Small Wars Journal

1/29/2022 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 01/29/2022 - 12:24pm

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National Security News Content:

1. Xi Jinping Is Watching His Back
2. How the Computer Chip Shortage Could Incite a U.S. Conflict With China
3. How Realpolitik 2.0 Can Prevent a Global Conflict
4. Five African Countries. Six Coups. Why Now?
5. The Enduring Lessons of the ‘Axis of Evil’ Speech
6. Why A Second US Civil War Would Be Far Worse Than the First
7. America Has an Unhealthy Obsession With Credibility
8. Cyberattack Targets Belarus' Rail Network To Slow Flood Of Russian Forces Into The Country
10. Guns, gems and drugs: One year after Myanmar’s coup, how the generals hold power
11. Why Putin Hasn't Been Deterred by Victor Davis Hanson
12. Why the US Must Take China’s Disinformation Operations Seriously
13. China Bowdlerized ‘Fight Club.’ When Will Artists Say ‘Enough’?
14. The information war over Ukraine
15. Will Russian Aggression Revive the Monroe Doctrine?
16. China media says US pays athletes to 'disrupt' Beijing Games
17. China's ambassador to the U.S. warns of 'military conflict' over Taiwan
18. Russian Hybrid Threats Report: Kremlin pushes claims about Ukrainian offensive, ‘junk’ weapons from West
19. Russia Is Teaching a Master Class in ‘Decision-Centric' Warfare
20. China donates P1 billion military aid to Philippines
21. US radio sets out to break Russian 'propaganda wall'
22. Ukraine’s ‘Weekend Army’ Trains as Last Defense Against Russia
23. Australia Takes the Initiative in the Pacific
24. United States and Thailand Inaugurate Elite Border Patrol Police Training Facility
25. US military readies to ‘walk and chew gum’ as multiple crises loom

Korean News Content:

1. Indo-Pacific Affairs podcast -Episode 6 - Interview with Colonel David S. Maxwell, US Army, retired
2. The North Korean Missile Rorschach Test
3. North's launches this week confirmed to be cruise, tactical guided missiles
4. The 386 Generation’s first president
5. NK confirms missile tests as Kim Jong-un visits munitions factory
6. Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Munitions Factory
7. North Korea Finds Its Missile Tests Have Lost Their Shock Value
8. Int'l Press Body Urges Korea to Stop Spying on Journalists
9. North Korea Has Launched More Missiles This Month Than Ever Before Under Kim Jong-Un
10. North Korea is going to chair the World Disarmament Conference: More UN madness