Small Wars Journal

SWC IW COIN "Non-Virtual"

Wed, 07/30/2008 - 12:04am
A couple of pictures from our SWC Northern Virginia "Non-Virtual" get together tonight at the Globe and Laurel restaurant near Marine Corps Base Quantico. While solutions to world problems were not quite nailed down, the conversation on irregular warfare, counterinsurgency, etc. was stimulating as was the great company (Marine, Army, DOD/OSD, JFCOM, JAWP) and of course the food and drink. We'll be holding more of these - wherever Council members hang their hat / cover. Stay tuned - and better yet - sign on and join the Small Wars Council for the virtual half of 'the dialogue'. More images can be found in the members only portion of the board.


MattMurph (not verified)

Wed, 07/30/2008 - 2:28pm

Is that Yuengling I see on the table? Must've been a great night!