Small Wars Journal

Obama’s Syria Plan Teams Up American and Russian Forces

Thu, 07/14/2016 - 4:52am

Obama’s Syria Plan Teams Up American and Russian Forces by Josh Rogin, Washington Post

The Obama administration’s new proposal to Russia on Syria is more extensive than previously known. It would open the way for deep cooperation between U.S. and Russian military and intelligence agencies and coordinated air attacks by American and Russian planes on Syrian rebels deemed to be terrorists, according to the text of the proposal I obtained.

Secretary of State John F. Kerry plans to discuss the plan with top Russian officials in a visit to Moscow on Thursday. As I first reported last month, the administration is proposing joining with Russia in a ramped-up bombing campaign against Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syria branch, which is also known as the Nusrah Front. What hasn’t been previously reported is that the United States is suggesting a new military command-and-control headquarters to coordinate the air campaign that would house U.S. and Russian military officers, intelligence officials and subject-matter experts.

Overall, the proposal would dramatically shift the United States’ Syria policy by directing more American military power against Jabhat al-Nusra, which unlike the Islamic State is focused on fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. While this would expand the U.S. counterterrorism mission in Syria, it would also be a boon for the Assad regime, which could see the forces it is fighting dramatically weakened. The plan also represents a big change in U.S.-Russia policy. It would give Russian President Vladi­mir Putin something he has long wanted: closer military relations with the United States and a thawing of his international isolation. That’s why the Pentagon was initially opposed to the plan…

Read on.


Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 12:56pm

Obama in his own 20,000 odd word interview disparagingly referred to the anti Assad forces as "farmers or teachers or pharmacists"...MUCH as Putin referred to his eastern Ukrainian Russian trained and supported mercenaties as "truck drivers and miners"....

The green & purple on the Aleppo battle map is what Obama disparagingly dismissed as "farmers or teachers or pharmacists"..

Those "farmers, teachers and pharmacists" handed Putin, Assad and Khamenei a major defeat......

Somehow he seems to have forgotten just who made up the US Revolutionary Army....

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 1:30pm

CAN any SWJ reader/commenter explain this Obama WH is literally driving the moderate Syrian FSA into the arms of JFS.....EXPLAINS fully WHY no FSA unit inside eastern Aleppo fired a single TOW in the lifting of the siege THAT evidently was not in the interests of either the US and Putin.....

US wouldn't give CIA-backed groups weapons for the battle to break Aleppo siege…

US deliberately slowed down the deliveries over two weeks ago with the CIA provided excuse that there are none in the warehouses....oh really is all what one can say ??????

NOW all anti Assad Syrians are saying is the following......
Obama is openly pro Assad and Putin as this point.

The Obama team's plan was to leave E Aleppo under siege so to provide Assad with a decisive advantage. Still the plan.

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 11:36am

In reply to by Outlaw 09

Poroshenko's administration: Ukraine on alert awaiting start of Russian army offensive…

Russian troops have stopped traffic from Crimea to rest of Ukraine.…

Russian military assembling w tanks in Northern Crimea on Ukrainian border.

Ukrainian-Russian Front: Russian tanks to Donbas & Northern Crimea, Attempt on LNR leader, border incident Crimea, Mobilization LNR = Scary.

BUT not a single warning issued by any Western leader especially Obama/Kerry about this potential Russian second invasion and assault....

Anyone want to convince me the US intelligence community has not seen this Russian buildup...BUT WAIT they honestly claimed after the Crimea invasion they had not even "seen it coming"...

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 11:10am

For those SWJ readers who do not think Russian actions in Syria and in eastern Ukraine are not joined at the hip.....?????

Going into Ukraine

By Editorial Board August 6 at 2:49 PM


DONALD TRUMP’S assertion that Russia “is not going to go into Ukraine” reminded us that very little reporting has been done in recent months about the state of the conflict in the eastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, which were first invaded by Russian forces in early 2014. That’s unfortunate, because while the West’s attention has been otherwise occupied this summer, Russia and its proxies have steadily escalated the fighting.

According to the United Nations, 20 civilians were killed and 122 injured in June and July, more than double the average monthly toll of the previous nine months. The Ukrainian army, for its part, reported at least 13 soldiers killed in July. Most of the deaths came in shelling attacks by heavy weapons, including artillery and Grad rockets, that were expressly prohibited by the two peace agreements Russia and Ukraine made. Apart from brief periods, the Russian side has never fully observed the cease-fire, according to reports by international monitors.

