Small Wars Journal

3 November SWJ Roundup

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 5:03am

Afghan Government Falls Short in Kandahar - Washington Post

Eikenberry Praises Progress, Calls for More Assets - Stars and Stripes

Afghan Candidates Protest at 'Flawed' General Election - BBC News

Afghan Candidates And MPs Call For New Election - Reuters

Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Insurgents in Nangarhar - AFPS

War is Hell - Los Angeles Times opinion


String of Bombings Kills Scores in Baghdad - Washington Post

Coordinated Bombings Strike Across a Tense Baghdad - New York Times

At Least 113 Killed in Series of Baghdad Attacks - Los Angeles Times

More than 30 Killed in New Baghdad Bomb Attacks - Christian Science Monitor

Dozens Die in Series of Baghdad Blasts - BBC News

Series of Blasts in Baghdad Kills 76 - Associated Press

Bombs Kill Dozens as Iraqi Christians Mourn - Reuters

A Look at Targets of Tuesday's Baghdad Attacks - Associated Press

Iraqi Police Commander Held in Church Attack - Associated Press

Iraq Confirms Bomb-sniffing Devices Don't Work - Washington Post

Audit Questions Tensions in Iraq - Associated Press


No Sign of Iran Altering Nuclear Goals - Los Angeles Times

Iran Unlikely to Accept Nuclear Deal, Envoy Says - Reuters

Iranian Woman to Be Hanged Wednesday - Reuters


Intel Foiled Al Qaeda Plot, DNI Chief Says - Washington Times

Yemen Takes First Legal Action Against Radical Cleric - Voice of America

Yemen: U.S.-born Cleric Radical Charged in Absentia - Washington Post

Internet Helped U.S. Muslim Convert Embrace Extremism - Washington Post

Officials: Terrorists Simulated Bomb Delivery Plot in September - VOA

In Parcel Bomb Plot, 2 Dark Inside Jokes - New York Times

Yemeni Forces Hunt for Al Qaeda Bomb Maker - Los Angeles Times

Yemen Hunts Bomb Suspect as Oil Pipeline Attacked - Reuters

Yemen Begins Trial Of Radical Preacher Wanted By U.S. - Reuters

German Letter Bomb Found After Athens Blasts - New York Times

Embassies Targeted In Wave Of Athens Parcel Bombs - Reuters

Possibly Harmful Parcel at German Leader's Office - Associated Press

Turkey: Suicide Bomber Was PKK Member - Associated Press

Istanbul Governor Says Bomber Separatist From Kurd Area - Reuters

U.S.: Hearing Is Held for Man Accused of Jihadist Ties - New York Times

U.S. Department of Defense

Gunfire Targets 5th Military-related Site Near D.C. - Washington Times

DARPA Effort Speeds Biothreat Response - American Forces Press Service


NATO Sees Threats, Reluctant to Say Who the Enemy Is - New York Times

United States

GOP Captures House, but Not Senate - New York Times

Republicans Capture Control of House - Washington Post

GOP Evicts Democrats from House Majority - Los Angeles Times

Voters Foreclose on Democratic House - Washington Times

U.S. Republicans Win House And Gain In Senate - Reuters

Elections Not Likely to Affect Statecraft - Washington Times

START, Defense Budget Tough Issues Facing Next Congress - Washington Post

What U.S. Vote Means For G20 Summit - Reuters

Clapper: Intel Budget will be Moved from Pentagon Control - Washington Post

United Kingdom

Britain's M16 Operates a Bit Differently than CIA - Washington Post

United Kingdom / France

Q&A: U.K.-French Defence Treaty - BBC News

Factbox: U.K. and France Agree on Military Cooperation - Reuters

Anglo-French Defence Treaty: At a Glance - Daily Telegraph

The "South Atlantic Question" in French-British Plan - BBC News

Britain, France Sign Historic Defense Pacts - Voice of America

France and Britain Sign Defense Agreements - New York Times

France, U.K. Sign Treaties, Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Washington Post

