Small Wars Journal

Blog Posts

SWJ Blog is a multi-author blog publishing news and commentary on the various goings on across the broad community of practice.  We gladly accept guest posts from serious voices in the community.

by Christopher Kelly | Thu, 05/25/2017 - 5:19am | 0 comments

Memorial Day this year calls on us to look backward at our past and forward to the many uncertainties and challenges facing our nation overseas.

by The Washington Post | Wed, 05/24/2017 - 12:11pm | 0 comments

"The U.S. Army failed to properly keep tracks of hundreds of humvees, tens of thousands of rifles and other pieces of military equipment that were sent to Iraq."

by Voice of America | Wed, 05/24/2017 - 11:55am | 0 comments

British police said Wednesday it was “clear” the suicide bomber who attacked a concert in Manchester did not act alone.

by The National Interest | Tue, 05/23/2017 - 8:56am | 4 comments

“Rather than talk of cutting forces further, the United States needs to first go back to the future—or perhaps it's more accurate to say, go forward to the past.”

by The Heritage Foundation | Tue, 05/23/2017 - 8:10am | 9 comments

“Russian aggression increases the need for NATO to be fully funded and functioning. Russia is acting out against neighboring states and has threatened NATO members.”

by Voice of America | Tue, 05/23/2017 - 6:07am | 0 comments

British police say at least 22 people were killed and 59 wounded in an explosion Monday night outside a concert venue in Manchester, England.

by The New Yorker | Mon, 05/22/2017 - 12:53pm | 0 comments

“The former Marine Corps general spent four decades on the front lines. How will he lead the Department of Defense?”

by The Washington Post | Mon, 05/22/2017 - 8:40am | 0 comments

“With some of the most difficult areas of the city held by militants - and tens of thousands of civilians still trapped in their homes - the fighting could last well into the weeks ahead.”

by The New York Times | Mon, 05/22/2017 - 8:01am | 0 comments

“Challenging the orthodoxies around Vietnam is as important today as it has ever been.”

by The Washington Post | Mon, 05/22/2017 - 6:57am | 0 comments

“A fight that the US cannot and should not avoid. It’s also an opportunity for Trump to accomplish what his administration says it wants to do in the Middle East.”

by InSight Crime | Sun, 05/21/2017 - 11:54am | 0 comments

“The US security strategy in Latin America under the new administration has yet to find its footing.”

by The New York Times | Sun, 05/21/2017 - 11:30am | 0 comments

“The speech is meant as a reset from the harsher tone and policies Mr. Trump adopted as a candidate last year.”

by The Washington Post | Sun, 05/21/2017 - 11:05am | 0 comments

“Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the United States had opened a new channel between senior U.S. and Russian military officials.”

by National Defense University Press | Sat, 05/20/2017 - 9:34pm | 0 comments

Theme: The Struggle for Security in Africa

by The Wall Street Journal | Sat, 05/20/2017 - 11:09am | 2 comments

“No longer will we have slowed decision cycles because Washington, D.C., has to authorize tactical movements on the ground.”

by DoD News | Sat, 05/20/2017 - 9:57am | 2 comments

"The U.S.-led coalition against ISIS will continue to build on the progress made to date to accelerate the campaign to annihilate the vicious group wherever it tries to form."

by DoD News | Thu, 05/18/2017 - 7:40pm | 1 comment

No one is satisfied with a stalemate in Afghanistan and NATO defense chiefs in Brussels examined proposals that would increase the number of NATO and partner troops in the country.

by Foreign Policy | Thu, 05/18/2017 - 12:06pm | 0 comments

“And four other questions the President's team needs to answer before expanding America’s longest war.”

by The Washington Post | Thu, 05/18/2017 - 11:52am | 1 comment

“What we saw yesterday - a violent attack on a peaceful demonstration - is an affront to D.C. values and our rights as Americans,” said D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser.

by The Modern War Institute | Thu, 05/18/2017 - 7:50am | 2 comments

“Yet, still, we don’t read doctrine. Why? Well, it’s complicated.”

by The Modern War Institute | Wed, 05/17/2017 - 9:25am | 2 comments

“Continuing down a path of overly ambitious and unrealistic advising initiatives, coupled with restricted advising divorced from tactical realities will guarantee that we will lose.”

by The Wall Street Journal | Wed, 05/17/2017 - 9:07am | 0 comments

“Suddenly, Middle Eastern intellectuals are coming to me for ‘ground truth.’”

by Voice of America | Tue, 05/16/2017 - 1:11pm | 5 comments

McMaster said Tuesday that information about terrorism and threats to international aviation that President Trump shared with Russian diplomats last week was “wholly appropriate”.

by The Modern War Institute | Tue, 05/16/2017 - 8:04am | 1 comment

The arguments that the Army need not devote time, manpower, or money to better preparing to operate in megacities are not uniform in their objections.

by Defense News | Tue, 05/16/2017 - 6:36am | 3 comments

“The Pentagon is studying gray zone conflict - otherwise known as hybrid warfare - beginning with a focus on Russia and later moving on to study Iran and China.”