Small Wars Journal

5/25/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sat, 05/25/2024 - 11:58am

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National Security News Content:

1. China's military isn't just putting on a show of force. It's rehearsing for the real deal, an assault on Taiwan.
2. Taiwan Must Control Its Own Destiny
3. International Criminal Court Prosecutor Threatens United States Senators
4. Revolutionizing National Security: Unleashing the Power of Nested Objectives
5. Can the U.S. Defend South Korea and Taiwan Simultaneously?
6. Wreck of America’s most lethal World War II sub found near the Philippines
7. Names of special ops soldiers killed in Black Hawk crash added to Fort Liberty memorial
8. China testing ability to ‘seize power’ in second day of military drills around Taiwan
9. Foreign fighters training anti-regime forces in Myanmar
10. Xi Jinping’s Recipe for Total Control: An Army of Eyes and Ears
11.  It’s Not Just Ideology: Why The US Is Hard-Wired To Be Hostile To Autocratic Regimes
12. Moral bankruptcy: The world chooses to sustain Hamas monsters - opinion
13. Campus Protests Reflect Impatience With U.S. Foreign Policy
14. Regaining Our Standing as a Maritime Nation
15. Ukrainian Echoes From America’s War for Independence
16. The U.S. Built a $320 Million Pier to Get Aid to Gazans. Little of It Has Reached Them.
17. Gen. Mattis on foreign influence operations: The US has never been 'more vulnerable'
18. ‘Four services and four arms’ lifts CCP control over information warfare
19. U.S. Intelligence Deserves the Distrust It Is Generating
20. Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt predicts AI data centers will be ‘on military bases surrounded by machine guns’
21. Plans for China's invasion of Taiwan could be thwarted by a leading European chipmaker's "kill switch," which can remotely deactivate sophisticated chipmaking equipment
22. Call For Papers: Second Annual Irregular Warfare Colloquium
23. Mysterious shooting outside Army Special Forces residence in North Carolina raises questions
24. China-Taiwan Weekly Update, May 24, 2024
25. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 24, 2024
26. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, May 24, 2024
27. STRATEGY CENTRAL EXCLUSIVE: Wedemeyer's “20 Laws of Military Planning” Discovered During Recent Pentagon Remodel

Korean News Content:

1. Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?
2. Can the U.S. Defend South Korea and Taiwan Simultaneously?
3. Ex-U.S. diplomat notes Trump's apparent distrust toward N. Korean leader in FP interview
4. Austin to attend trilateral talks with South Korean, Japanese counterparts in Singapore: Pentagon
5. Trade, not N. Korea nukes, on agenda for talks between China, South Korea and Japan
6. S. Korea completes development of L-SAM defense system
7. U.S. girding for possibility of N. Korea taking most provocative military actions in decade near election: NBC
8. Seoul to host series of summit meetings with Beijing and Tokyo
9. N. Korea to convene key party meeting next month
10. Korea-Japan-China summit Monday could be ‘turning point’ to normalized ties in Northeast Asia
11. [Wang Son-taek] Limits and chances from the limitless alliance (China- Russia)
12. Debate over S. Korea's nuclear option resurfaces amid NK's continuing threats