Small Wars Journal

military planning

“The Only Problem with the Operations Planning Process is that We Don’t Use It!”: Why this Argument is Invalid SWJED Tue, 05/28/2019 - 1:37pm
Over the years I have heard time and again the argument made that “the only problem with the operations planning process is that we don’t use it!” Often this argument is made at a staff college by some “greybeard” or other, although I have also heard it made by other less venerable staff and on occasion even by students of such institutions. It is usually offered as a reason why no reform, change, or update is required to whichever operations planning process is under discussion.

The Value of Planning

Thu, 08/30/2018 - 7:50am
What we do need convincing of is what Norman Schwarzkopf and Frederick the Great understood long ago: the importance of good planning. Those who do this well, in addition to thinking on their feet, will be successful in both war and peace.

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