Meanwhile, military supplies continue to pour across Ukraine’s eastern border, parts of which Russia exclusively controls. According to statements by Ukrainian officials, at least 19 trains carrying military hardware crossed the border in July. On Aug. 2, authorities reported that 30 tanks, 11 armored vehicles and six Grad rocket systems had been shipped in during the previous week. This despite repeated Russian commitments to pull all such weapons back from the front lines and place them under monitoring.

It’s not clear how many Russian personnel are now operating inside Ukraine; in the past, estimates by NATO and other outside observers have ranged from several thousand to 10,000. Veteran analyst Paul Goble of the Jamestown Foundation reported in a recent blog post that “curators” dispatched by Vladi#mir Putin’s regime “are attached to military units, political organizations, newspapers and radio stations, as well as other distinct institutions.” They transmit orders from Moscow and control all government as well as military operations.

Ukrainian military intelligence has identified and publicly named dozens of Russian officers posted to the region. One who was captured on July 11, a platoon commander named Alexey Sedikov, said in a video posted to YouTube that Russians hold many key leadership positions, such as battalion commander and deputy chief of staff.

Not surprisingly, the Russian intervention in Ukraine resembles its operation in Syria in several key ways. Mr. Putin has employed subterfuge, deception and lies to cloud the operations and their aims. In negotiations and conferences with Western diplomats, his aides have repeatedly agreed to plans to end the fighting, while on the ground Russian forces have continued to shell and bomb.

The Obama administration’s reaction to all this has become painfully familiar. Secretary of State John F. Kerry brokers plans for cease-fires; when they are broken by Russia, he expresses outrage — then returns to Moscow to strike another deal. President Obama continues to insist, as he did this week, that the way to end the conflicts is to work with Russia. The possibility that Mr. Putin has no interest in and no intention of seriously cooperating with the United States in either Ukraine or Syria is one that Mr. Obama evidently finds it inconvenient to contemplate. Sadly, Mr. Trump is not the only one who denies the obvious.

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:56am

URGENT development....this has been building over the last week....indicators are that there will be a massive Russian military ground attack pushing towards the Odessa land corridor where there have been heavy artillery fire strikes coupled with Russian Spetnsaz ground probes....

Lysenko says Ukraine expecting a Rus attack at any moment, either wide scaled or local. Many Rus troops on the move in the Donbas & Crimea

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:49am

Aleppo: Rebels killed the Assad "Special Forces" Commander Major General Mahmoud Aziz Hassan in Ramouseh today.

Two top Assad SAA Generals, one top Iranian and one top Hezbollah Commander have been killed in the Aleppo fighting....

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:40am

JFS used 4 MVBIED's to aide in the Aleppo Offensive
Both IS and JFS strategically use SVBIEDs as their cruise missiles and extremely effectively to say the least....

Footage: SVBIED detonated in Regime positions in Ramoussah. #Aleppo.

Western journalists concerned about rebels using SVBIEDs. They have no air force. These brave men gave their lives to save 300.000

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:18am

Looks like those so called "moderate Iranians" somehow got lost and ended up in Aleppo.......

Inside an Iranian bastion in Ramoussah: Iranian currency, Fatemiyoun Brigade's flag & ammo.

Why are they not fighting inside AFG against the Taliban and IS or in Iraq...just why did they end up in Aleppo????

Just another case of Iranian imperialism the Obama WH would rather just forget about.....

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:04am

@RevolutionSyria · 1h1 hour ago

1st aid convoy to enter #Aleppo didn't come from #UN or outside organisations but from Syrians in #Idleb #Syria

The UNSC, US and yes even Russia have been totally ineffective at delivering humanitarian aid...why is that....

REMEMBER when Russia stated they are opening THREE humanitarian aid corridors.....NOT a single one was actually opened much less any aid delivered ...ONLY aid was via Russian/Assad bombs....

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 10:00am

In reply to by Outlaw 09

These are the actions of a so called Salafist jihadist group of fighters inside Syrian.....yet they are not "moderate enough" to be supported in their fighting against Assad and IS....

Sometimes dancing with the devil gets the results one needs and the devil turns out to be an angel....that is the calculated risk one takes when one is in a leadership position....

Fatah Halab commander promises safety to ALL civilians in #Aleppo, no matter what.

"We will always be protective of the life of any Syrian citizen despite their loyalties or background."

