Small Wars Journal

30 June SWJ Roundup

Thu, 06/30/2011 - 7:52am
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Benefit of 'Economy of Force' Operations Remains Unclear - S&S

Obama Weighed Military and Political Risk for Afghan Plan - Reuters

Officials to Expand Afghan Militia Program - USAT

McRaven Defends Night Raids in Afghan War - S&S

Kabul Hotel Attack Raises Doubts on Afghan Forces - NYT

Kabul Shaken after Deadly Hotel Attack - WP

Afghan Taliban Sends Message with Hotel Attack - LAT

Afghan Officials: Hotel Attack Will Not Affect Security Transition - VOA

Afghan Attack Left Mass of Bodies at Luxury Hotel - AP

2 Journalists Freed by Taliban Return to France - NYT

French Journalists Freed in Afghanistan after 18 Months - BBC

Two Ex-Kabul Bank Officials Arrested - NYT

Fallen Marine Honored With Intelligence Medal for Valor - AFPS

Taliban Talks Bombing - WT editorial


Pakistan Ends US Use of Base for Drone Attacks - Reuters

Six Karachi Rangers Charged with Murder - BBC


Syria Pulls Its Armed Forces From Some Contested Cities - NYT

US Slaps Syria, Iran for Killing Protesters - WT

Activists Say Syrian Troops Kill 4 in Northern Villages - VOA

Syria Tank Assault Kills 11 Near Turkey Border - Reuters

A Dictator's New Friend - WP editorial


Obama Defends US Involvement in Libyan Conflict - VOA

Obama Dismisses 'Fuss' about Libya Conflict - WT

France Provides Weapons, Food to Libyan Rebels - VOA

France Says It Gave Arms to the Rebels in Libya - NYT

French Sent Arms to Libyan Rebels - WP

AU Condemns French Libya Arms Drop - BBC

UK Sends Body Armor, Police Uniforms to Libya - AP

Britain Won't Help Arm Libya Rebels - WT

Libya Dismisses Claim of Rebel Push from Mountains - AP

How to Depose Kadafi - LAT editorial


Strategic Site Is Captured by Militants in Yemen - NYT

Battle Near Zinjibar 'Kills at Least 21' - BBC

Yemen President Orders Talks on Deal to End Crisis - AP

Yemen VP Says Doesn't Know When Saleh Returns - Reuters

Israel / Palestinians

Gaza Flotilla Organizers: 2nd Ship Sabotaged - AP


3 US Troops Killed in Iraq, Adding to Deadly Month - WP

Rocket Attack Kills 3 American Soldiers in Iraq - AP


Iran Facing New US Sanctions - WP

US Slaps Syria, Iran for Killing Protesters - WT


Egypt Unprepared for Sept. Elections - WP

Clashes Ease in Egypt, but Underline Nation's Fragile Condition - NYT

Egyptian Protesters Demand Brutality Trials - LAT

Review Ordered in Death That Sparked Egypt Revolt - AP

US to Resume Formal Muslim Brotherhood Contacts - Reuters

Waiting Game in Tunisia and Egypt - WP opinion

Middle East / North Africa

Tension over Saudi Worker Curbs - BBC

Saudi Religious Police Detained 5 Women for Driving - NYT

Waiting Game in Tunisia and Egypt - WP opinion


CT Strategy Focused on al-Qaeda's Threat to Homeland - WP

White House Unveils Retooled Plan to Hunt al-Qaida - AP

New Counterterror Strategy Reset on 'Adherents' - WT

Obama Adviser Outlines Plans to Defeat Al Qaeda - NYT

US Drone Targets Two Leaders of Somali AQ Group - WP

Jihadist Web Forum Knocked Off Internet - AP

US Department of Defense

Obama Hints at Deeper Cuts to Defense Spending - S&S

McRaven: Special Operations Forces Under Stress - AP

Mullen: Public, Private Efforts Must Help Failed States - AFPS

Cartwright Cites 'Stark Realities' at Conference - AFPS

Comptroller Explains DOD Budget Challenges - AFPS

Ongoing Investigation at Arlington National Cemetery - CNN

Obama, Pentagon Plan Big Send-off for Gates - S&S

United States

Report: Iraq, Afghanistan Wars Cost US Nearly $4 Trillion - VOA

Obama Urges Lawmakers to Seize Moment, Tackle Debt - VOA

Clinton Urges World Democracies to Stand Together - AP


China Pledges Lasting Friendship with Sudan - VOA

Sudanese Leader Is Welcomed in Visit to China - NYT

Sudan President Bashir Scrambles to Save Regime - LAT

Rival Sudan Forces to Quit Border - BBC

Two Sudans to Create a Buffer Zone - Reuters

South Sudan President Steers Nation to Independence - Reuters

Yet Again in Sudan - NYT opinion

Nigeria Imposes Curfew on Abuja - BBC

Deadly Gunfight in DR Congo Mining Capital - BBC

US Drone Targets Two Leaders of Somali AQ Group - WP


Mexican Govt: No Evidence Migrants Were Kidnapped - AP

Venezuela Suspends Summit over Hugo Chavez's Illness - BBC

Colombia Condemns Rebel Attack - BBC

Study Suggests UN Force Brought Cholera to Haiti - AP

Asia Pacific

China Supports Global Pariahs, Gets Resources and Criticism in Return - VOA

Amnesty Int'l: China Crackdown on Lawyers Expands - AP

China's 'Red Tourism' Puts the Party Back Into Communism - Reuters

Filipino Leader to Visit China Amid Spratlys Rift - AP

Taiwan Unveils Upgraded Fighter Jet - AP

Ex-Taiwan President Lee Indicted on Graft Charge - AP

US, South Korean Alliance 'Never Stronger,' Sharp Says - AFPS

N. Korea: Kim Cancelled Russia Trip on Security Worry - Reuters


Britain Faces Mass Strikes as Airports Warn Travelers - VOA

UK Public Workers Strike Over Pensions - BBC

Rough Road Ahead for Greece Despite Austerity Measures - VOA

Greece Passes Austerity Package - LAT

Russian Lawmakers Delay Controversial Rights Bill - AP

Six Moldovan 'Uranium Smugglers' Arrested - BBC

South Asia

Indian PM Manmohan Singh Denies 'Lame Duck' Charge - BBC

India: Gujarat Riots Records 'Destroyed' - BBC