Small Wars Journal

5/24/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 8:15am

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National Security News Content:

1. The weapon behind Russia’s creeping battlefield advances
2. How to win in Ukraine: pour it on, and don’t worry about escalation
3. First Replicator drones already in Indo-Pacific, DOD says
4. Lawsuit alleges contractors lied about V-22’s safety
5. Chat Xi PT? China’s Chatbot Makes Sure It’s a Good Comrade
6. The Navy’s Missile Catcher Comes Home
7. Russia Is Increasingly Blocking Ukraine’s Starlink Service
8. Exclusive: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines
9. Opinion - We Haven’t Hit Peak Populism Yet – David Brooks
10. Russia’s Military Shaken as Top-Level Purge Unfolds
11.  US will announce $275 million more in artillery and ammunition for Ukraine, officials say
12. Crimea ATACMS strike hits space radar station: report
13. How Delays in Western Aid Gave Russia the Initiative: From the Ukrainian Counteroffensive to Kharkiv
14.  Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 23, 2024
15. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, May 23, 2024
16. Graphic novel tells story of Army captain who tackled suicide bomber
17. How the Army is driving enterprise training across five warfighting domains and three dimensions
18. The Inevitable Role of Clans in Post-Conflict Stabilization in Gaza
19. The Death of an Iranian Hard-Liner
20. Don’t Go to War With the ICC

Korean News Content:

1. Elbridge Colby Is Wrong on the U.S.-ROK Alliance
2. S. Korean military detects suspected signs of N.K. preparations for spy satellite launch
3. S. Korea slaps sanctions on 7 N. Koreans, 2 Russian ships for illegal arms, fuel trade with Russia
4. S. Korea unveils monument hoping for return of 5 nationals abducted by N. Korea in 1970s
5. Trilateral summit's statement to possibly include resolution of N. Korea's abduction: sources
6. U.S. says working toward 'mutually acceptable' defense cost sharing deal with S. Korea
7. S. Korea to stage Taegeuk military drills next week amid N.K. threats
8. Arms agency chief visits Saudi Arabia, Romania for talks on defense cooperation
9. Moon says Korean Peninsula in 'crisis phase,' calls for efforts to solidify peace values
10. South Korea to assume presidency of UN Security Council in June
11. North Korean golfers sport sanctions-blocked Nike apparel
12. Tokyo, Seoul target North Korea-Russia arms deal with sanctions
13. 6 out of 10 Koreans don’t plan to have babies