We saw this when the RuAF in an attempt to bomb the rebels hit an western Aleppo apartment complex and then the rebel fighters took the time to dig out the civilians and take them to a hospital for treatment even though this was regime held western Aleppo.

Secondly, when the rebels cut off the supply lines to western Aleppo they only targeted military vehicles or jeeps carrying regime fighters....never fired a single round at civilian buses or trucks....WHICH regime forces do not do...they target civilians bottom line....

Outlaw 09

Sun, 08/07/2016 - 8:42am

Effectively with this link up the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH Syrian/IS strategy if there was ever now effectively dead.......the lack of US involvement in Aleppo has both contributed to the increase in Syrian respect for AQ and has shown the West that the US is not an effective leader as they felt "doing nothing stupid" was in fact a strategy.......

Moment when rebels from inside #Aleppo meet those from outside East of arty base.

Outlaw 09

Sat, 08/06/2016 - 12:27pm

The offensive will go on till Aleppo is liberated from pro-Assad forces.

Dozens of Assad, Russian and Iranian officers have fled towards Castillo Road.

The same road they attempted to block resupply from getting to eastern Aleppo......

Outlaw 09

Sat, 08/06/2016 - 11:35am

How rebels/civilians see Aleppo battle:Int'l community failed/abandoned them, Islamists supported them. Geneva got them nothing,fighting did.

Probably a very accurate assessment.....

Outlaw 09

Sat, 08/06/2016 - 10:21am

Judging by propaganda statements & footages on Aleppo Artillery base, Assad Regime is in a state of panic unseen since Idlib setbacks in 2015.

NOW that the rebels have intermixed into western Aleppo it will be harder for the RuAF to bomb Aleppo without hitting regime areas....

Western Aleppo is now under rebel siege.....with all supply lines cut for food and reinforcements....

Outlaw 09

Sat, 08/06/2016 - 10:11am

In reply to by Outlaw 09

Breaking 2 hospitals in Millis & Sarmin were hit by Assad airstrikes in rural #Idlib today, reports say they’re not operational anymore

Several killed & many wounded including a doctor, medical staff members & patients in the Assad airstrike on Millis hospital in rural #Idlib

Aftermath of Assad airstrikes on Marj Clinic Centre 2 days ago. Clinic provided services to ~40K people

The regime & Russia are systematically destroying hospitals to ensure those who are injured in their bombings die

Outlaw 09

Sat, 08/06/2016 - 10:10am

Rebels say "tens of meters" to open #AleppoUnderSiege.
400 in my latest estimate.

BREAKING. The siege of E. #Aleppo is now over.
Rebels from outside met with those inside the city.

6th Aug: 24 days for Regime to implement full siege on Rebel-held #Aleppo & 7 days for Rebels 2 break it despite fighting vs massive Russian aircover

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:38pm

Now FSA and their supporting groups have launched a major push from inside eastern Aleppo to link up with the JFS/Sham groups driving out of the artillery base towards them in Aleppo.....

We are about to see a complete reverse siege of the Assad regime western Aleppo and their being cut off from government resupplies and troops....

battle of breaking siege of #Aleppo has been lunched from inside the city toward #Ramousa

Who would have assumed the rebels were this organized??...what could they do if focused against IS If the US had assisted them in throwing Assad out....

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:13pm

AND Obama/Rhodes/Kerry wanted to seriously work with Putin.......

"We feel betrayed"

Liwa al-Mu’tasim confirms #Russia's attempt to poach US-backed rebels:

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:24pm

In reply to by Outlaw 09

This is a major win as they have not been able to capture this regime base in over four years...all under constant Russian CAS and deliberate bombing of civilians....

Done with only 4200 fighters.....

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 12:22pm

In reply to by Outlaw 09

Abu Saeed Al-Halabi ‏@Saeed__Saeed01 · 1h1 hour ago

Great work by Fatah Halab groups in eliminating regime's artillery, ATGM positions, heavy guns and tanks.

Jaysh Fatah advances in Artillery College, JFS - Fil rockets pounding it beforehand #Aleppo

Update || It is going fast. The officers building, 2 faculty buildings and an ammo storage taken over by JFS inghimasi fighters.

This is huge! JFS capters 3 main buildings inside Ramousa Artillery Base after a MVBIED. Regime defence lines start collapsing.

After some difficulties the Aleppo offensive enters its 3rd phase. JFS inghimasiyin are storming the Ramousa Artillery Base as we speak.

