Small Wars Journal

18 June SWJ Roundup

Sat, 06/18/2011 - 1:02am
***Keep the Roundup (the Journal, the Blog and the Council) Going AND Get a Nifty Coin to Boot***


World Bank Withholding $70 m., Afghans Try to Resolve Scandal - NYT

Afghan Cash Crunch Looms, Millions Withheld Over Bank - Reuters

Obama Talks Drawdown with Top Afghan Commander - AP

UN Separates Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions - AP

UN Splits Taliban and al-Qaeda on Sanctions Blacklist - BBC

UN Separates al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions - AP

Project Advances Coalition Information Sharing - AFPS

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS

Images From Afghanistan: June 2011 - WP


Pakistan Army Denies Colluding With Insurgents - AP

11 Militants Killed in Clashes with Pakistani Forces - VOA

Pakistan 'Concerned' by NATO Incursion Near Border - Reuters

Karachi Soldiers Appear in Court over Video Killing - BBC


Casualties Mount as Syrian Protests, Crackdown Intensify - VOA

Defying Crackdown, Protesters Surge Across Syria - NYT

24 Reported Slain in Syrian Protests - LAT

Deadly Fresh Protests Erupt - BBC

Syrian Forces Open Fire on Protesters; 16 Killed - AP

Syria Forces Kill 19 in Biggest Protests - Reuters

Pressure Mounts on Assad to Resign - WP

Syrian Town Is Strained by Flood of Refugees - NYT

US Mulls War Crimes Charges Against Syrian President - VOA


Gaddafi Defiant, as Bombs Rain on Tripoli - WP

Pro-Gadhafi Forces Hit Misrata, NATO Targets Tripoli - VOA

Ten Killed in Misrata, Medics Say - BBC

Libyan Rebels Live by 'V' Sign: 'We Win or We Die' - AP

Fighting as Libyan Rebels Try to Close on Gaddafi - Reuters

2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate - NYT

US Paying European Teams to Hunt Stray Munitions - NYT

Libya and the Potemkin Alliance - WP opinion


Yemen's Vice President in the Hot Seat - WP

Allies Say Yemeni President to Return Home in Days - AP

Government Says Saleh to Return Despite Protests - Reuters


Al-Qaida Claims Killing of Anti-Saddam Purger - AP

Middle East / North Africa

Turkish Charity Says its Ship Won't be Part of Gaza Flotilla - WP

Three Dead in Sectarian Clash in North Lebanon - Reuters

Saudi Women Tap Road Rage Against Driving Ban - AP

Bail Set for Billionaire Accused of Corruption With Mubarak - WP

Morocco's King Proposes Limited Steps to Democracy - NYT

Morocco's King Mohammed Unveils Constitutional Reforms - BBC

King Declares Morocco a Constitutional Monarchy - AP

Lawyer: Tunisia's Ex-President Denies Charges - AP

Latest Developments in Arab World's Unrest - AP

Al Qaeda

Bin Laden Court Case Dismissed - WP

Osama Bin Laden: US Drops Embassy Bomb Terror Charges - BBC

Where will Zawahiri Take al-Qaeda? - WP opinion

US Department of Defense

Navy Spike in Commanding-officer Firings - WP

Marine Reservist in Custody after Pentagon Scare - AP

Man Found With Suspicious Materials in Virginia - NYT

Army Suicides in May are Most in Nearly a Year - S&S

After Fighting a War Comes the Fight for a Civilian Job - UST

Lawmakers Want Obama to Halt DADT Repeal - S&S

Crew: Amphib San Antonio Finally Fixed - DN

Army Announces Site for National Museum - AFPS

United States

Mayors See End to Wars as Fix for Struggling Cities - NYT

Military Spending on the Sgenda as US Mayors Meet - AP

US Pledges to Raise Deportation Threshold - NYT

Obama Extends National Guard Border Deployment - AP

United Nations

UN Security Council Backs Second Term for Ban Ki-moon - BBC


Ivory Coast Deadline for ICC Testimony - BBC

Sudan Fear for Missing UN Worker Hawa Abdullah Mohammed - BBC

In Sudan, Genocide Anew? - WP opinion


Gunfight Kills Several in Mexico Border City - AP

Mexican Teenage Girls Train as Drug Cartel Killers - Reuters

Mexico Arrests Ex-Soldier Accused in Massacre - AP

Mexico Finds $2.4 m. in Phone Cable Headed for Venezuela - AP

2 Killed, 18 Hurt as Troops Storm Venezuela Prison -AP

Venezuelan Forces Storm Prison 'to Protect Lives' - BBC

Guatemala Arrests Ex-General in 1980s Killings - AP

Asia Pacific

China: Maritime Patrols on the Rise - NYT

Naval Drills Seen as Warning to Vietnam - LAT

Philippines to China: Don't Intrude Into Our Water - AP

China Celebrates Anniversary of Group With a Long Blacklist - NYT

Another Japan Reactor Tests Nation's Will - NYT

US Helps Vietnam to Eradicate Deadly Agent Orange - BBC

Thai Yellow Shirts Protest Against Leaders, UNESCO Temple Listing - VOA


Medvedev Tells Investors Russia will Reform - WP

Germany Says Creditors Can Be Shielded in Greek Bailout - NYT

Greece: Merkel and Sarkozy Urge Bail-out - BBC

Belarus Leader Rejects Reforms to End Crisis - Reuters

Why Europe No Longer Matters - WP opinion

South Asia

'Powerful Bomb' Defused on Indian Passenger Train - VOA