Small Wars Journal

In Afghanistan, the Clock is Ticking

Thu, 05/06/2010 - 5:56am
In Afghanistan, the Clock is Ticking - George Will, Washington Post opinion.

The ticking clock does not disturb the preternatural serenity that Gen. David H. Petraeus maintains regarding Afghanistan. Officially, the U.S. Central Command is located here; actually, it is wherever he is, which is never in one place for very long. He is away about 300 days a year, flying to and around his vast area of responsibility, which extends from Egypt to where his towering reputation is hostage to a timetable - Afghanistan.

He earned his own chapter in American military history by advocating and presiding over the surge that broke the back of the Iraq insurgency. This was an instance of a military intellectual given full opportunity for the unity of theory and practice.

Today, however, only about half of the surge of 30,000 troops for Afghanistan, announced by the president in his speech at West Point five months ago, have arrived. The rest will be there by the end of August. Eleven months after that, the withdrawal the president promised - in the sentence following the one that announced the increase - is supposed to begin...

More at The Washington Post.


No serious disagreements here, but people have been saying the clock is "ticking" in Afghanistan since about 2005 or so. Either it's always ticking, or it's ticking extra hard. Will doesn't really get into the "Afghanistan is in perpetual crisis" idea.