Small Wars Journal

9 December SWJ Roundup

Thu, 12/09/2010 - 4:30am

Gates: Afghan Strategy Working as White House Conducts Review - VOA

Gates: Progress in Afghan War 'Exceeded Expectations' - Washington Post

Gates Says Troop Infusion is Making a Difference - Los Angeles Times

Afghanistan Strategy is Working, Gates Says - American Forces Press Service

Gates Declares Afghan War Strategy is Working - Associated Press

Commanders Re-balance Strategy in Afghanistan - American Forces Press Service

Gates Visits Marines on Camp Leatherneck - American Forces Press Service

Karzai's Response to Cables Relieves U.S. - New York Times

Gates Says Karzai Took High Road on WikiLeaks - Associated Press

Soldiers in Kandahar Draw Praise, Gratitude From Gates - AFPS

Partnership Brings Better Governance to Helmand - AFPS

Officials Confirm Terrorist Leader's Capture - American Forces Press Service

Afghan War Officer-Training Program Lags, but Makes Progress - New York Times

Marines Fear Toy Guns Could Bring Real Problems - Stars and Stripes

NATO Service Member Killed in Southern Afghanistan - Associated Press

Taliban Video Shows U.S. Soldier Held in Afghanistan - Associated Press

U.N. Urges Afghanistan to Protect Women's Rights - Associated Press

U.N.: Afghan Women, Girls Suffer, Laws Not Enforced - Reuters


Study: Pakistan Loses Credibility In Taliban Battle - Reuters

Pakistani Tribesmen Protest U.S. Missile Strikes - Associated Press


Bombs, Shootings Kill 5 Iraqis, Wound Pilgrims - Associated Press


Iran Refuses to Yield after 2 Days of Talks - Los Angeles Times

Ahmadinejad Sets Nuclear Red Lines for January Talks - Reuters

Iranians Want Nuclear Arms, U.S. Survey Finds - Agence France-Presse

Iran Arrests Editors of Opposition Newspaper - Washington Post

Empty Nuclear Talks With Iran - Washington Post editorial

Do We Have an Iran Policy? - Washington Post opinion

Korean Peninsula

U.S.: China Must Do More to Rein in North Korea - Voice of America

Mullen Criticizes China Over N. Korea - New York Times

Joint Chiefs Chairman Scolds China - Washington Post

Top U.S. Military Official Slams China - Los Angeles Times

South Korea Has a Right to Defend Itself, Mullen Says - Stars and Stripes

Mullen Calls on China to Help Curb North Korean Aggression - AFPS

U.S. Military Leader Chides China Over N. Korea Crisis - Associated Press

'We're at Your Side,' Mullen Tells South Koreans - American Forces Press Service

U.S. Urges Strong Trilateral Alliance With Seoul And Tokyo - Reuters

China's Top Diplomat Meets North Korea's Kim - Reuters

Senior Chinese Official Meets North Korea's Kim - Associated Press

China, North Korea Reach Consensus Over Crisis - Reuters


A Case for Trying Pirates Before a U.N. Tribunal - Washington Post opinion


WikiLeaks, Round Three - Small Wars Journal (post-release - cutoff 9 Dec)

SWJ WikiLeaks Roundup - Small Wars Journal (pre-release)

Fraction of 1 Percent of WikiLeaks Cables Released - CNN News

Officials Pressed Germans on Kidnapping by CIA - New York Times

Pirates' Catch Exposed Route of Arms in Sudan Conflict - New York Times

Saudi Manila Envoy Suspected of Aiding Terror - Washington Times

U.S. 'Wary of China Role in Africa' - BBC News

Shell's Grip on Nigerian State Revealed - The Guardian

U.S. Embassy: Sierra Leone Leader Shielded Aide - Associated Press

Diplomatic Cables Show Eritrean Poverty and Patriotism - The Guardian

China Resisted U.S. Pressure on Rights of Nobel Winner - New York Times

WikiLeaks: Salvadoran Prez Threatened by Own Party - Associated Press

The Rocky U.S. Relationship with Little Austria - Der Spiegel

Hackers Avenge WikiLeaks Leader with 'Operation Payback' - Voice of America

WikiLeaks Avoids Shutdown, Supporters on the Offensive - Washington Post

Hackers Hit Mastercard and Visa over Wikileaks Row - BBC News

'Anonymous' Sets Sights on WikiLeaks Opponents - Agence France-Presse

'Anonymous' Launches DDoS Attacks Against WikiLeaks Foes - PC Magazine

Cyberattacks Are Retaliation for Pressure on WikiLeaks - New York Times

WikiLeaks Sympathisers Attack Websites - Reuters

Swedish Government Website Attacked Over WikiLeaks Link - Wall Street Journal

Operation Payback Cripples MasterCard Site in Revenge - The Guardian Taken Down by Pro-WikiLeaks Forces - Wired

