex-Interior Minister to be Tried with Mubarak - BBC

Egypt's Generals, Protesters Moving to Open Clash - AP


Mass Rallies for Norway Victims - BBC

Suspect in Attacks Denied Public Platform in Court - LAT

Norway Shootings Suspect Warns of Other Cells - WP

Norway Suspect Appears 'Calm' at Hearing - VOA

Norway Rampage Culprit Held in Isolation - AP

Unsettling Wariness in Norway, Where Police Rarely Armed - NYT

Survivor Describes Moments of Terror in Attack in Norway - NYT

Attack Reignites Immigration Debate in Divided Oslo - NYT

US Department of Defense

Odierno: Today's War Lessons Will Aid Future - WP

CENTCOM's Spy Satellite to Beam Images from War Zones - S&S

Mullen Addresses Transnational Crime, Military Relations - AFPS

Defense Department Launches Cyber Strategy Website - AFPS

GAO Faults Pentagon Cyber Operations - WP

POW/MIA Groups Criticize US Efforts - WP

DOD Panel Calls for Radical Retirement Overhaul - S&S

Defense-industry Career Track Looking Less Certain - WP

Military Recruiting, Retention Remain Strong - AFPS

United States

Obama Urges Congress to Reach Deal on Debt - WP

Parties Head to Showdown as Obama Warns of a 'Crisis' - NYT

ATF: Gunrunning Sting Goes Fatally Wrong - WP

Guns at Mexican Crime Scenes Linked to US Sting - NYT

US Imposes Sanctions on 4 International Criminal Groups - AP

US Argues Against Disclosure in Terror Case - AP

United Kingdom

Entire Army Battalions to be Disbanded - TT


UN Seeks 'Massive' Action to Save Africa Drought Victims - VOA

Somalia Famine: UN WFP to Airlift Food to Mogadishu - BBC

UN Races to Get Food to Hungry Somali Refugees - AP

Somalis Flee Famine Along 'Roads of Death' - WP

Perfect Storm: Why Famine Hit Southern Somalia First - VOA

South Sudan Accuses Khartoum of 'Currency War' - BBC

South Sudan Says North Wages Economic War With Oil Fee - Reuters

Malawi Activists 'in Hiding after Mutharika Threat' - BBC


Mexico: The Strands of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel Web - LAT

Mass Arrests in Mexico Human Trafficking Raids - BBC

11 Killed in Shootings in Southern Mexico - AP

Bodyguards Kill Colombian Gang Leader - VOA

Guatemala Las Dos Erres Civil War Massacre Trial Begins - BBC

Ex-Soldiers Link Troops to Guatemala Massacre - AP

Asia Pacific

Mullen: Partnerships Vital to Pacific Security Strategy - AFPS

Clinton Invites North Korean Official to US For Talks - AFPS

Seoul Takes Cautious Approach with North Korea - VOA

N. Korea Food Shortage Worst in Years Despite Farms - AP

As China Steps Up Web Monitoring, Wi-Fi Users Stay Away - NYT

Aquino to China: Filipinos will Defend Territory - AP

Burma Democracy Leader Aung San Suu Kyi Meets Govt Official - VOA


Russian Officials on US Blacklist - WP

Kosovo Launches Serbia Border Crossings Take Over - AP

Kosovo Police in Tense Standoff With Local Serbs - Reuters

NATO Trying to Defuse Kosovo Border Crisis - AP

Hadzic Refuses to Plea Before UN War Crimes Court - BBC

Last Fugitive of Yugoslav Wars Declines to Plead - AP

South Asia

Officials From India, Pakistan Talk in New Delhi - AP

India Ex-Minister Denies Telecoms Graft Charges - BBC

Former President Berates Sri Lankan Government - BBC