Small Wars Journal

24 November SWJ Roundup

Wed, 11/24/2010 - 7:02am

Afghanistan Report Shows Security, Governance Gains - AFPS

Pentagon Report Cites Gains in Afghanistan - New York Times

Progress in Afghan War Called 'Uneven' - Washington Post

Pentagon Offers Grim Status Report on Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Pentagon Report Sees Some Progress in Afghan War - Washington Times

Afghanistan Report Describes Slow Gains in Security - Stars and Stripes

U.S.: Afghan Violence Soars, Insurgency Expanding - Reuters

U.S. Says Violence Reaches All-time High - BBC News

Senior Taliban Leader a Fake, Officials Say - Los Angeles Times

Taliban Imposter: Sign of War Gains Proves False - Wall Street Journal

Taliban Impostor Reveals Perils of Negotiation - Washington Post

Afghanistan Shifts from Reconciliation - Christian Science Monitor

Petraeus: NATO to Squeeze the Life Out of Taliban - Associated Press

With an Eye on a Drawdown, U.S. Growing its Force - Stars and Stripes

Peace Talks a Function of Afghan Government - AFPS

Afghanistan Releases Majority of Election Results - Associated Press

Protests In Kabul as Afghan Poll Results Released - Reuters

Afghanistan May Indict Voting Officials - New York Times

Afghan Election Body to Release Final Result Wednesday - Reuters

Afghan Election Officials Suspended - BBC News

Analysis: Tanks to Afghanistan - New York Times

Worse Than Vietnam - New York Times opinion

Futile Death in Afghanistan - Washington Times opinion

Taliban's 'Burn a Koran Day' - Washington Times opinion


Pakistani Interior Minister Denies Flood Aid Corruption - BBC News

Pakistan Blasphemy Law 'Should be Abolished' - BBC News

Bomb Kills 1 Pakistani Soldier in Northwest - Associated Press

Korean Peninsula

SWJ Korea News and Opinion Update - Small Wars Journal


Lawmaker Blasts Asylum Offers for Iraqi Christians - Associated Press

Police: 4 Killed in Drive-By Shootings in Iraq - Associated Press


Report Suggests Problems with Iran's Centrifuges - New York Times

IAEA Confirms Iran Temporarily Shut Down Centrifuges - Washington Post

Iran Ramps Up Uranium Enrichment Despite Shutdown - Los Angeles Times

U.N. Reports Iranian Nuclear Problems - Washington Times

Iran 'Halted Enrichment Temporarily' Says U.N. Watchdog - BBC News

U.N. Nuke Agency: Iran Enrichment Temporarily Halted - Associated Press

U.S. Says IAEA Report Shows Iran Still Defiant on Nukes - Reuters

Ahmadinejad Adviser Says Sanctions Failed - Washington Post

Transcript of Interview with an Ahmadinejad Adviser - Washington Post

Iran Lawmakers Complain About Ahmadinejad - New York Times

Gambia Cuts Ties with Iran and Orders Diplomats to Go - BBC News

Iran Says Woman Sentenced to Stoning May Be Spared - Associated Press

Iran: Pollution Causes Shutdown in Tehran - BBC News

U.S. Department of Defense

Virginia Officials More Optimistic on JFCOM After Meeting Gates - Daily Press

Fears Ease over Joint Command's Closing in Va. - Associated Press

Big Change in JFCOM Debate - Suffolk News-Herald

United Nations

U.N. Reports Fragile Progress Against AIDS - New York Times

U.N. Says AIDS Epidemic Slows, Infections Dropping - Associated Press

At U.N., Groups Cite Gains Against Land Mine Deaths - Associated Press

International Criminal Court

Witness at War Crimes Trial Weeps Over Girl's Rape - Associated Press


Somali Piracy Trial: U.S. Jurors Deliberate Over Verdict - BBC News


Nigeria to Hold Presidential Election on 9 April - BBC News

Nigeria's Mend Militants Claim Oil Pipeline Attack - BBC News

Nigeria: Lagos to be Africa's Biggest City - BBC News

Kenyans Arrested 'On Way to Join Somalia's al-Shabab' - BBC News

Egypt Says "Amazed" By Ethiopia's Nile Remarks - Reuters

Egypt Eyes Sudan for Wheat Needs - Associated Press

Somali Cabinet Fight Exposes Political Paralysis - Associated Press

Gambia Cuts Ties with Iran and Orders Diplomats to Go - BBC News

Americas and Caribbean

Mexico's Booming Meth Industry - Washington Post

Mexican Expats Warned About Holiday Travel Home - Los Angeles Times

Poll: 49 Pct of Mexicans Think Drug War a Failure - Associated Press

Brazil Police Battle Rio de Janeiro Gang Violence - BBC News

Cuba Says Still Investigating Jailed American - Reuters

U.N.: Haiti Cholera Spreading Faster Than Predicted - Reuters

Asia Pacific

U.S. Envoy Bosworth Calls Nuclear Talks With China Useful, Complete - VOA

China Sets Tough Line in Climate Talks - New York Times

China Turns Up Heat on Taiwan to Talk Politics - Reuters

Flournoy Reinforces U.S. Commitment to Asia, Pacific - AFPS

Survivors Fill Hospitals as Cambodia Toll Rises - New York Times

Officials Probe Fatal Stampede in Cambodia - Washington Times

Gunmen Kill Three Muslims In Southern Thailand - Reuters

Philippines Marks Anniversary of Political Massacre - Voice of America

Burma's Leading Dissident Reunites With Youngest Son - New York Times

Central Asia

17 Sentenced Over Kyrgyz Ethnic Violence - Associated Press


European Police Arrest 11 Suspected of Plotting Attack - New York Times

Police Arrest 10 Over Belgian 'Islamist Terror Plot' - BBC News

Ten Detained in European Anti-Terror Sweep - Associated Press

Political Turmoil Deepens in Ireland - New York Times

Irish Voters Shifting Allegiance to Nationalist Sinn Fein - Washington Post

Political Chaos Engulfs Ireland, Threatens Bailout - Associated Press

E.U. / IMF Ireland Package to Total 85 Billion Euros - Reuters

Middle East

Palestinians Criticize Israeli Land Bill - Voice of America

Eviction of Palestinians Underlines Tensions Over Jerusalem - New York Times

Israel Stakes Out Lonely Position on Jerusalem - Associated Press

Israel: Law Requiring Public Vote to Surrender Land Stirs Ire - Los Angeles Times

IAEA: Syria's Nuclear Stonewalling Deepens - Reuters

Explosion In North Yemen Kills 12 Rebels - Reuters

South Asia

India to Deploy 36,000 Extra Troops on Chinese Border - BBC News

Indian Forces Kill Maoist Rebels in Chhattisgarh - BBC News

Turning Around an Indian State - New York Times

Indian Pol Wins Election on His Record, Not Caste - Associated Press

India Top Court Defers View on PM Role In Scandal - Reuters