Small Wars Journal

4 November SWJ Roundup

Thu, 11/04/2010 - 5:49am

New U.S. Approach to Afghanistan Insurgency - Christian Science Monitor

Helmand Governor: U.S. Improving Security in Sangin - Associated Press

Afghan Governor Sees Better Security - Reuters

Alleged Afghan Elections Irregularities Under Inquiry - Washington Post

Probe Launched Into Afghanistan Election Body - Reuters

U.S. to Spend $511 Million to Expand Kabul Embassy - Associated Press

Insurgents Step Up Attacks on Afghan Forces - Associated Press

3 NATO Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan - Voice of America

Combined Force Kills Insurgents in Helmand Province - AFPS

NATO: Service Member Killed in Eastern Afghanistan - Associated Press

Russia Vows to Help NATO More in Afghan War - Associated Press


Militants' Threats Cow U.S.-aided Pakistan - Washington Times

Pakistani Officials Say U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 11 - Voice of America

U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 13 Militants in Pakistan - Associated Press


U.S. Clandestine War' War in Yemen? - Christian Science Monitor

Yemen's Drive on Al Qaeda Faces Internal Skepticism - New York Times

Yemen Al Qaeda Avoids Mistakes Made in Iraq - Los Angeles Times

Yemen Al Qaeda Warned Tribe Against Helping Govt - Reuters

Atop Yemen Al-Qaida, a Militant Who Vows to Hit U.S. - Associated Press

YouTube Withdraws Cleric's Videos - New York Times

YouTube Yanks Islamic Cleric's Jihad Sermon Videos - Agence France-Presse


Iraqis Have Harsh Words for Security Forces - Christian Science Monitor

In the New Iraq, a Familiar Taste of Misery - New York Times

Iraq Parliament to Meet, Maliki May Form Government - Reuters

Q&A: Is al Qaeda in Iraq Coming Back? - Reuters

Al-Qaida in Iraq Threatens Attacks on Christians - Associated Press


U.S. Designates Anti-government Militant Group as Terrorist - Los Angeles Times

Iran Holds Four 'U.K.-linked Men' for Killings - BBC News

Iran Says Four British-Based "Terrorists" Arrested - Reuters

France: Iran Says No Verdict Yet in Stoning Case - Associated Press

Iran Stoning Woman Not Executed, France Says - BBC News

France Says Iran Woman Will Not Be Hanged Wednesday - Reuters


Obama's Star Fades in Muslim World - Associated Press

U.S. Department of Defense

Secretive Company Lands Jet Fuel Contract - Washington Post

Amos Offers Vision for U.S. Marine Corps' Future at Town Hall - Stars and Stripes

Okinawa Candidates: New Marine Base Not an Option - Stars and Stripes

5th Military Facility Shooting Linked to Same Gun - Washington Post

FBI Links 5 Shootings in Virginia - Associated Press

FBI Links Shootings in Washington D.C. Area - BBC News

United States

House Democrats See Their Defense Experts Tossed Aside - Stars and Stripes

Election Outcome May Complicate Obama's Foreign Policy - Washington Post

Concern over Global Impact of U.S. Elections - Washington Post

Shift in Washington Stirs Economic Jitters Abroad - New York Times

What U.S. Vote Means For G20 Summit - Reuters

9 Vets of Current Wars Win Seats on Capitol Hill - Stars and Stripes

Clinton Urges Lame-Duck Senate Vote on START - Associated Press

U.S. Submits to U.N. Human Rights Review - Associated Press

U.S. Men Charged with Aiding Somalia's al-Shabab - BBC News

Solemn End to Trial for '98 Embassy Attacks - New York Times

United Kingdom

Theresa May Defends U.K.'s Defences Against Terrorism - BBC News

U.K. Identifies Al-Qaida Offshoot as Key New Threat - Associated Press

New Zealand

U.S., New Zealand Mend Ties After Nuclear Dispute - Associated Press


Current President, Former Prime Minister Leading Ivory Coast Vote - VOA

In Tense Ivory Coast, Election Results Indicate Runoff - New York Times

Partial Ivory Coast Election Results Show Tight Race - BBC News

Ivory Coast Heads for Runoff Vote - Associated Press

Ivorian Leader, Rival Level In Poll Results So Far - Reuters

Journalist Held as Darfur Rebels Clash With Government Troops - Reuters

Tanzania's Ruling Party Expects to Win Election - Voice of America

France Orders Rwandan Extradited to World Court - Associated Press

Rwandan Rebel to Face ICC Trial - BBC News

Top Kenyan Politician to Meet ICC Prosecutor - Associated Press

Liberian Leader Dissolves Cabinet - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