Jaish al-Sunnah: Aleppo artillery school completely captured

My recent piece on Ramouseh Artillery Base in Aleppo, currently falling to AQ-linked rebels

Jaish Al-Fateh released first picture showing howitzers inside Artillery Base, #Aleppo

Syria:footage of moments before Jaysh al-Fatah launches its offensive on the artillery base

Video : At Aleppo's doors: interview w/Jaysh Fath/Ahrar al-Sham commander Hussam Abu Bakr @hosm_sa

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 11:53am

HAVE the Syrian rebels done what the Obama WH has always cannot be militarily won.....BUT they definitely have changed that perception......

Ahrar al-Sham tweeted:
"God willing, today we will meet our people, trapped in Aleppo
God willing, today is the day of our revenge."

Acc. to rebel sources, #AleppoUnderSiege is already opened tonight.
Without the help of the west.

Three rebel groups claim: #Assad forces are fleeing the Ramouseh Artillery Base.
Rebels said to be in full control.

Syrian rebels claim to have taken the Military Arming College just south of the Ramouseh Artillery Base.

Jabhat Fatah al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham claim to have pierced the first line of defence in the #Assad artillery base.

Syrian rebels' suicide attacks are their substitute for regime&Russian air strikes.
With the diff. that 95% of them hit mil. targets.

When you think,you've seen it all
Syrian hero @HadiAlabdallah is back near #Aleppo,interviewing ppl. in a wheelchair

MustWatch @BBC doc. on the latest #Assad/#Putin attacks on hospitals & children in #Aleppo.

Unique ... pro-#Assad SCUM mocks barrel bomb victims, destroyed bakeries and ... me.

A combined #Putin/#Assad air strike almost killed half of the #Aleppo media activists.

GRAPHIC..will not post the photos of the killed children.....
More horrific aftermath pictures of this morning's heavy airstrikes on #Aleppo|s rebel-held al-Marja neighbourhood

Faylaq Al-Sham blew up with an #ATGM a 23 mm gun near Artillery base, W. #Aleppo.

Still heavy clashes raging inside Artillery Base, not fully taken. #Aleppo.

Jaish Al-Fateh's Inghimasi progressing fast inside Artillery base, saying they are now in control of 50% of whole complex. #Aleppo

Ahrar Al-Sham artillery (incl. new MRLS) at work to shell Artillery base in W. #Aleppo.

Breaking. Jaish Al-Fateh claims control of Southern part of Artillery base, W. #Aleppo.

Faylaq Al-Sham pounding Artillery Base with Elephant missiles, #Aleppo.

Jaish Al-Sunna (part of #JaF) announces its participation to the ongoing Rebel assault in #Aleppo.

For the first time since the Battle to break the siege, Jaish Al-Fateh's Inghimasi are now entering inside Artillery base.

Breaking. Jaish Al-Fateh detonated a SVBIED inside Artillery Base. #Aleppo

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 4:52am

Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH Syrian FP hard at work protecting Syrians from war crimes and genocide.....

Julian Röpcke @JulianRoepcke
Listen in!
I interviewed pediatrician Dr. Hamza inside #Aleppo this morning when the bombings started around him.

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 4:44am

In reply to by Outlaw 09

Somehow Obama/Rhodes/Kerry MUST truly think they are second rate bit actors in a second rate sitcom called "US FP in Syria"....

Is this the best that can come out of this WH which has a 700 person NSC supporting them......

Obama: If Russia doesn't play nice in Syria, they "will have to answer for that on the international stage."

Just what the heck does this statement actually mean to anyone listening especially in Moscow????.....nothing, nada, not think this will impress Putin for a single second....

THAT is just how far the US FP in this administration has fallen.....

Outlaw 09

Fri, 08/05/2016 - 4:22am

While it is being alleged this week that Obama stated "he did not trust Putin on anything he says on Syria" is his total lack of a Syrian FP that has the US FP in a total mess "by not doing anything stupid"........NOT Putin who carries out his own FP extremely effectively in Syria......

Farewell To Aleppo, by failing to protect it we have failed ourselves @POLITICOEurope Op-Ed.

Ryabkov: #Russia 's Only Goal in #Aleppo is Solving Humanitarian Issue #Syria #Сирия

BUT WAIT....this is the actual "Russian humanitarian aid"......that the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH still urgently wants to work.......thus in fact supporting Russian and Assad genocide and war crimes......

