Small Wars Journal

CMH Call for Papers, Conference

Fri, 01/09/2009 - 6:02pm
2009 Conference of Army Historians

The U.S. Army Center of Military History is soliciting papers for the 27 - 30 July 2009 biennial Conference of Army Historians, to be held in the Washington, D.C., area. This biennial conference has traditionally featured presentations on joint and combined military history as well as papers presented by civilian historians from government and academia. As such, we are very pleased to invite members of the international and academic communities to both attend and present papers on the 2009 theme of "Exiting War: Phase IV Operations."

"Phase IV Operations," a term used by the U.S. military and the U.S. Department of State, is used to describe all post-conflict operations and efforts, including reconstruction. As such, papers may deal with any aspect of the U.S. Army's role in post-conflict operations, including but not limited to: peace-keeping, nation-building, reconstruction, counter-insurgency, occupation, and withdrawal. Special attention will be given to topics that focus on the current Global War on Terror.

Presenters should be prepared to speak for twenty minutes. Should the Center of Military History decide to publish the conference papers, those speaking will have an opportunity to submit a formal paper for consideration.

Further information on the conference location will be forthcoming on the Center of Military History Website.

Prospective participants should send a detailed topic proposal and formal CV no later than 16 January 2009 to Conference of Army Historians, U.S. Army Center of Military History, ATTN: DAMH-FPF, 103 Third Avenue, Fort McNair, DC 20319-5058 or via email at