WikiLeaks Backlash Humbles MasterCard Website - USA Today

PayPal Cut WikiLeaks Account Because of U.S. Position - Agence France-Presse

State Department Asked PayPal to Cut WikiLeaks - Christian Science Monitor

Hacker Threatens More Attacks on "WikiLeaks Foes" - New York Times

WikiLeaks 'Enemies' Targeted by Hackers - Daily Telegraph

Hackers Give Web Companies a Test of Free Speech - New York Times

WikiLeaks Supporters Step Up Cyber War - Agence France-Presse

The 'Anonymous' Hackers Behind WikiLeaks Defence - Daily Telegraph

WikiLeaks: Who are the Hackers Behind Operation Payback? - The Guardian

Bolivia Hosts WikiLeaks 'Mirror' - Associated Press

WikiLeaks Case Fuels Debate Over Secrecy, Access Laws - Radio Free Europe

Berkeley May Honor Army Private Accused of Leaks - Associated Press

Follow the Money - New York Times editorial

What to do about WikiLeaks - Los Angeles Times editorial

Who's to Blame for Damage from WikiLeaks? - CNN News opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Combined Strategies, Technologies Help IED Fight - AFPS

Defense Department Leaders Urge Treaty Ratification - AFPS

Senators Make Case for AFRICOM HQ in Virginia - MSNBC News

Inside the Ring - Washington Times

Robert Gates' Inconspicuous Virtues - Chicago Tribune opinion

United States

Man Arrested in Bomb Plot in Maryland - New York Times

Baltimore Man Plotting to Blow Up Recruiting Station - Washington Post

Baltimore Man Charged in Car-bomb Plot - Washington Times

Maryland: Jihad-obsessed Man Snared in Bomb Plot - Associated Press

House Acts to Block Closing of Gitmo - Washington Times

Salary Freeze for Federal Workers Approved by House - Washington Post

Rethinking Foreign Aid - Washington Times opinion

United Kingdom

Protests in Britain Split Generations - Washington Post


Canada And U.S. To Sign Border, Security Deal - Reuters


Committee Sees Sharp Rise in Jailed Journalists - Associated Press


Ivory Coast: Gbagbo Defiant as Calls to Step Down Mount - Associated Press

U.N.: Ouattara's Ivory Coast Poll Win Irrefutable - Reuters

After Diamonds, Iron Foments Sierra Leone Tensions - Reuters

U.N.: 3 Kidnapped Latvians Freed in Darfur - Associated Press

Western Sahara: Desert Land in Limbo Is Torn Apart - New York Times

Americas and Caribbean

In Mexico, a Legal Breakdown Invites Brutal Justice - Washington Post

Suspected Mexican Drug Lord on Teachers' Payroll - Reuters

Mexican Children Learn to Take Cover In Drug War - Reuters

Colombia FARC Rebels Say to Free Five Hostages - Reuters

Election Violence Flares in Haiti - New York Times

Haitians Violently Protest Announced Election Results - Los Angeles Times

Haiti Protesters Rampage Against Election Results - Reuters

Haiti Candidate to Challenge Elections Results - Associated Press

Cholera Now Throughout Haiti, U.S. Says - Los Angeles Times

Asia Pacific

U.S. Wants More Military Training with Asian Allies - Voice of America

China's Answer to Nobel Mystifies Its Winner - New York Times

China: U.N. Rights Chief Urges Freedom For Dissenters - Reuters


Medvedev's Visit Signals Warming Russia Relations with Poland - VOA

Poland Not Ready to Push Russia "Reset" Button - Reuters

U.S. Aircraft Slated for Poland Rotations - Stars and Stripes

Amnesty Chides Croatia for War Crime Probe Failure - Associated Press

Hague Court Cuts Serb Major's Murder Sentence - Reuters

Middle East

U.S. Settlements Decision Sign of Hope for Israelis, Despair for Palestinians - VOA

Israel Sees Hopeful Signs in Collapse of Peace Talks - New York Times

U.S. Hurting Peace Chances Analysts Say - Washington Post

After New Setback, Obama Mideast Plan in Doubt - Associated Press

Palestinians Question U.S. Ability to Continue Peace Talks - Voice of America

Palestinians Doubt U.S. Will Help Them Get State - Reuters

U.S. Peace Envoy Back to Mideast After Talks Setback - Reuters

Why the U.S. Ended Push for Israeli Building Freeze - New York Times

Militant Mortar Shell From Gaza Wounds Israeli - Reuters

Israel Strikes Gaza Sites After Mortar Attack - Associated Press

Peace Will Come When Palestinians Want It - Washington Times opinion

Egyptian Opposition Figure Calls for Election Boycott - Voice of America

South Asia

Rights Group: War Crimes Probe Needed in Sri Lanka - Associated Press