Britain and France Sign Landmark 50-year Defence Deal - The Guardian

France and U.K. Sign Defence Pacts - Financial Times

Leaders Hail U.K.-France Agreement - BBC News

Cameron Hails 'New Chapter' in U.K.-France Military Cooperation - Daily Telegraph

France is the U.K.'s 'Natural Defence Partner' Says Liam Fox - BBC News

France and Britain Forge New Path with Treaty - Christian Science Monitor

U.K., France Move Closer on Defense - Wall Street Journal

British Combat Troops to Come Under French Command - Daily Telegraph

U.K., France to Pool Defense Assets, Share Costs - Associated Press

France, U.K. Agree to Unprecedented Military Cooperation - Reuters

Britain and France to Seal Defence Pact - The Guardian

Britain, France Embark on New Defence Partnership - Sydney Morning Herald

U.K., France to Share Nuclear-Test Facilities, Carriers - Bloomberg

Cameron and Sarkozy to Sign Nuclear Deal - The Times / Australian

U.K., France Boost Military Cooperation - Wall Street Journal

PM and Sarkozy to Unveil New Defence Era - Financial Times

Anglo-French Deal Rewrites Military History - The Independent

Fox: Anglo-French Military Force Makes 'Perfect Sense' - Daily Telegraph

U.K. and France Agree to Joint Nuclear Testing Treaty - BBC News

Will Franco-British Cooperation on Defence Lead to an E.U. Army? - BBC News

What U.K.-France Defence Link Means - BBC News

Closer Alliance with France Good for Britain - Daily Telegraph opinion

French-U.K. Defence Treaty Born of Necessity - BBC News opinion

Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys? Non - Daily Telegraph opinion


Ivorian Army Calls For Calm Ahead Of Poll Results - Reuters

Ivory Coast: First Election Results Released - Associated Press

President, Ex - IMF Official Draw In Ivorian Poll So Far - Reuters

Initial Results Show Approval of Niger's New Constitution - Associated Press

LRA Rebel Fighter Numbers Dwindling, Officials Say - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

Mexico Violence Casts Shadow over Day of the Dead - Los Angeles Times

Mexicans Mourn on Day Of The Dead as Drug War Rages - Reuters

Mass Held in Mexico Chapel Built by Drug Lord - Associated Press

Leaders of Colombia, Venezuela Seek Improved Ties - Associated Press

Colombia Probes Agency Holding Seized Drug Assets - Associated Press

Costa Rica Denounces Alleged Nicaraguan Incursion - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

China Rejects U.S. Mediation in Territorial Dispute With Japan - Voice of America

Japan Summons Envoy to Russia Over Islands Dispute - New York Times

Japan Calls Back Moscow Envoy, Summit Door Open - Associated Press

Russia Warns Of More Visits to Disputed Islands - Reuters

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots at Boat - New York Times

S. Korea Fires Warning Shots Toward N. Korean Boat - Associated Press

U.S., U.K. and Australia Warn of Philippine Danger - Reuters

Clinton Praises Moderation in Muslim-Majority Malaysia - Voice of America

Malaysia Promises Fair Trial for Opposition Leader - New York Times

Clinton Visit Signals Renewed Diplomatic Interest in South Pacific - VOA

First Burmese Elections in 20 Years Set for Sunday - Washington Post

Former Burmese Political Prisoners Pessimistic as Election Day Nears - VOA


Russian Police Raid Bank Owned by Kremlin Critic - New York Times

Second Trial Ends for Russian Oil Tycoon - New York Times

Russian Oil Exec.: Embezzlement Trial Much Bigger - Washington Post

Kosovo to Hold Early December 12 Vote After Government Falls - Reuters

Serbia Police Search 3 Sites for Mladic - Associated Press

Middle East

Easing of Gaza Blockade Leaves Many Smugglers Idle - Associated Press