Small Wars Journal

Blog Posts

SWJ Blog is a multi-author blog publishing news and commentary on the various goings on across the broad community of practice.  We gladly accept guest posts from serious voices in the community.

by The Washington Post | Tue, 04/23/2019 - 5:34am | 0 comments
"Sri Lanka on Tuesday described the devastating string of bombings on Easter that killed 321 people as a response to the attack on two mosques in New Zealand last month."
by The Washington Post | Mon, 04/22/2019 - 4:47pm | 0 comments
"Eight separate bomb attacks on churches and luxury hotels on Easter Sunday left 290 people dead and another 500 injured. A day after the coordinated explosions, which mostly targeted Sri Lanka’s capital city of Colombo, the names and stories of those who died are beginning to trickle out."
by The Wall Street Journal, by The Washington Post, by The New York Times | Mon, 04/22/2019 - 1:34am | 0 comments
Continue on for an update concerning the terror bombings in Sri Lanka.
by The Washington Post | Sun, 04/21/2019 - 12:23pm | 0 comments
"The White House said Friday that President Trump, in a phone call with renegade Libyan general Khalifa Hifter, praised Hifter for fighting terrorism and protecting Libya’s oil, comments that were far afield from the administration’s stated policy on Libya."
by Reuters | Sun, 04/21/2019 - 3:07am | 0 comments
"Explosions shook the Libyan capital Tripoli late Saturday after an airstrike, residents said, in an escalation of a two-week offensive by eastern forces on the city held by the internationally recognized government."
by The Washington Post | Sun, 04/21/2019 - 2:50am | 0 comments
"A series of coordinated explosions struck three churches and two hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, killing at least 75 people and injuring more than 200. Blasts took place in churches in the cities of Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa"
by The Wall Street Journal | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 3:47pm | 0 comments
"Suspected Islamic State militants attacked a government building in teeming central Kabul on Saturday, killing seven and triggering a gunbattle with government forces that sent terrified workers scurrying for safety and left others huddled in their offices awaiting rescue."
by The Wall Street Journal | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 3:38pm | 0 comments
"Suspected militants attacks a government building, triggering a gunbattle with authorities and killing seven ."
by The New York Times | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 2:17pm | 0 comments
"On Thursday, the Islamic State’s news agency claimed the group’s first attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo, stating that its soldiers had assaulted a military barracks in the area of Beni, killing eight people."
by The New York Times | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 7:35am | 0 comments
"In July 2013, a broadcaster affiliated with the Islamist group Hezbollah posted a threatening video on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. It featured gun-toting militants practicing an ambush to kidnap Israeli soldiers. The message: This is how we kill you."
by The Washington Post | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 6:36am | 0 comments
"A militant band of women loyal to the Islamic State is terrorizing others who fled the battlefront for this sprawling camp in northeastern Syria, demanding they adhere to the strict codes once enforced by the group and creating a vexing problem for the Kurdish-led forces controlling the site."
by The New York Times | Sat, 04/20/2019 - 5:01am | 0 comments
"The Islamic State has claimed its first attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo, planting a flag in a region already troubled by violence and an outbreak of the Ebola virus."
by SWJ Editors | Fri, 04/19/2019 - 4:34pm | 0 comments
Agents have discovered a new tactic in counter surveillance as they continue to apprehend large groups and gang members attempting to illegally enter the United States.
by The Washington Post | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 9:14pm | 0 comments
"President Trump’s veto of legislation designed to disentangle the United States from a punishing war in Yemen sets the stage for a continued stalemate in the conflict, former officials and analysts said, with civilians likely to pay the highest price."
by The Wall Street Journal | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 7:47pm | 0 comments
"The gathering was to have been the first since the latest effort resumed that Taliban and government officials were to be in the same room."
by Voice of America | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 10:30am | 0 comments
"Suspected separatist militants ambushed a bus in southwestern Pakistan before dawn Thursday and killed 14 passengers, mostly navy personnel."
by USA Today | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 8:15am | 0 comments
"ISIS-affiliated terrorists in Afghanistan, noted for their brutality in a brutal land, pose the top threat for spectacular attacks in the United States, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official."
by Reuters | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 8:05am | 0 comments
"A meeting between the Taliban and Afghan politicians and civil society aimed at ending more than 17 years of war in Afghanistan has been postponed, officials and diplomats said on Thursday, citing Taliban objections to the size of the Afghan delegation."
by | Thu, 04/18/2019 - 7:24am | 0 comments
"The Marine Corps plans to launch an urban-combat operations experiment this summer, and the service wants defense firms and academia to submit ideas for weapons and fighting technologies aimed at making Marine infantry units more effective in this deadly environment."
by Jerusalem Post | Wed, 04/17/2019 - 3:49pm | 0 comments
"Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump's senior advisor, told foreign diplomats on Wednesday that the 'deal of the century' will be released in June, after Ramadan, a source familiar with the remarks told The Jerusalem Post."
by Reuters | Wed, 04/17/2019 - 6:27am | 0 comments
"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning had reason to believe that leaking U.S. military reports "would cause injury" to the country, federal prosecutors alleged in a newly unsealed court filing on Monday."
by SWJ Editors | Tue, 04/16/2019 - 5:28pm | 0 comments
Jane's 360 - "The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) fighting in the Battle of Marawi in 2017 were forced to adjust to urban warfare with several novel uses for legacy equipment, senior sources have disclosed."
by The Jamestown Foundation | Tue, 04/16/2019 - 5:12pm | 0 comments
"Russia’s growing employment of non-linear forms of warfare (including private military contractors) has long historical traditions. This paper seeks to discuss the main milestones of historical evolution of Russia’s use of mercenary and irregular forces from Tsarist Russia to the final days of the Soviet Union."
by Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | Tue, 04/16/2019 - 4:20pm | 0 comments
"Piercing the Fog of Peace: Developing Innovative Operational Concepts for a New Era" is meant to stimulate discussion of, and ultimately spur action to develop, the concepts and capabilities the United States needs to prevail in a more dangerous world.
by Foreign Affairs | Tue, 04/16/2019 - 3:22pm | 0 comments
"Much remains uncertain about the U.S. withdrawal. But whatever the final troop levels turn out to be, Trump’s decision to significantly reduce the American footprint in Syria is unlikely to be reversed."