5th U.S. Citizen Killed in Mexico This Week - Associated Press

18 Dead Found in Mexico Mass Grave Shown in Video - Associated Press

Mass Grave Of Drug War Victims Found In Mexico - Reuters

Mexico, U.S.: Massive Tunnel with Rail System Discovered - Los Angeles Times

Mexico, U.S.: Drugs Seized in Tunnel Near Border - New York Times

U.S. Border Cops Find Massive Mexico Drug Tunnel - Reuters

Colombia and Venezuela Press on with 'Brotherly' Ties - BBC News

Colombia Police Raid Drugs Agency - BBC News

Colombia Suspends 7 in Military After Children's Killings - New York Times

Colombia Soldiers Suspended After Three Children Killed - BBC News

Brazil's Lula to Ease Transition And Fight Currency Rally - Reuters

Chavez Allies Back Basque Separatist in Venezuela - Associated Press

Haiti Cholera Deaths Rise Sharply - BBC News

Did U.N. Troops Infect Haiti? - Associated Press

Confusion, Fear as Haiti Camps Evacuate for Storm - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Stages Naval Exercises - New York Times

Japan Anti-terrorism Data Leaked on Internet - BBC News

Russia Flexes Muscles Over Island Spat With Japan - Associated Press

Japan Warns Russia Against Visits to Disputed Isles - Reuters

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots at Boat - New York Times

South Korea Fires Warning Shots, Second Incident In Days - Reuters

N. Korean Hacking Increases Ahead of G-20 - Associated Press

U.N. Food Agency Says N. Korea Children Malnourished - Associated Press

U.S., U.N. Deem Burma Vote Illegitimate - Washington Times

Obama Indonesia Trip to Highlight Engagement, Personal Connection - VOA

Huge Volcanic Blast Spurs More Indonesians to Flee - Associated Press

Refugees Moved After Strong Indonesian Eruption - Reuters

Clinton Promotes Human Rights in Papua New Guinea - Associated Press

Malaysian By-Elections to Test Mood Ahead Of Polls - Reuters


Russia And NATO Pledge Warmer Ties At Moscow Talks - Reuters

New Bomb Found as Greece Suspends Mail Deliveries - New York Times

Greece Halts Overseas Air Shipments After Bombs Found - Los Angeles Times

Greece Suspends Foreign Airmail Service After Attacks - BBC News

Greece Suspends Air Freight After Bombs Found - Reuters

Factbox: Greek Urban Guerrilla Groups - Reuters

Germany Wants E.U. to Act on Air Freight Bombs - Reuters

France Arrests Two on Suspicion Of Terror - Reuters

Europe's Dangerous Refusal to Share Air-travel Data - Washington Post editorial

Middle East

Israelis, Palestinians Assess U.S. Election Impact - Voice of America

Obama's Midterm Loss Could Be Netanyahu MidEast Win - Reuters

Clinton Hopeful on Resuming Mideast Peace Talks - Associated Press

Israel Halts 'Dialogue' with U.K. Over War Crimes Law - BBC News

Israel Cuts Off Special Dialogue With Britain - Associated Press

Israel Halts Strategic Talks With U.K. Over Lawsuits - Reuters

Israel Attack Kills a Top Militant in Gaza - New York Times

Israel Military Says Airstrike Kills Gaza Militant - Associated Press

Israeli Strike Kills Gaza Militant - Reuters

Finish Rabin's Work - New York Times opinion

Lebanon Cracks Down on Internet Freedom - New York Times

Lebanon: Hariri Court President Appeals for Acceptance - Associated Press

South Asia

Deadly Violence Flares In Kashmir Days Before Obama India Trip - VOA