By bombing IDP camps, hospitals, schools, water supply stations, power stations, civilians, animals....and humanitarian aid convoy carrying "Pampers", medicine and food.......

BTW this same Russian stated three weeks ago that neither Assad and or Putin was going to be attacking Aleppo......

Dozens of Russian airstrikes with cluster munitions targeted an IDP camp in Ma’ara Atarib in W. rural #Aleppo today

The #Russian air force performed hundreds of air strikes on rebels in S-W #Aleppo yday.

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:29am

These are the actions of the "new US ally" that Obama/Kerry wants the US to be associated with....

Russian MFA accused United States in bombardments of Syria that killed hundreds of civilians

More #footage of the coward #Russian cluster bomb attack on innocent #refugee families.

And more.
The definition of cowardice.

Indiscriminate and deliberate Russian bombing of civilians YET they "call out the US".....
Russia also attacked #KhanAlsheh S-W of #Damascus.

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:18am

Al-Qaeda in #Syria "is being immeasurably strengthened by Russian and American policies."

By abandoning Aleppo, the world has empowered jihadists



On July 17, following weeks of intense Russian bombing and ground attacks by Iranian-backed Shia militias from Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan, the regime captured the Castello Road. This meant Aleppo was fully beseiged.

IS, as usual, was attacking the rebels at the same time that Assad was.

So was the YPG, armed wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (or PYD), which had helped prepare the siege by invading Arab-majority towns to the north. The PYD claimed it was fighting ‘jihadists’, but these areas were defended by Free Syrian Army factions and ruled by independent councils.

American artist and journalist Molly Crabapple visited Azaz, a town hard-pressed by the PYD, after its second liberation. She described it thus: “They’d painted over the IS emblems in shocking pink, and then they’d painted the Quranic verse ‘There is no compulsion in religion’.”

Near Azaz the PYD advanced under Russian cover. In IS-held Manbij, it (as the dominant element in the ill-named Syrian Democratic Forces) advances under American planes. American bombing atrocities (such as the strikes on July 19 killing scores of civilians) are less frequent, less deliberate, but just as devastating as those perpetrated by Russia.

Russia is dropping banned cluster and incendiary bombs on a grand scale. Russian and Assadist planes have upped the war on hospitals, hitting six medical facilities in 24 hours (on July 23 and 24).

The US administration has had nothing to say about this. Quite the contrary, President Obama has apparently approved a proposal to cooordinate American airstrikes with Russia, against Jabhat al-Nusra. And the Obama administration has consistently vetoed transfers of essential anti-aircraft weaponry to the rebels.

Aleppo has been all but abandoned by the world

Facing suffocation and defeat, with no-one coming to their aid, revolutionaries and fighters have now decided to unify their energies. For the last four days rebels have fought to lift the siege, attacking from multiple directions on a 20-km-long front.

Demonstrators, meanwhile, are marching in support of the battle, and citizens are organising their own inpromptu No-Fly Zone, burning hundreds of tyres to cloud the skies and protect the advancing fighters. These include Free Army and Islamist battalions from across Aleppo and northern Syria.

To the south of the city, the vanguard force is Jaish al-Fateh, comprising Ahrar al-Sham and the jihadists of Jabhat al-Nusra. Jaish al-Fateh is close to breaking the siege.

America watched or actively collaborated as Aleppo was driven into the abyss. Nusra, on the other hand, came to the people’s rescue. What message does this send?

For Syrians facing death and no good options, military realities must weigh heavier than social and political differences. In other words, in current conditions, they have no choice but to work with Nusra.

Now rebranded as ‘Fateh al-Sham’ and formally delinked from al-Qaida, Nusra is embedding itself by military prowess. Its role is being immeasurably strengthened by Russian and American policies.

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 11:13am

What has @JohnKerry's Russian allies been up to? Lets take a look:

CCTV from inside of a #Aleppo hospital filled with healthcare providers&patients as they are bombed 3 days ago …

With no assistance from the West....Syrians on their own.....
Just launched - @sentry_syria an emergency broadcast network for Syria to warn civilians of incoming attacks.

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 10:50am

Just another day in the Obama WH "do nothing stupid" Syrian FP.....

