Small Wars Journal

29 May SWJ Roundup

Sun, 05/29/2011 - 1:48am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***

Thanks to those who answered my recent SOS - but we could use more, much more... - and the coin really is a nice item - only 500 were struck and of those only 350 were set aside for our 2011 funding drive. If and when we produce another coin it will be of a new design. - Dave D.


Afghanistan's Nawa District a Model of 'Transition'- S&S

Suicide Blast Targets Afghan, NATO Leaders - WP

Taliban Bomber Infiltrates Meeting, Killing Police Official and Others - NYT

Suicide Bomber Strikes at Top NATO, Afghan Leaders - AP

Suicide Bomber Kills Northern Afghanistan Police Commander - VOA

Suicide Blast Kills Top Police Commander - BBC

NATO Air Strike 'Kills 14 Civilians' in Afghanistan - BBC


Newspaper: Pakistan's Military Concerned About Infiltration - VOA

Israel / Palestinians

Arab League Backs UN Recognition of Palestine - VOA

Arab Boost for Palestine UN Call - BBC

Egypt Eases Restrictions on Gaza Border Crossings- VOA

Egypt Lifts Blockade, Along With the Gazans' Hopes - NYT

Egypt Opens Gaza Border Crossing, Easing Four-year Blockade - WP

Egypt Eases Gaza Border Blockade - BBC


In Libyan Rebel Capital, Shouts of Thanks to America and the West - NYT

NATO Targets Tripoli Facility - VOA

NATO Planes Target Gaddafi's Tripoli Compound - BBC

Residents of Misurata Begin to Rebuild - WP

Tensions Remain High in Refugee Camp Near Tunisia-Libya Border - VOA


Yemen President, Tribal Chief Agree to End Clashes - VOA

Yemen Forces Agree on Ceasefire - BBC

President, Powerful Tribal Chief Agree to End Fighting - AP


Kurdistan: The Other Iraq - WP

What Will Our Iraq War Memorial Look Like? - WP opinion

Middle East / North Africa

The Whiff of Revenge Taints the Arab Spring - WP opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Cartwright, Poised to Lead Joint Chiefs, Shot Derailed by Critics - WP

Warriors Who Became Walking Libraries- CNN

United States

Washing the Wall to Remember Vietnam Vets - WP

After Combat, the Perils of Coming Home - NYT


North, South Sudanese Envoys Start Abyei Talks - VOA

Sudan: 150,000 Flee Abyei Clash, Says Southern Minister - BBC

Nigerian President to be Sworn In - BBC

Protesters Absent as Ethiopia Marks Anniversary of Meles Rule - VOA


Mexico Police Raid 'La Familia Drug Cartel', Killing 11 - BBC

Former President Zelaya Returns to Honduras - VOA

Honduras: Ousted President Manuel Zelaya Returns - BBC

Asia Pacific

Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan 'Unready for Typhoon' - BBC


Obama: Poland A Model for New Democracies - VOA

Obama Wraps 4-nation European Tour - WP

Serbia Alert Over Mladic Protests - BBC

In Russia, Prisons for Police Thrive - NYT

Latvian President Moves to Dissolve Parliament - VOA

South Asia

Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa Defends Military's Role - BBC