Small Wars Journal

19 November SWJ Roundup

Fri, 11/19/2010 - 7:37am

U.S. Deploying Heavily Armored Battle Tanks for First Time - New York Times

Unpopular Afghan War Presents Challenge to NATO - Los Angeles Times

'Eye-watering' Levels of Violence After Troops Leave - Daily Telegraph

U.S., NATO Troops to Stay in Afghanistan Beyond 2014 Handover - CNN News

NATO Fine-Tunes Afghan Exit Strategy at Summit - Associated Press

NATO to Back Gradual Withdrawal From Afghanistan - Reuters

U.S. to Use Iraq as Blueprint for Afghan Withdrawal - The National

NATO Lisbon Summit to Discuss New Afghan Plan - Voice of America

Suspicion Abounds Between Afghan and U.S. Troops - Washington Post

NATO Details Afghan Clash that Killed 5 Americans - Associated Press

U.S. Soldiers Achieve Gains in Paktika Province - AFPS

Afghan, Coalition Force Thwarts Insurgent Attack - AFPS

Senators Criticize Performance of U.S. Reconstruction Monitor - Washington Post

Afghanistan Watchdog Fails to Sway His Critics - Associated Press

Afghan Transition - New York Times opinion


Karachi Turns Deadly Amid Pakistan's Rivalries - New York Times

Amnesty Urges Release of Pakistani Christian Woman - Associated Press


A Government Begins to Emerge - The Economist

Is Iraq's New Government Worth the Record 8-month Wait? - Foreign Policy

A Tenuous Deal in Iraq - Council on Foreign Relations

U.S. Says Iraq Pullout Won't Cause Dramatic Violence - Reuters


Computer Worm Was Perfect for Sabotaging Centrifuges - New York Times

Iran Touts New Air Defenses - Los Angeles Times

Ahmadinejad: Sanctions Won't Affect Iranian People - Voice of America

Russia: Iran Nuclear Plan 'Must be Peaceful' - BBC News

U.N. Committee Slams Iran Over Human Rights Record - Reuters

Iran Rights Envoy Assails U.N. Censure - Wall Street Journal

Why Give Iran a Reason Not to Fear a Military Attack? - Washington Post editorial

On War

Sgt. Giunta's Fair Fight - Washington Post opinion

Ghailani Terror Trial Fallout

Verdict Reignites Debate Over Proper Court for Terrorism Trials - New York Times

Verdict Dims Outlook for Civilian Trials of Terrorism Detainees - Washington Post

At Terror Trial, Big Questions Were Avoided - New York Times

Acquittal Shows Justice System's Strength - Washington Post editorial

The Ghailani Verdict - New York Times editorial

The Verdict on Holder - Wall Street Journal editorial

Justice Served in Ghailani Case - Los Angeles Times editorial

Osama bin Laden: Not Guilty - Washington Times editorial

A Terrorist Gets What He Deserves - New York Times opinion

Prosecuting Terrorists in Federal Court - New York Times opinion series

Nobel Peace Prize

Parts of Nobel Peace Ceremony May be Delayed - Washington Post

Winner Absent, Peace Prize May Not Be Handed Out Now - New York Times


Swedish Prosecutors Ask for Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder - VOA

Sweden Issues Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder - New York Times

Sweden Wants Questioning of WikiLeaks Chief in Rape Probe - Washington Post

Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder - Los Angeles Times

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Faces Arrest in Britain - Daily Telegraph


