Small Wars Journal

Obama Unveils Strategy for Afghanistan, Pakistan (Updated)

Fri, 03/27/2009 - 7:51pm
Obama Unveils Strategy for Afghanistan, Pakistan - Voice of America

President Barack Obama has announced his plan to send about 4,000 more US troops to Afghanistan and increase diplomacy with Pakistan. He said his strategy has a clear and focused goal.

"To disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future. That is the goal that must be achieved. That is a cause that could not be more just. And to the terrorists who oppose us, my message is the same: We will defeat you," said the president.

Mr. Obama said, for Americans, the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan is "the most dangerous place in the world," where those who planned the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States are plotting further attacks.

The estimated 4,000 new troops would join 17,000 additional combat and support troops the president wants in Afghanistan in the coming months. By October, the overall force level should reach 59,000.

The new plan shifts the emphasis of the U.S. mission to training and increasing the size of the Afghan security forces, so they can eventually take responsibility for their country's security.

CBS News: Saying war in Iraq distracted from the effort in Afghanistan, President Obama announced his strategy to combat the Taliban and al Qaeda insurgents.


Obama Announces New Afghanistan, Pakistan Strategies - Transcript

President Unveils Afghan-Pakistan Strategy Review - AFPS

US Defines New Afghan Strategy - Wall Street Journal

Obama Announces Plans for More Funding for Afghan War - Washington Post

Obama Sounds Cautious Note as He Sets Out Afghan Plan - New York Times

Obama: Taliban and al Qaeda Must Be Stopped - Washington Times

Obama Pledges More Troops for Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Afghan Plan Adds 4,000 US Troops - Boston Globe

Obama's Strategy for Afghanistan - Christian Science Monitor

Obama Zeros in on Afghanistan - Washington Times

Obama Pumps $5bn Into Pakistan - The Times

Obama Vows to 'Dismantle and Defeat' al-Qaeda - Daily Telegraph

Afghanistan 'On Brink of Disaster' - The Australian

Barack Obama Pushes for Afghanistan Result - The Australian

Obama Takes Aim at Taliban and Al Qaeda - Associated Press

Obama sets Qaeda Defeat as Top Goal in Afghanistan - Reuters

US Rethinks Afghanistan Strategy - BBC News

Barack Obama Offers New Strategy to Tame Pakistan - The Times

White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort - New York Times

Pakistani, Afghan Leaders Welcome Obama War Strategy - Voice of America

Afghan-Pakistan Strategy Emphasizes Need for Counterinsurgency Fight - AFPS

New Afghan Program Supports Community-based Approach to Security - AFPS

New Afghan Approach More Likely to Succeed, Gates Says - AFPS

Mullen Praises Regional Approach of Afghan-Pakistan Strategy Review - AFPS

Trainers 'Critical' to Obama's New Afghan-Pakistan Plan, Mullen Says - AFPS

New Strategy 'Refocuses' Mission in Afghanistan, Flournoy Says - AFPS

Holbrooke, Petraeus Weigh In on New Afghan-Pakistan Plan - PBS

The Price of Realism - Washington Post editorial

The Remembered War - New York Times editorial

Mr. Obama's Surge - Wall Street Journal editorial

Obama vs. Al Qaeda - Boston Globe editorial

Obama's Afghan Plan - Christian Science Monitor editorial

A New Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan - Commentary opinion

Defusing Afghanistan - Washington Post opinion

The Right Strategy? - Washington Post opinion

Why Pakistan is a Stumbling Block - The Times opinion

'Lower Your Sights' is the Wrong Vision - Los Angeles Times opinion