Aleppo offensive resumed

Rebels attempt to regain control of Jamiyat & Amiriya

Jamiyat & Amiriya have been captured

Faylaq al-Sham announce start of today's assault on loyalists in S. Aleppo City

Step News Agency EN ‏@Step_Agency1
be with the rebels in the heaviest fighting on the front lines of the city of #Aleppo

Opposition takes control of al-#Hewayez & neighboring areas. S #Aleppo

Rebels in Project 1070 (S. #Aleppo)

Today a SAMS facility in #Aleppo was hit by a vacuum bomb. The facility & nearby buildings were severely damaged

Civilians injured by #Assad surface-to-surface missiles on #Damascus countryside

+15 explosives barrels hit civilians targets in #Almashhad,#SalahAddin& #Ansari neighborhoods in #Aleppo last night
+10 killed many wounded

al-Zinki spox:#Russia accusation of using CW is completely false to divert eyes from bombing Saraqeeb with Chlorine

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 10:24am

After bombing DIAPERS on their way to babies in Aleppo,will Moscow now be declaring "Pampers" an American sponsor of terrorism?!

Complete truck load totally destroyed AND the US and Russia "talk" about the delivery of humanitarian aid .....nowhere to be seen.....

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 4:14am

Actually an interesting take on the Obama full tilt towards Iran at even the expense to the Syrians.....and Syria....

Obama's Secret Iran Strategy

The president has long been criticized for his lack of strategic vision. But what if a strategy, centered on Iran, has been in place from the start and consistently followed to this day?

Long but worth reading as it ties into a number of things that have strangely occurred since the "Iran Deal".....and even the recent DoS spokesperson critique/attack of those that have pointed to the failures seen already within the "Iran Deal".....

Outlaw 09

Thu, 08/04/2016 - 2:42am

"AQ Reaps Rewards of US Policy Failures on #Syria"

This article must be truly inhaled as it goes to the heart of the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH failures in Syria that have us now working potentially with Assad and Putin both war criminals and drivers of genocide...a first for US FP.....after we stated to the world we as a country would never allow genocide to occur again in the world....

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 3:42pm

Difference between Bosnia & Syria is after 4 shameful years & 1 Srebrenica, the West finally acted.

In 5 years Syria has had 50 Srebrenicas

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 3:02pm

In reply to by Outlaw 09

The besieging of #Aleppo and the split have pushed many people to either join #al_Nusra or to at least consider it

All because the Obama WH felt "do nothing stupid" was the best FP for the Syrians...and now????

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 2:47pm

In reply to by Outlaw 09

The Case for (Finally) Bombing Assad


Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry have long said there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict. Unfortunately, Russia and Iran seem to think there is — or at least that no acceptable political outcome is possible without diminishing the rebels and strengthening the Syrian government. It is time for the United States to speak the language that Mr. Assad and Mr. Putin understand.

After hitting the humanitarian convoy from #Turkey, #Russia now hit a rebel depot just at the #Turkish border.

Russia bombing now warehouses for aid near Bab al-Hawa at the border with #Turkey

Leftovers of cluster bombs which were used together with traditional bombs & a bomb carpet.

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 1:44pm

Did not the UNSC and Kerry state to the world that Assad and Putin had to allow humanitarian aid into the besieged zones......?????

Suspected #Russian air strikes destroyed a humanitarian aid convoy near #AlAtarib.

MASSIVE bomb carpet on already burning aid convoy fr. the country that protested the downing of its "aid helicopter"

AlAtarib city after a suspected #Russian wave of air strikes on a humanitarian aid & fuel convoy today.

At least 6 trucks with food, medicine, humanitarian supplies and fuel for the bakery generators etc. were destroyed.

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 8:08am

Aleppo offense OPSEC blackout is largely holding........

Abu Saeed Al-Halabi ‏@Abu__Saeed01 · 1h1 hour ago

Aleppo update || Reconnaissance finished, forces gathering, some more MVBIED's, and a media black-out. Will be a long night!

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 7:40am

Allies of @JohnKerry, Obama and Rhodes continue to hunt down hospitals & emergency workers in Aleppo Syria.

M-2 hospital is bombed again just right now in besieged Aleppo! AFTER it was rebuilt from the first air strike

15th Syrian hospital in two weeks......

STILL no comments from Obama/Rhodes/Kerry...but hey they still "trust the Russians".....

Amazingly our own allies in Europe are now becoming more vocal in their distrust of Kerry and the Russians....even the Germans are starting to question Kerry's intentions as he clears nothing with them even after talking to Putin and company.... he says nothing to them....