NATO to Unveil 'Strategic Concept' At Lisbon Summit - Voice of America

NATO Set for Crucial Lisbon Talks - BBC News

U.S., Allies Look to Take NATO from Cold War Relic - CNN News

NATO Must Continue Operations "Beyond our Borders" - Daily Telegraph

Europe and America, Aligned for the Future - New York Times opinion

U.S. Department of Defense

Mullen Addresses Policy, Strategy Issues at Harvard - AFPS

Gates, Virginia's Legislators to Meet on JFCOM - Virginian-Pilot

Webb Releases Holds, Suggests AFRICOM Move to Norfolk - Washington Post

McDonnell, Va. Delegation to Meet with Gates on Defense Cuts - Washington Post

After Webb Threat, Defense Officials Turn Over JFCOM Info - Virginian-Pilot

Reid Promises Vote on 'DADT' in Lame-duck Session - Stars and Stripes

Barack's Brokeback Barracks - Washington Times editorial

Cut a Hole in the Defense Doughnut - Washington Times opinion

United States

Foreign-policy Setbacks Deepen Obama's Election Wounds - Washington Post

U.S. Considering Combining Budgets - Stars and Stripes

Obama: Ratification of Nuclear Treaty Is Imperative - Voice of America

Obama Launches Blitz to Ratify Treaty - Wall Street Journal

Obama Forces Showdown With GOP on Arms Pact - New York Times

Obama Urges New START Ratification - AFPS

Russia Wonders Why U.S. Would Stop START - Washington Post

U.S.-Russian 'Reset' in Trouble as Nuke Pact Stalls - Associated Press

No Arms Treaty Means U.S. May Divert Satellites - Washington Times

Stratcom Nominee Cites Multiple Security Challenges - AFPS

Pat-Downs at Airports Prompt Complaints - New York Times

United Kingdom

Leak Exposes MoD Fury at 'Demoralising' Defence Cuts - Daily Telegraph

MoD Unprepared for Scale of Cuts it was Asked to Make - Daily Telegraph

David Cameron: MoD Has a Problem with Leaks - Daily Telegraph


Ham Testifies at Africom Confirmation Hearing - AFPS

Ham Worried About al-Shabab's Widening Reach - Stars and Stripes

Bail Denied in S. Africa for Nigeria Terror Suspect - Associated Press

Nigerian Militants Warn Of More Kidnappings - Reuters

Madagascar Military Negotiates with Mutineers - VOA

Coup Attempt Seems to Founder in Madagascar - New York Times

Madagascar Orders Camp Evacuation - BBC News

Evacuation Ordered in Madagascar After Coup Bid - Associated Press

Mass Break-out at Congolese Jail - BBC News

The Long Road to South Sudan's Secession Vote - Los Angeles Times opinion

Darfur's Doom - Washington Post opinion

Americas and Caribbean

Gates to Meet With Western Hemisphere Partners - AFPS

Mexico: Trying to Save Lives Amid Drug Violence - Washington Post

Mexico: A City Fogged in by Fear and Uncertainty - Los Angeles Times

TX Gov. Perry Backs Sending U.S. Troops into Mexico - Dallas Morning News

11 Alleged Gang Members Killed by Mexican Troops - Associated Press

Costa Rica Takes Nicaragua Dispute to World Court - Associated Press

Fidel Says Happy With Direction of Cuba - Associated Press

Politics, Haiti-style, Can be Chaotic - Washington Post

Cholera Clashes Spread in Haiti - BBC News

Violent Cholera Protests Spread to Haiti's Capital - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Condemns U.S. Congress For Security Report - Reuters

Chinese Woman Imprisoned for Twitter Message - New York Times

U.S. Sanctions Two North Korean Entities - Reuters

Satellite Appears to Show N. Korea Nuke Building - Associated Press

Satellite Images Support North Korea Reactor Claim - Reuters

Japan Is Pushing Organized Crime Out of Business - New York Times

Aung San Suu Kyi Warns Release is Not Evidence of Political Freedom - VOA

Young Activists Use Music, Graffiti to Push for Democracy in Burma - VOA

Family Killed with Impunity in the Philippines - CNN News

Thai "Red Shirt" Protesters Return to Bangkok's Streets - Reuters


France Told to Deal with bin Laden over Hostages - Agence France-Presse

Al-Qaida Says France Must Negotiate with Bin Laden - Associated Press

Germany Copes With Terror Alert - New York Times

Germany In Security Crisis Till Year-End - Reuters

Detonator Destined for Munich Found in Namibia Bags - Bloomberg

As Ireland Nears Bailout, Portugal Waits in Wings - New York Times

Irish Officials Acknowledge Need for Aid - New York Times

Ireland May be Facing Political Crisis - Washington Post

Middle East

Netanyahu: Israel, U.S. Close to Settlement Deal - Voice of America

Israel And U.S. Struggling to Conclude Settlement Pact - Reuters

Palestinian Militants Threaten Israel in Hebrew - Associated Press

Israel Hit by Long-range Grad Rocket Fired from Gaza - BBC News

Gaza Militants Fire Heavy Rocket Into Israel - Associated Press

Gulf States Hatch Plans to Fight al-Qaida - United Press International

Egypt Rebuffs U.S. Call for Foreign Monitors at Election - Associated Press

Egyptian Blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Soliman Freed - BBC News

South Asia

Intelligence Chiefs of India, Canada Meet; Discuss BlackBerry - India Times

Rampant Graft Roils Indian Politics - Washington Times

India PM Quizzed on 'Scam' Claims - BBC News

Sri Lanka President Sworn In, Vows Economic Revival - Agence France-Presse

Sri Lanka's President Sworn in for Second Term - India Times

Bombs Lobbed at Bangladesh Chief Justice's Home - India Times