Small Wars Journal

20 April SWJ Roundup

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 6:33am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

Admin Note: More and more dailies (NYT, LAT, Times of London, WSJ…) are now charging a subscription for access to their articles. SWJ will continue to link to individual articles but recognizes that this trend is a sign of the times (no pun intended). We will continue as long as it is feasible to post a decent Roundup without expecting readers to fork up bucks for subscriptions.


US Blames Haqqani Network for Afghanistan Attacks - VOA

Karzai: Need for Faster Afghan Security Transition - VOA

Karzai Seeks Swifter Troop Pullout Amid Photos Furor - LAT

Karzai: Photos 'Disgusting' - CNN

Afghan Official Floats Idea of Overhauling Constitution - LAT

Four US Soldiers Feared Dead after Chopper Crash - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

How Will Photos Impact US Mission?  - CNN opinion



Clinton Calls for Tough Sanctions If Syria Ignores UN Peace Plan - VOA

Panetta, Dempsey Agree International Accord Needed on Syria - AFPS

US Defense Secretary: Pentagon Ready to Help Protect Syrian People - VOA

Pentagon Leaders Say America Will Be Ready if Needed in Syria - AP

Pressure Builds for Tougher Line as Syria Said to Shun Peace Plan - NYT

UN Security Council Considers Larger Syria Monitoring Mission - VOA

UN Aims to Triple Syria Observer Team Next Week - AP

Syria Ceasefire 'Very Fragile', More Monitors on Way - Reuters

Friends of Syria Hint at Use of Force - WP

China Says Willing to Send Observers to Syria - AP

France Working on Syria UN Observer Mission Resolution - Reuters

Syria Precarious, Warns UN's Ban - BBC

Syrian Sunnis and Shiites Caught Up in Kidnapping Tit-for-Tat - LAT

Syrian Troops Shell Central City of Homs - AP

Analysis: Violence Sidelines Syrian Moderates - AP



Iraq Insurgency Asserts Presence With Wave of Attacks - NYT

Al-Qaida in Iraq: Wave of Bombings Just the Start - VOA

Al-Qaida Claims Iraq's Worst Violence in a Month - AP


Middle East / North Africa

Tiny Gulf Islands Rekindle Big Arab-Iran Dispute - AP

Bahrain Protesters Call for ‘Days of Rage’ as Grand Prix Nears - VOA

Unease Surrounds Bahrain Grand Prix - NYT

Security Stepped Up at Bahrain F1 - BBC

Leader Says Hamas Against Any Peace With Israel - AP

UN Rights Office Says Gaza Executions Unlawful - AP

Yemeni Says 18 Militants Killed in Qaeda-Held Area - Reuters

Egyptian Voters Weigh Options in Narrowed Presidential Field - VOA

Turmoil in Egypt Race Puts Spotlight on Panel’s Motives - NYT

Egypt's Brotherhood Blasts Mufti's Jerusalem Visit - AP

The Iran Squeeze - LAT opinion

Egypt Has No Decent Choices - TG opinion


US Department of Defense

US Missile Defense Counters Growing Threat - AFPS

Study Recommends Deploying Lasers on Ships, Bases and Planes - S&S

Two Marines to Be Dismissed for Lying About Haditha Killings - S&S

Navy's Top Enlisted Chief: More 'Heads Up' for Sailors Being Separated - S&S

Navy Commander Fired for Allegedly Falsifying Records - S&S

Two Guantánamo Detainees Freed, the First in 15 Months - NYT

No Real Justice in Guantanamo - LAT opinion


United States

A Military and Intelligence Clash Over Spy Satellites - NYT

Clinton, Panetta Discuss Diplomatic, Defense Policies - AFPS

US Agencies Probe Secret Service Prostitution Scandal - VOA

US Expands Inquiry of Misconduct by Agents in Colombia - NYT

Colombia Prostitute Tells of Row with Secret Service Agent - BBC

Ousted Secret Service Supervisors in Scandal in Colombia Identified - WP

FAA and Drones: A Bad Match - WP opinion



'Huge' Water Resource in Africa - BBC

US: Sudan and South Sudan Want to Avoid 'All-Out War' - VOA

US Struggles to Head Off Wider Sudan Conflict - Reuters

As Sudanese Clashes Escalate, So Do Bellicose Exchanges - NYT

Sudanese President Threatens War - WP

South Sudan Says Not at War With Sudan - VOA

Sudan Vows to Teach South Sudan 'a Final Lesson' - LAT

South Sudan Oil Seizure 'Illegal' - BBC

Uganda Says Would Back South Sudan in Any Sudan War - Reuters

Torture by Somali Pirates Detailed at Va. Trial - AP

Boko Haram Kill Seven Civilians in North Nigeria - Reuters

Rwanda Genocide Suspect Sent Home - BBC

Genocide Trial to Be Held in Rwanda for First Time - AP

Guinea-Bissau Transition Rejected - BBC

Calls for UN Force for Guinea-Bissau - AP

Mali's Military Frees Arrested Officials - Reuters

Mali ex-Leader Flees to Senegal - BBC



Mexican Lawmakers Approve Watered-down Political Reforms - LAT

In Mexico, a Volcano Rumbles, but Few Flinch - NYT

Mexico: Indigenous Town Temporarily Holds 16 Officers - AP

Mexico Leftist Moves Into Second Place in Presidential Poll - Reuters

US Transfers 2 Guantanamo Prisoners to El Salvador - AP

Iran Diplomat in Brazil Scandal - BBC

Venezuela Could Be Ready to Explode - PJM opinion


Asia Pacific

North Korea Tops List of Pentagon Threats - CNN

South Korea Unveils New Missile Capable of Hitting all of North - S&S

South Korea Says It Has New Missile - NYT

Panetta: China Assisting North Korean Missile Program - Reuters

Defense Experts: N. Korea Missile Truck Possible Violation of Sanctions - VOA

Experts: N. Korea Missile Carrier Likely from China - AP

China: After Ouster of Bo Xilai, Families of Thousands Seek Justice - WP

China Death 'Cover-up Started Immediately' - BBC

Disgraced Chinese Official’s Loyalists Are Rounded Up for Questioning - NYT

Philippines Says New China Ship Aggravates Sea Row - AP

Japan Confronts Unpopular Decisions - WP

Burma’s NLD to Boycott Parliament over Oath of Office Dispute - VOA

Europe to Suspend Burma Sanctions - Reuters

World Is Raining on China's Parade - FP opinion

Japan’s Challenge - WP opinion

Undermine Foundations of N. Korea Regime - TD opinion



Last Day of French Poll Campaign - BBC

France: With Vote Days Away, Outlook for Sarkozy Dims - NYT

France's Sarkozy Seen Losing 2012 Election - Reuters

Ruling Greek Pro-Bailout Parties to Win Election - Reuters

Norway Killer Sharpened Aim on Computer Games - AP

Norway: Breivik Studied Al-Qaida Attacks Before Rampage - AP

Norway Killer Breivik 'Normally a Nice Person' - BBC

Norwegian Defends Shooting and Regrets Death Toll Wasn’t Higher - NYT


South Asia

Signs of an Asian Arms Buildup in India’s Missile Test - NYT

India Declares Itself Major Missile Power - VOA

India Missile Test Has Few Critics, Unlike N. Korea - AP

India Struggles to Deliver Enough Power - NYT

Sri Lankans Protest Mosque in Buddhist Sacred Area - AP