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 5:25am

You know US FP has reached rock bottom when your own allies of the last 70 odd years no longer "trust you and the Russians"

DOUBT seriously that the Syrian rebels will even listen to this and adhere to it as they have in the past actually adhered and then been constantly attacked when they adhered....JUST as we see the UAF being attacked daily and the UAF not returning artillery fire just to stay "legally inside Minsk 2".....

Assad and Russia have never held to any ceasefire, CoH or regime of silence ...period end of why will they know...EVEN Kerry MUST know this.....Assad and Putin have used these so called ceasefires to realign their battle formations, resupply and then attack again...ALL the while continuing to conduct air strikes....

Syrian crisis: US, Russia agree on “one-week truce in Aleppo


French sources said that a team of U.S. experts was currently in Moscow to receive from the Russians a pledge that could secure a truce of 5 to 7 days in Aleppo, Asharq al-Awsat reported. Russia

Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was informed by his U.S. counterpart John Kerry about the truce.

The sources said talks between Washington and Moscow have reached their “final stage,” with the possibility of announcing a certain agreement in the coming days.

However, Paris was not convinced by Washington’s reassurances, saying that although the international community has pledged to achieve a political transition in Syria by August 1, France has to admit that it did not produce the city of Aleppo, which it said, is about to witness a humanitarian disaster. an effect.

France also warned that no breakthrough was possible if violence continues in Aleppo.

Official French sources concerned by the Syrian file told Asharq Al-Awsat that Paris was not comfortable with the mysterious Russian-U.S. agreement and Washington’s long-term plans.

In his fiery comments, Ayrault called on Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to take measures to “urgently restore the ceasefire and to ensure humanitarian access to all areas.”

More than 450.000 Syrians were killed during the past 5 years according to UN estimates, and 12 millions were driven out of their homes. 7 million Syrians are now refugees around the globe.

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 3:54am

This is the result of the total lack of US leadership and reflects just how poorly this Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH has performed as a center for strategic forward thinking.....

87 people were killed across #Syria yesterday including 14 women and 18 children.
Most people died in #Aleppo (42).

Michael Lawrence ‏@IsraelSpeaker · 1h1 hour ago  Israel
Just so upsetting and the world shakes its head, sighs and has neither ideas nor energy to find/create a solution

Outlaw 09

Wed, 08/03/2016 - 1:07am

Based on geo locating of battle videos coming from the JFS/JAF/FSA assault fronts if their attack pace keeps up they are truly just a few hours away from breaking through to eastern Aleppo AND actually then fully encircling the regime held western Aleppo.....ALL based on the King and Queen of battle....infantry, artillery and armor.

What would they be able to do in countering IS IF they had effective and continuous CAS.....AND they did not have to be "trained up" and provided US boots on the ground...

The Obama/Rhodes FULLY under estimated the internal strength of the Assad opposition....they have repeatedly told the US give us the support to toss out Assad and then we will toss out IS...that is the only solution for eliminating IS BUT instead this "do nothing FP" has led to all opposition groups centering now around the Salafist JfS the former AQ JaN...

What a famous Obama FP success....he helped unify the Syrian opposition around a Salafist jihadi group that stood up as a Syrian group and even split from AQ...

Some of the battle info still flowing out of the battle for Aleppo....

Jabhet Fateh al-Sham said they repelled the attack on 1070 Housing Project, inflicting heavy losses on regime forces

Jaish al Fatah now close to break #Aleppo siege from south
-also old main regime supply route cut

Syria|Aleppo Battle |24 military factions working hand in hand to liberate Aleppo…

Zinki heavily shelling Ramoussah with missiles, W. #Aleppo.

Jaish Al-Tahrir blew up with a #TOW a Regime position with 23 mm gun in W. #Aleppo.

Pro-Regime militias escaping in front of assault by Ajnad Al-Sham (#JaF) troops in Huways, S. #Aleppo.

Suqur Al-Jebal blew up w/ a #TOW a 14.5 mm gun on top of Municipal Palace in #Aleppo center.

Mass shelling with hell cannons battery by Thuwar Al-Sham in Ramoussah, W. #Aleppo.

Faylaq Al-Sham fired another #ATGM vs 14.5 mm gun in Kartoun factory, W. #Aleppo.

Faylaq Al-Sham #ATGM strike vs 14.5 mm gun in Artillery Base, SW. #Aleppo.

This battle might in fact be the turning point to force Assad out....

On Facetime, Assad calls on his shabiha in Aleppo to resist and not conduct tactical withdrawals (joke)

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 12:24pm

In reply to by Outlaw 09

THE Aleppo battle is a six phase attack and JaF is now leading phase three after JFS (JaN/AQ) led the first two phases....NOW number of attacking groups has climbed from 20 to now over 26 in the various attack phases....

Rumors that this new #Aleppo offensive would be the biggest of the #Syrian war so far are turning out to be true as we speak.

3rd phase of militant attack on #Aleppo begun.. Heavy clashes in areas of Sawmill, Research center, Old Aleppo.

At the same time rebels are attacking Ramouseh. Not clear if only from outside or also from inside of #Aleppo.

Rebels pushing north of the 1070 housing complex frontline into #Aleppo's al-Assad suburb right now.

Clashes in different areas of #Aleppo incl. a tunnel bomb as #JaF et al are starting the most intensive push of this offensive apparently.

Violent clashes now in the centre of #Aleppo where rebels appear to push towards #JaF attacking from outside the city sandwiching regime.

Party for regime supporters in #Aleppo cut short. 100,000s of civilians in fear, very troubling.

WELL the Kerry/Putin attempt to work jointly is totally dead, Geneva 2 is dead and the Assad regime forces at least around Aleppo are now even with Russia CAS are in total disarray.....and losing badly...

WOW...that Obama/Rhodes/Kerry do nothing stupid is working great at least for the Syrian rebels right now....

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 11:46am

Something to watch for .... Syria

JaF announces that a major surprise which is coming in the next hours which will be the biggest surprise in the history of the Syrian Revolution.....

Jaysh al-Fatah is the coalition dominated by not-al-Qaeda and Ahrar al-Sham.

Spoke with one of FSA Fastaqem's leaders who just returned from the frontline in Aleppo. He's confident.

Our Signal Corps have monitored calls between high Syrian regime leaders which shows the confusion and collapse they have.
This six phase battle is not about the ending of the siege of Aleppo but is about the complete liberation of Aleppo....

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 7:29am

The #Russian air force (a Su-34) is attacking the town of #Zakya with cluster ammunition.

It's all documented !!
#Russia takes revenge for the chopper downing by bombing #EastGhouta.

Those cluster munitions use the US is afraid to confront Russia on.....

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 7:25am

Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton
No point not laughing at the absurdity, but living down the shame of leaving children with tires to defend Syria will take some doing.

Exclusive: photo of Ziono-Islamist truck delivering Anti Aircraft Defense System to terrorists in besieged Aleppo.

MANPADS seen in Aleppo with terrorists. Most likely local made "Afamia" and imported from China.
- 13-16''
Rubber composition for longer thread wear thus longer burning time

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 4:47am

It seems to have been forgotten that Kerry had set an Aug. 1 deadline for a transition from Assad's rule, or else.

Military campaign to break the siege of #Aleppo goes as planned so far. Final push expected any day now.

Update: @HalabTodayTV field reporter confirm Jaish al-Fath still in control of 1070 housing project near artillery school SW #Aleppo.
Appears Regime counterattack totally failed.....

Estimates of 12000 rebel forces part of Jaish al-Fath operation room getting ready for a final push to break the siege of #Aleppo.

Far from #Aleppo, rebels made significant progress north al-Zara toward thermal power plant north #Homs overnight.

VIDEO: @SyriaCivilDef treating victims of a chlorine gas attack near downed Russian helicopter in #Idlib last night.

Statistical July in Darayya
26 killed & 188 wounded. 536 barrel bombs, 8300 civilians under siege.
1348 Days under siege

AND Darayya is only 6kms from the Assad castle.....

Outlaw 09

Tue, 08/02/2016 - 12:35am

Assad is now using CW....and the West STILL remains silent.....

Syrian oppo media says the #gas attack was in revenge for the downing of the #Russian chopper, 15 km from the city.

FIRST PICTURES of the aftermath of the air strike-delivered #ChlorineGas attack on #Saraqib tonight.

PHOTOs are of children....

Over a dozen suffocation cases reported amongst civilians in the Assad chlorine gas attack in #Saraqib, #Idlib including women & children

Barrel bombs containing chlorine gas confirmed dropped by Assad helicopters. #Idlib #Syria

Outlaw 09

Mon, 08/01/2016 - 3:26pm

Observing warfare in 2016: GoPro's on tanks, drones in the air, coloured boxes marking objects in green and yellow.